
Chapter 1803 The so-called awakening

Chapter 1803 The so-called awakening

Facing Qin Xuance's words, Lin Huang scratched his head, feeling that he was a bit lost.

"Why do I feel that you are a saint?"

Lin Huang said, "I hope that the people of Sky Continent will rise up, be able to strive for self-improvement, and fight for the human race. But... this cannot be said to be done by sacrificing the Zuo Jiaming religion, but this is the practice of the Buddhist school of cutting flesh and feeding eagles! "

"Is that so...then let me think about it again?"

Qin Xuance smiled, which made Lin Huang somewhat confused about his true thoughts.

Although he hopes that the human race can become stronger, he is always somewhat close, and the Zuojia Mingjiao is naturally closer to Lin Huang and Qin Xuance.

"Awakening requires a price!"

Qin Xuance suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Huang with a serious face.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, nodded after thinking for a while.

He understood what Qin Xuance meant, and Qin Xuance might use some extraordinary means to deal with these human armies that poured into the Langjuxu God Domain.

And the human race has had benevolence and etiquette for tens of thousands of years.

In many cases, this extraordinary method is contrary to the long-standing morality of the human race.

Obviously, Qin Xuance didn't take these things to heart.

Lin Huang... didn't particularly care.


When the four ancient clans fought among themselves, the picture of Mingjiao being forced to profit from the fisherman turned into a continent, but the effect that Mingjiao wanted was not obtained.On the second night, another scene appeared under the night sky.

"How can you have this picture?"

Lin Huang frowned.

That was the scene of his battle with Saint Moye.

"What's so difficult... It's just a retracement of the secrets, which is similar to Jun Qingcheng's retracement of the years. Although it is difficult to retrace your picture, and it is easy to be condemned by heaven, but you are mine. Dao protectors don’t care! This kind of picture, if Di Tianshu wants to go back, it’s okay, but ordinary people won’t be so boring!”

Qin Xuance explained.

"I think that this picture will be difficult to achieve your desired goal in the end!"

Lin Huang said.

"Normal...but let's see first!"

Qin Xuance nodded.

And the entire Sky Continent boiled once again.The news of the internal fighting among the four clans had not been completely suppressed before, and today such an explosive scene appeared again.

Linhuang Town kills the holy demons of the evil race!
Didn't it mean... the Zuojia Mingjiao colluded with the evil race?How could Lin Huang kill the Holy Demon?

That was the head of the evil clan in the Langjuxu God Realm, extremely powerful and terrifying.

It seems that the theory of collusion between the two is difficult to establish.

For a while, the hundreds of millions of living beings on the mainland couldn't be rectified again.

They were very reluctant to believe that Lin Huangzhen, the leader of the Zuojiaming sect, had killed Sheng Moye, because that was an idea they were unwilling to accept from the bottom of their hearts.

They can't be wrong.

So the wrong one should be the Zuojia Mingjiao!

The pictures in the night sky made them have to change their cognition again.

The Zuojia Mingjiao...has not colluded with the evil race.

It's Zuojia Mingjiao who is suppressing the evil race and restoring the Langjuxu God Realm!

But this statement, they do not want to accept, they are waiting for another truth, a truth that they can accept.


In less than half a day, the truth began to spread across the mainland.

Zuo Jiaming Sect and Sheng Moye joined forces to deceive the people of Sky Continent.The purpose is to make hundreds of millions of people betray the four ancient clans...

In this way, the human race can self-destruct the city wall.

At that time, the entire Sky Continent will be decided by the Zuojia Mingjiao and the evil race, and the human race will experience the Eternal Night Era thousands of years ago.

This statement swept across the continent crazily.

Even if there are sober people, more people are still willing to believe this statement.

After all, the majority can't be wrong!

"Sure enough, this is the result!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, he looked at Qin Xuance, "Is this what you want to see?"

"This is enough!"

Qin Xuance smiled.

"Even though these countless people are attacking the Zuojiaming Cult, they are all explaining that the Cult has colluded with the evil race, and there are too many conspiracies and tricks. But... Once these two scenes are released, the effect is not obvious?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "It's quite obvious!"

"It doesn't matter how the wind direction of the mainland is deflected now!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "The important thing is that although they don't admit their mistakes, they are very clear in their hearts. Even if they don't know, they still have doubts! Tell me, can they still fight against the enemy with evil intentions? If they can't fight against the enemy, then their Where is the danger?"

"The threat is gone, and so is the reputation!"

Forest Road.

"This thing is very important... If we succeed, you can write any history books you want!"

Qin Xuance rolled up his sleeves and smiled, "These are just appetizers!"

Lin Huang turned his head, looked at Qin Xuance, and waited for his follow-up.

"Estimated the time, Lord Grim has led the Mingjiao army to the crack of the canyon!"

Qin Xuance said.

"what do you want to do?"

"What can there be... There are already millions of human troops gathered outside the canyon. I am worried that they will get lost after entering the Langjuxu God Realm, so I specially asked the Mingjiao army to come to welcome them and let them enter!"

"You want them to deal with the evil race!"

"You can't waste their blood. Since you want to protect the human race, shouldn't you kill the evil race?"

Qin Xuance laughed and said, "Besides, after the Mingjiao army leaves the Langjuxu God Realm, they will go to places where there are many evil races. They want to kill the Mingjiao army, so just follow them!"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, then smiled and said, "It's a good way!"

"The four ancient clans want to use the power of the whole world to deal with the Mingjiao, which is a good way. After all, not long ago, the Mingjiao sent troops to the world to guard the attacks of the evil clans in the four directions, but it only temporarily changed the people's thinking. .Aren’t they still yelling at the Ming Cult now? But they have also forgotten that the existence of weak will and easy manipulation is rootless duckweed. Even if it is useful, what use is it?”

Qin Xuance said.

"I understand what you mean... Reputation is not important, and I don't care either! But these marionettes really want to harm the Ming Cult, and they don't need to be merciful! The key lies in the four ancient clans!"

Lin Huang understood Qin Xuance's meaning, anyway, no matter how violent the people on the mainland were, the hearts of the people were not in harmony, it was just a state of disunity.For Mingjiao, there is not much threat.

Since there is no threat, there is no need to spend energy to pay attention to it. If they can wake up, they will wake up. If they can't wake up, they will use knives and guns.

It was the kindness of the Ming Cult to let them enter the Langjuxu God Realm without directly laying down the butcher's knife.

On this point, Lin Huang still agrees.

After all, the real masters behind the scenes are still the four ancient clans. Only when the existence of the four ancient clans is completely shaken, can Mingjiao come to the fore and the people truly awaken!
(End of this chapter)

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