
Chapter 1790 6 chess in the world

Chapter 1790 Six Chess in the World
Listening to Qin Xuance's words, the leaders of the three clans became silent again.

What the latter said... seems very reasonable.

But, it's weird.

After all, the four clans have been in an alliance for too long, and both the Ming Dynasty and the Zuojia Mingjiao are their common enemies.

Qin Xuance said so...

The idea is too simple.

"Amitabha, benefactor..."

The holy monk Kurong spoke again, wanting to teach Qin Xuance the closed-mouth meditation.

But Qin Xuance quickly shook his head and accelerated his output:
"Whether it's the Four Ancient Clans, the Zuojia Mingjiao, or the forces of all sizes in this world, in the final analysis... it's just for power!"

"Just like all living beings, pursuing the Tao and longevity!"

"The unobtainable will become an eternal pursuit!"

"I think, standing on top of the world... becoming the ruler of the world is the core purpose of the four ancient clans!"

Qin Xuance rolled up his sleeve robe, "And if the core purpose is to become a big clan standing in the clouds, then the alliance... is below!"

"For the most important goal, even if the righteousness of the alliance is in the way, shouldn't we give up?"

Qin Xuance spoke.

"What the benefactor said is wrong. Buddhism has the equality of all living beings. Taoism has the inhumanity of heaven and earth, and treats all things as dogs, and pays attention to all things in the world, and there is no difference between high and low!"

The holy monk Kurong began to refute Qin Xuance's statement, "What the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Paradise seeks is to lead sentient beings to transcend themselves. The goal of the top of the world is too far away from the Buddhist kingdom. You can't ask for it, you can't ask for it, and you can't be a Buddha if you ask for it!"

"Benefactor, it's better to practice closed-mouth meditation!"

Saying that, the holy monk Kurong didn't give Qin Xuance a chance, and gave another pointer.

However, within two breaths, this closed phrase was untied by Yaogu from the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters. He seemed to be very interested in Qin Xuance, "Go on!"

This made Saint Monk Kurong frown slightly.

Still got stabbed in the back by Yaogu.

On the other hand, Lu Yaoxian from Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace didn't say anything, he looked a little childlike with the face of a little boy.

"Because of the existence of the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the four clans can be maintained for 7000 years; because of the existence of the evil clan, the relationship between the four clans can continue to be maintained; because of the existence of Zuojia Mingjiao, the four clans can be united! "


Qin Xuance cleared his throat, and then raised his voice, "But what if the Zuojia Mingjiao and the evil clan are gone..."

Qin Xuance rolled his long sleeves, as if he was outlining the general trend of the world for the three of them, "At that time, the world will be in Chang'an... the contradictions among the four clans will be further highlighted!"

"Ask deep in your hearts, are you willing to have the same day in April?"

"At that time, the disputes among the four clans will surely come!"

"And at that time, who will have the upper hand? And which clan will be destroyed first? Will it be the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters whose main body is a demon? Although the demon clan has been accepted by the human race long ago. But... When the flames of war ignite, standing on the moral high ground, who will be the first to bear the brunt?"

Qin Xuance looked at Yaogu and analyzed calmly, but those gentle words were like sharp knives, piercing into Yaogu's chest.

"Qin are thinking too simply! Even after the Zuojia Mingjiao and the evil clan are wiped out, our three clans can still join forces and attack the Xuantian God Clan first. Why should we form an alliance with the Zuojia Mingjiao?"

Lu Yaoxian ended up talking to Qin Xuance.

" that so?"

Qin Xuance seemed to understand something, but then he shook his head, "But, there are four races here! Can you really guarantee will be a three-on-one situation?"

"Let me take a guess. Even if the Three Clans Alliance besieges the Xuantian God Clan, will the Wan Yao Temple or the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom rebel and help the Xuantian God Clan?"

"And the first to be destroyed will naturally not be the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace, then it will either be the Buddha Kingdom of the West Heaven or the Temple of the Ten Thousand Monsters!"

"At that time, a three-legged situation will be formed, and the situation will be much more stable. But among the three present, one family will completely disappear from the long river of history!"

Qin Xuance calmly analyzed for everyone.

"It's all just to confuse the crowd!"

Lu Yaoxian opened his mouth, not wanting to argue too much with Qin Xuance.

"No matter how you do it, the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace will actually be the biggest beneficiary... because you will not become the biggest threat, nor are you the best soft persimmons. Your status is too detached."

"But... in the eyes of the Xuantian God Clan, the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is the biggest threat!"

Qin Xuance began to argue forcefully.

"Even if what you said is correct, what will be the result of...cooperating with Mingjiao? It's also just seeking skin from a tiger!"

Lu Yaoxian found another way, and found himself and the others were led away by Qin Xuance just now.

"Hmm... what you said makes sense!"

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Xuance said honestly, "However... we have to see, in your eyes, whether it is my Ming Cult or the Xuantian God Clan that poses the greatest threat!"

Lu Yaoxian lowered his head slightly.

Yaogu also frowned...

Even the dignified Kurong Saint Monk remained silent, as if he was in deep thought.

Qin Xuance's last words seemed to wake everyone up.


None of the four ancient clans is willing to lag behind, but in reality there is always one who is strong or weak!
Once the world is Chang'an, it will be difficult for the four clans to maintain balance!

But the three races can be better balanced.

So... which race should be wiped out the most?
After saying that, Qin Xuance spoke again, "Assuming that only three of the four ancient clans are left, then under what circumstances can it be most stable?"

"It must be the most powerful clan, and it cannot annex the other two clans at the same time. Does the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace have such strength? Will the Xuantian God Clan have it?"

Quietly, Qin Xuance avoided the Zuojia Mingjiao again.

"Senior Lu Yaoxian, I seem to think that what I said is wrong... But I really can't figure it out. If the Xuantian God Clan is destroyed, the strength of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace should be the first choice! And the Taiqing Palace can't compete with the Buddha Kingdom at the same time. and the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters!"

"Benefactor, you still bypassed the Zuojia Mingjiao!"

The holy monk Kurong was very clever, and pulled Qin Xuance back again.

"Why bypass it!"

Qin Xuance smiled freely, "Everyone takes the alliance too seriously. This is the inertia of thinking and needs to be corrected!"

As he spoke, Qin Xuance directed five moves, and six chess pieces appeared in the void:
"Under interests, the alliance cannot be stable. Can you agree with this sentence? If you don't agree, you can shut me up; if you agree, then I will continue to talk!"

Qin Xuance raised his head, staring straight at the holy monk Kurong.

Saint Monk Kurong clasped his hands together and closed his eyes slightly. He seemed to be thinking for a long time, but he didn't speak in the end.

Qin Xuance continued to speak:
"These six chess pieces represent the four ancient clans, the Zuojia Mingjiao, and the evil clan! Everyone agrees with my point of view just now, which means that these six chess pieces do not have a stable binding relationship in essence!"

"And the chessboard in the world can't hold so many chess pieces, so a few of them must be eliminated!"

"Now, please take off a pawn first!"

(End of this chapter)

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