
Chapter 1794 Chaos

Chapter 1794 Chaos
Between heaven and earth, there was a loud noise suddenly.

Then the aftermath of the explosion swept across the entire void instantly like a raging sea, knocking all the strong under the emperor into the air.

People turn back.

His face was horrified.

I saw that the holy monk withered in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Heaven exploded like fireworks, and the three thousand-foot Buddha body also turned into thousands of broken runes and dissipated into the world.

Under the sky, it seemed as if a golden holy rain was falling!
But it was accompanied by the fall of a great emperor!

Several great emperors of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom were furious immediately. They never expected that the Great Emperor Ku Rong, who was in charge of the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom, would fall like this.

Moreover, Di Tianjiao unexpectedly backstabs temporarily!

"Belongs to the Buddha Kingdom, suppress and kill the Xuantian God Clan!"

The Great Emperor of the Buddha Kingdom spoke, his voice full of killing intent.Immediately, the Great Emperor of the Buddha Kingdom killed Lord Grim.

Just now, Saint Monk Kurong broke his arms, causing Lord Grim to fly out in a coma. Revenge is now.


The Great Emperor of the Buddha Kingdom made a move, and there was a monstrous sound of Buddha, smashing the void.He pierced through the years with one punch, and punched and killed Jun Moxiao.

Lu Han and the others were shocked, and rushed towards Lord Grim to help him.


It's too late.

That is the great emperor of the Buddha Kingdom, and neither Lu Han nor others can compare in terms of speed or strength.

In an instant, a monstrous punch fell from the sky, killing Lord Grim.


However, a punch fell and the void shattered.On the other side, there was the sound of fighting.

Lord Grim's figure disappeared and reappeared at the place where he killed the holy monk Kurong.

He started to reverse the time and space before the holy monk Kurong shot, and now it has taken effect, escaping the killing of the Buddha King.

"The emperor is brave, strengthen my Mingjiao!"

Lu Han suddenly opened his mouth and roared, shaking the void.

"The emperor is brave, strengthen my Mingjiao!"

Below, the 30 Ming Cult army roared in unison, and their aura suddenly rose, as if they were divinely assisted, they actually blocked the attack of the four ancient clans.

It's only a few breaths before and after, but the battle situation is unpredictable and changes extremely fast.

Di Tianjiao assisted Lord Grim to kill the Holy Monk Kurong of the Western Paradise Buddhist Kingdom.

Down below, the army of the Buddha Kingdom turned their guns and headed towards the army of the Xuantian God Clan.

The Alliance of Four Clans was completely broken at this moment!
At this moment, it was Lu Yaoxian who was frightened and angry.

He felt a great crisis...

The leader of the Buddhist Kingdom, Kurong Shengseng, was slaughtered, and the Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters, Yaogu, was suppressed by the two empresses of the Zuojiaming Sect.

Obviously, the next one to deal with... might be the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.


Just as Lu Yaoxian thought this far, he felt a great crisis. When he turned his head, he saw Di Tianjiao, holding an ancient Frost Sword, galloping towards him.

On the other side, Lord Grim coughed up blood, but he was still brave. He held a three-foot long spear and attacked Di Tianjiao back and forth, besieging and killing Lu Yaoxian.

"Xuantian God Clan betrayed the Alliance of Four Clans, Great Emperor of Taiqing Palace, Buddha Kingdom, and Ten Thousand Monsters Temple, listen to my orders, suppress and kill Emperor Tianjiao and God Clan Great Emperor!"

While Lu Yaoxian was roaring, his sleeves fluttered up, and a large array of eighteen talismans appeared around him, blocking the instant attack of Di Tianjiao and Lord Grim.

At this very moment, Lu Yaoxian escaped from the encirclement of Di Tianjiao and Lord Grim, and temporarily distanced himself from them.

And behind Lu Yaoxian, besides Yaogu, the remaining three great emperors of the three races flashed over!

"Di Tianjiao, you have gone against the grain and violated the righteousness of the alliance!"

Lu Yaoxian roared loudly, at this moment his voice was full of old age, no longer a boy's voice.

"Alliance? Hmph, it's just a union of interests!"

Di Tianjiao didn't hide it at this moment. With a wave of his hand, he recalled the other two emperors who belonged to the Xuantian God Clan and looked down on Lu Yaoxian.

Above the void, the battle situation became clear.

On the one hand, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue teamed up to continuously suppress Emperor Yaogu.

On the other hand, Di Tianjiao and Lord Grim confronted the great emperors of the three clans, plus the original two great emperors of the Xuantian God Clan, their strengths were very even.

Four against four!
"It's still unknown who will win the deer! Today, I will draw my sword to slay demons!"

Lu Yaoxian spoke sharply, and he put his fingers together, pointing directly at the sky...



Above the sky, there was a vortex of thunder and lightning.Thousands of thunderbolts descended like a curtain of rain, and in the center of the sea of ​​thunder, a section of sword tip appeared.

"I didn't expect you to be able to summon the Heavenly Punishing Sword from the Taiqing Palace. I underestimated you!"

Di Tianjiao let out a cold snort, and flew up into the air, the light gathered around him, and a snow-white armor slowly appeared.

"You are not bad, Xuantian Divine Clan Guangming Saint Cloth, it seems... everyone is mutual!"

Lu Yaoxian snorted coldly.


In an instant.

The two sides did not have the slightest sign, and went straight to kill each other.

Lu Yaoxian summoned the Tianzhu Sword to fight against Emperor Tianjiao.

Lord Grim cooperated with the two great emperors of the Xuantian God Clan and killed the three great emperors of the three clans!
And above the endless black mountains and white waters, the pattern of the 60 troops also changed accordingly.

The army of the three clans began to surround and kill the army of the Xuantian God Clan.

But the army of the Protoss began to merge with the army of the Mingjiao.

The military strength has changed from 30 to 30 to 25 to 35...

Mingjiao side 35!
On the kingdom of God in the distance, Qin Xuance looked at the battle in the void with a calm expression, but took out another chess piece and turned it over in his hand.

"It's boring... I didn't predict my prediction..."

Qin Xuance shook his head, "In this way, my prediction of your prediction of mine will be wasted!"

As he said that, the pawn in Qin Xuance's hand was also thrown out.


It took only a few breaths for the chess piece to fly into the void.

The void shook again.

I only heard an unwilling roar, resounding through the sky, full of hatred, unwillingness, and remorse!
Immediately afterwards, another brilliant firework lit up the void...

The Temple of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Great Emperor Yaogu...

fall from the sky!
Under the sky, Lin Cangxue was wearing Wanli Jianhe, covered in blood, and the cold expression on her face made people feel colder and colder.

And Jun Qingcheng disappeared under the sky again at the moment Yaogu exploded.

At the same moment when Yaogu was suppressed and killed, the great battle on the other side... also had an astonishing reversal.

Just when Lu Yaoxian was fighting anxiously with Di Tianjiao's Bright Saint Cloth with his Heavenly Punishing Sword!Lord Grim suddenly seized the opportunity to pull away and kill Lu Yaoxian.

Di Tianjiao was overjoyed.

However, Lu Yaoxian's complexion changed. He was holding the Tianzhu Sword in his hand at this moment, and wanted to escape from the void in this area, so as to prevent being entangled by Emperor Tianjiao and give Lord Grim a chance.

But Di Tianjiao is such a smart person, the moment Lord Grim flew towards them, Di Tianjiao's attack became fierce. He had no scruples and wanted to join hands with Lord Grim to kill Lu Yaoxian.

But between breaths, a long spear smashed through the mountains and rivers, and appeared on Lu Yaoxian's back.

Lu Yaoxian's complexion changed drastically, and his body was full of talismans, wanting to help him escape from this place.

Di Tianjiao laughed, and when he raised his hand, there were thousands of divine chains above the sky and the earth, like rules, sealing off the entire void.

Lord Grim has already appeared.

He fired thirteen shots in a row, directly piercing through Lu Yaoxian's body!

Above the void, Lu Yaoxian sprinkled battle blood, and his momentum suddenly decreased.

Di Tianjiao snorted coldly, he put his hands behind his back, and stepped on it suddenly, intending to kill Lu Yaoxian directly!


The moment Di Tianjiao landed, something happened suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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