
Chapter 1789

Chapter 1789
Listening to Qin Xuance's words, the leaders of the three clans frowned slightly.

What Qin Xuance not impossible!

Although the four ancient clans have been connected with each other for many years, this relationship is ultimately due to interests.

3000 years ago, because of the oppression of the Ming Dynasty, the four ancient clans had to join forces, but they were limited to fighting against the Ming Dynasty.

They understand the truth of cold lips and teeth.

And in the past 3000 years, because of the invasion of the evil race... Among the four ancient clans, it is not that there are no one who walks the world.

But only a few.

On the contrary, they were a little bit happy, after all, the Great Ming Dynasty oppressing them had collapsed.

They just need to hide their strengths and bide their time, it is not impossible to destroy the evil race.

Although the evil race is powerful, after all, in the Sky Continent, some people are not acclimatized.

However, before they took any action, the Zuojia Ming Sect rose up, and the common people all over the world saw the hope of the revival of the human race.

For them, this is a good thing, but also a bad thing!
Because, once the Zuojia Mingjiao succeeds, it will definitely become the next Great Ming Dynasty.

They don't want to be oppressed anymore.

Therefore, they chose to join forces again.

This world... has classes.

Some people are born to be superior.

And some people are just ants crawling in the mud.

Those who are high above, why bother to put on an air and pity the ants below?

1000 years ago, Zuojia Mingjiao was destroyed.

The four ancient clans finally ushered in the gesture of ruling the world...

However, with the aspirations of the four ancient clans to conquer the world, the alliance between them has already existed in name only.

However, there are still some hypocritical politeness.

And in the past 1000 years, the four ancient clans have also formed a strange balance in the secret struggle.

But they all understand that this weird balance will be broken sooner or later.

It's just that the Zuojia Mingjiao has once again risen.

This relieved the situation of the four ancient clans fighting secretly.Especially after the return of the Ming Cult and the killing of the Emperor of the Xie Clan in Linhuang Town, the four clans allied again.


After all, is it the Mingjiao of the past? Except for Lin Huang who is expected to be the best, the overall strength of the Mingjiao is not as strong as it was back then.

Whether it can be successful or not is another matter.

In this way, the alliance of the four ancient clans cannot be absolutely stable.

The three present and Di Tianjiao who left had actually received hints before leaving the clan... The destruction of the Ming Cult was just one of them.

And then this action, it may be crucial to achieve the goal.

After all, if one of the four ancient clans is less, then the other three clans can obtain more resources.

Thinking of this, the three people in the field couldn't help but start to doubt Di Tianjiao's intentions.

If Di Tianjiao hadn't been so cautious, maybe it would have been okay... because apart from Di Tianjiao, none of the other three ancient clans were the strongest.

But it happened to be Emperor Tianjiao, the strongest Xuantian God Clan among the four ancient clans.

He is withdrawing troops at this moment, and the purpose behind it is very likely to be extremely complicated...

On the side, Qin Xuance looked at the three of them in deep thought, and spread his hands.

He was just talking casually, analyzing the possibility for the three of them.In fact, these three people are not easy to handle, and they will not immediately believe Qin Xuance's words.

However, once the seeds are planted in the heart, time will tell.


Suddenly, the holy monk Kurong of the Western Paradise Buddha Kingdom opened his eyes, and he looked at Qin Xuance with his palms folded, "The donor's ability to deceive people with demonic words is really good!"

"A few simple words will cause a rift between us!"

Ku Rong continued, "Perhaps the benefactor is right, and the poor monk also understands what the benefactor is thinking. But...some things should be prioritized. Before the evil clan and the demon sect are wiped out, the four clans will be united!"

"Among the world of mortals, there are brothers fighting against each other, even life and death. But once they encounter foreign enemies, they will fight against each other! Donor, you should understand this truth!"


Qin Xuance smiled, "If that's the case, why didn't the four clans unite with the Zuojia Mingjiao to wipe out the evil clan first?"

Saint Monk Kurong's bewildered eyes narrowed for a moment, then he shook his head: "The benefactor talks too much, my Buddhist sect has closed meditation, and today I will pass on this secret technique to the benefactor!"

When the words fell, the holy monk Kurong pointed out.

Qin Xuance's throat throbbed, but he was speechless.

The other two nodded in satisfaction.

I can't listen to this guy's words anymore. He kills people and kills them. His power is too powerful... Maybe they can go on and on, they will go to besiege Di Tianjiao first, and then go back to deal with Di Tianjiao.

However, the quiet Qin Xuance narrowed his eyes.

These three people seemed to be rational and determined to be an alliance, but Qin Xuance caught the eyes that wandered away at that moment.

not to mention……

Now that Di Tianjiao is wandering outside, he must have some ideas if he didn't catch him as a favorite... This may become a point of conflict among the four clans.

However, in a short period of time, there will be no changes in the four clans.

Or maybe not at all.

But maybe?

When Qin Xuance was captured, the leaders of the three clans set off with great ambitions to hunt down the Ming Cult army.

Even Qin Xuance's words had some influence on them.

But these are nothing, in front of the capture of Qin Xuance, it is not worth mentioning.

With this guy, the Mingjiao's 30 troops would be their prey... Even if Lin Huang came here, he wouldn't dare to act presumptuously.


The ensuing hunting trip seemed somewhat beyond their expectations.

Because the Mingjiao army was fleeing crazily.

They can't catch up.

It seems that the Mingjiao's 30 troops have no intention of saving Qin Xuance at all!
This made the leaders of the three clans very angry.

"Look... your plan has failed!"

After Qin Xuance was untied of the silent phrase, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hmph, if I stab you a few times, I don't believe no one will show up!"

Yaogu spoke angrily.

"That will naturally cause me pain... But, if I die, the Mingjiao army will be able to stretch their fists! Therefore, you will not let me die! Since you will not let me die, then how can the Mingjiao army worry about my life and death! "

Qin Xuance said cleverly.

"Then you and them are not afraid, we will kill you in a fit of anger? Killing one Qin Xuance can reach the 30 Ming Cult army!"

Lu Yaoxian snorted coldly.

"Of course I'm terrified!"

Qin Xuance smiled and said, "But I have many reasons to save my life!"

"The benefactor please speak!"

The holy monk Kurong looked very polite and polite.

"If I die, will the Ming Church become a constant bereavement army? The bereaved army Mingjiao has 30 against the three ancient tribes' 25. No matter what the result is, both sides will suffer heavy losses!"

"If I die, all the strong Mingjiao will appear. My Mingjiao has Lin Huang, Xiao Yishan, and three other great emperors. Even if they are not as many as the three clans in the realm of the gods, the number of victories and losses is unknown. Even if I lose... ... how many great emperors of the three clans will fall?"

"As for Di Tianjiao, what will happen in the face of such a situation?"

"And...Since the four ancient clans have come to destroy our Mingjiao, they naturally think highly of my Mingjiao...Three Your Excellencies, have you never thought of forming an alliance with my Mingjiao? Even if it is not possible, it is only possible to form an alliance in the Langjuxu God Realm?"

"The Xuantian God Clan has kept their strengths and bide their time for thousands of years. Who knows what their strength is? But my Mingjiao's strength is on the table. Wouldn't it be more reassuring to form an alliance?"

"Also, everyone, don't forget that after the old man Li Baiyi Tianji disappears, who among the commanding masters in this world can compete with Di Tianshu?"

"Is the big family behind you really not worried?"

(End of this chapter)

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