
Chapter 1793 Mingjiao War 4 Clan

Chapter 1793

The sky and the earth were empty, and it became dark at this moment.

It seemed that even the sky was lowered a little.

Above the void, Zhundi and the strong men above confronted each other in the air, causing the space around them to collapse inch by inch, and time became frozen as well.

A war could break out at any moment.

Yaogu grabbed Qin Xuance in one go, and was about to come up with a trick to make Mingjiao use a trick.

But then he was stopped by Di Tianjiao, "Nine emperors confront one emperor, just crush them directly, what nonsense!"

Said, that Emperor Tianjiao took the lead, turned into a rainbow streamer, and killed Lord Grim.

"Kill with me!"

The shocking voice resounded through the sky, ordering the armies of the four clans.


Instant explosion!

Lord Grim retreated abruptly, raising his gun to meet the enemy.

Behind Di Tianjiao, the eight great emperors shot out and ran towards the strong men of the Ming Cult.

And below, the 30 troops of the four tribes began to beat drums and charge, like a torrent from all directions to encircle and suppress the Zuojia Mingjiao!
"Kill kill kill!"

Between heaven and earth, there was the roar of the Mingjiao army, and then a torrent of pitch-black steel rushed down the mountain, rushing away like a vast river.

The war after a thousand years, without the slightest prefix, just kicked off abruptly.

But in the blink of an eye, the void was covered by the holy light of thunder, violently oscillating, as if the sky would collapse in the next instant.

Lord Grim challenged Emperor Tianjiao by himself.

But it was a bit worse. After all, Di Tianjiao was a strong man who had been famous for thousands of years, and his strength surpassed Lord Grim.

And when the Mingjiao powerhouses faced the powerhouses of the four races, they also fell into a disadvantage instantly.

After all, apart from Lord Grim, there is no Mingjiao emperor here.

And the evil race... There are eight great emperors plus more than 20 quasi-emperors, their strength is enough to crush all directions!

Behind the void, Qin Xuance stood high above the Kingdom of God, looking at the battle below with a calm expression!

The next moment, that Emperor Tianjiao looked back at Qin Xuance.

It seems to be teaching these strengths?
If this is really the only way, there is no need for the Xuantian God Clan to cooperate with the Zuojia Mingjiao.

But Qin Xuance acted as if he hadn't seen it!
He flipped the chess piece in his hand with two fingers, his expression was unusually calm.

Down below, the 30 Mingjiao army could barely resist the Alliance of Four Clans, but in the battle above the void, the situation of Mingjiao was a bit ugly.

Whether it is Song Changling or Lu Han, they can be said to be talented, but they are still young after all.

Strength has not yet reached its peak.

Under the strong oppression of the four clans, they were defeated directly.

"Lu Yaoxian, Saint Monk Kurong..."

Suddenly, Di Tianjiao said, "Follow me to directly suppress Lord Grim, and if the lion beats the rabbit, things will change!"

Saint Monk Kurong clasped his hands together, his body teleported into the void, and surrounded and killed Lord Grim.

And Lu Yaoxian frowned slightly...

Something seems wrong.

If it was as agreed with Qin Xuance, this would be an excellent opportunity for them to besiege and kill Emperor Tianjiao.

But according to Di Tianjiao's character, he is not the kind of person who asks for help.

However, after Lu Yaoxian hesitated a little, he didn't think too much, and flew towards Lord Grim!

"Hmph, the three thousand-year-old thieves actually bullied me, a younger generation!"

Jun Mo laughed disdainfully, but his attacks became more and more fierce. He shot suddenly, forcing Emperor Tianjiao to retreat, and then he wanted to run away directly.

However, the next moment Lu Yaoxian blocked Lord Grim's way.As he raised his hand, there was a faint sense of immortality, trying to cover Lord Grim's skull.

The Empress Kurong, a holy monk, also appeared on the side, with a body of three thousand feet behind her, coming towards Qin Xuance to suppress him.

Lord Grim frowned, turned around to face the battle, and glanced at Qin Xuance who was in the distance above the Kingdom of God.

Above the Kingdom of God, Qin Xuance's fingers flipping the chess piece suddenly stopped, and then...a chess piece suddenly flew into the void.

In an instant, an accident happened suddenly!

I saw a dark figure suddenly appearing in the void battlefield in the distance, with a sharp blade unsheathed, piercing Yaogu's figure.


The next moment, Yaogu roared suddenly when he was assassinated, and his body shook to reveal the real body of ancient Qiongqi's blood. He turned his head to look at Jun Qingcheng who suddenly appeared, and punched him away.

Jun Qingcheng raised her arms lightly, and the river of time appeared around her body, and her figure disappeared.

In the next moment, Jun Qingcheng appeared in the other side of the void, she frowned slightly, she did not expect Yaogu to have strength beyond her estimation, and at the moment when she finally sensed the crisis, she avoided a fatal injury.

And the latter reveals Qiongqi's body, which is no longer something she can easily shake.

However, just at the moment when Yaogu transformed into Qiongqi's main body, a woman in fluttering white clothes reappeared above the void.

She was holding a three-foot green blade, her expression was as cold as the nine-day cold moon, and when she drew her sword out of its sheath, there seemed to be a sound of anger from heaven...

With a sword out, a sea of ​​swords followed behind him, heading towards Yaogu to suppress it.

Afterwards, Jun Qingcheng in the distance was surrounded by starlight, revealing the dharma body of the Heavenly Emperor. She rode the long river of time to come, and ghostly killed Yaogu.

In the void, Yaogu was furious, and his blood burst out, like an ancient magic mountain, about to smash the two empresses.


It was at the moment when Yaogu was attacked.

Lord Grim raised his spear, and the spear head that was originally aimed at Di Tianjiao suddenly turned and killed the holy monk Kurong.


The holy monk withered pine suddenly became angry, and the three-thousand-foot dharma body behind him roared, and the monstrous Buddhist teachings suppressed Lord Grim like ancient temples.

However... At this moment, Di Tianjiao raised the hand that was slapping Jun Moxiao's head, and moved towards the three-thousand-foot Buddha Dharma body.

Lord Grim swung his long spear, no longer afraid of the three-thousand-foot Buddha Dharma body, while the red tassels were hunting, the seventeen spears of the divine strategy continued towards the holy monk Kurong.

Three shots were fired, and Saint Monk Kurong stepped back half a step.

After four shots, the defense of Saint Monk Kurong was shattered!
By the No. 13 gun, the glazed golden body of Saint Monk Kurong was completely defeated, and he raised his palm to grab Lord Grim's gun head.

Lord Grim shook his arm and fired the No.14 gun, which shattered the arm of Saint Monk Kurong.

Afterwards, No.15 came out as strong as a dragon!

It directly pierced through the chest of the holy monk Kurong, but it was not fatal.

Lord Grim raised his gun and retreated, giving the Holy Monk Kurong a chance to breathe.As soon as he raised his hand, eighteen levels of hell descended from the sky, and the sound of thousands of ghosts crying and howling wolves resounded through the sky.

Suddenly, Lord Grim turned back to his carbine... No. 16 shot out, and the one-foot-long spear was like a god's spear, piercing through the [-]th floor of hell, and arrived at the forehead of the holy monk Kurong.


Lord Grim whispered, his arm shook slightly.

However... a golden light appeared on the forehead of the holy monk Kurong, which actually blocked Lord Grim's last shot.

The holy monk Kurong seized the second opportunity to breathe, and directly cut off his arms as weapons, and smashed Qin Xuance into the air in an instant!


The holy monk Kurong recited the Buddha's voice, but he didn't fold his hands together. However, he was not sad or happy. The mortal body was full of filth, and it was too simple to be reborn with a broken arm.


Before the last word of Amitabha Buddha fell, the voice of the holy monk Kurong stopped abruptly!

I saw a ray of divine light burst between his brows, and then a trace of blood appeared on his brow...

(End of this chapter)

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