
Chapter 1804 A new king will be born

Chapter 1804 A new king will be born
On the mainland, Lin Huang and Qin Xuance roamed the mountains and rivers, and there was nothing thrilling.

No forethought either.

In fact, it is more about exploring the cognition of the world.

Sometimes, Lin Huang didn't understand either.

At the end of martial arts, is it Tao... or cognition.

But these are not important, the moon hanging in the sky can only wait and see forever, and they are just mortals, so they should be more down-to-earth.

"Next, there should be quite a bit of turmoil!"

Qin Xuance said.

"The Sky Continent has been quiet for too long!"

Lin Huang stretched his waist, and then said: "I'm getting impatient too... It's all you guys showing off, where is my place!"

"It has nothing to do with you!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "You should know where your battlefield is!"

"That's right!"

Lin Huang smiled, he understood what Qin Xuance meant.

Let him go to the evil race!

This is what Lin Huang expected, after all, in the Sky Continent, Lin Huang is the strongest.Even if it has a stronger, but dangerous factor, it is not as good as the evil race.

Everyone is improving, and he also needs to improve.

The Xiezu Fusang God Realm is a very good place.

"But before leaving, it's better to leave some things behind, lest any cat or dog dare to bully my Zuo Jiaming sect!"

Qin Xuance snorted coldly, and seemed a little upset.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and then said, "That Di Tianshu, how do you see it?"

"not sure!"

Qin Xuance shook his head, "Throwing 30 troops into the Langjuxu God Realm with his own hands, if it was just to instigate the hatred of the people in the world towards Mingjiao, then his brain must have been flooded!"

"I'm even wondering if he is one of the ministers who help the dragon!"

Qin Xuance joked.

"Back in the East China Sea, on the eve of the appearance of the tombs of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, I once sensed a mysterious person. I don't know his origin, maybe..."

Lin Huang didn't explain clearly, but he believed that Qin Xuance had already understood.

"Then he's hiding too deeply!"

Qin Xuance shook his head.

"Forget it, this is between me and him, so don't worry about it!"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and turned his back to Qin Xuance, with a smile on his face, as if he didn't listen to Qin Xuance's words at all.


Day and night, the situation in the world changes instantly.

Originally, millions of people appeared outside the Langjuxu God Realm, wanting to come and wait for a rabbit.


But he was molested by Lord Grim.

He appeared at the crack, but he just couldn't come out... 30 troops lined up, provoking millions of people.

After nearly 60 people poured into the Langjuxu God Realm, the 30 army retreated directly.

The people of Sky Continent have since once again entered the Langjuxu God Realm, this land of black soil that has been killed for 3000 years.

On the other side, the evil races on the Sky Continent became popular once again without the oppression of the Zuojia Mingjiao and the four great ancient races.

The army of the evil race is not many.

There are only more than 300 million left!

It's just that this time, the army of the evil race has learned its lesson. They shrink the battle line and advance step by step... They attack the city and loot the land, but they don't defend the city.

Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, it ran across the Sky Continent.

Under the invincible force of 300 million, the evil race began to massacre cities and countries like a meat grinder in the last days.

In just a few days, there will be thousands of miles of mourning, and blood floating in the world!

But at this moment, the Mingjiao army was directly blocked in the Langjuxu God Realm.

It was as if they hadn't seen the four ancient clans.

As for this news, it was difficult for it to reach the ears of the common people outside the Langjuxu God Territory in a short time, and they had no way of knowing.

"The evil clan is about to give birth to a new king!"

Above the mountains and rivers, Qin Xuance watched the stars at night and suddenly spoke.

"Did you just find out now? I've already sensed his breath!"

Forest Road.

"How is it compared to Saint Moye?"

Qin Xuance turned his head to stare at Lin Huang.

"Naturally, it's worse... The birth of Saint Moye has undergone 3000 years of precipitation, as well as changes in the fate of the Sky Continent!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "It is impossible for the new king born today to be comparable to the Holy Demon. But... it is considered powerful, and it is no problem to easily suppress Lu Yaoxian and his ilk!"

"Then let Bai Xiaopang and the others try it!"

Qin Xuance said.

"Are you crazy, you!"

Lin Huang was so angry that he vomited blood. Although he wanted to train soldiers, he couldn't do that.

Lu Yaoxian, alone, was pressing Lord Grim and the other four to fight.

Not to mention Bai Xiaopang and the others.

Moreover, the new king born of the evil clan is much more terrifying than Lu Yaoxian and others.

"In this case... you can only do it yourself!"

Qin Xuance didn't seem to insist on letting Bai Xiaopang and the others take action.

"It seems that you just want me to make a move..."

Lin Huang reacted.

"When do you think the experts from the four ancient clans will ambush you!"

Qin Xuance said with a smile.

"There's something for you!"

Lin Huang immediately understood what Qin Xuance meant, and said.

"Now, you have two choices in front of you!"

Qin Xuance said.

"Then I'll choose the third one!"

Lin Huang looked very humorous.

"The first one, you can attack the new king of the evil clan now. I think the four ancient clans are already on the alert, waiting for you to show your flaws!"

Qin Xuance said.

"Aren't you my flaw?"

"The second option is to wait a little longer... But in this way, the 300 million evil army will continue to slaughter!"

Qin Xuance continued.

"Wait what..."

Lin Huang frowned, what was there to wait for, it was worth the price of killing the evil clan's 300 million army, "Wait until someone from the Ming Sect steps into the Great Emperor Realm?"

Qin Xuance nodded.

Lin Huang frowned, looking at Qin Xuance.

"Don't look at me like that... what I want is victory, not popular support!"

Qin Xuance said bluntly.

Because with the current situation, if we wait one more day, millions of people in the Sky Continent will die.

Their remains can be piled up into continuous grave mounds.

Their blood can gather into the sea.

This is an extremely terrifying murder.

"You want me to be that bait to attract the great emperors of the four clans, and then let Bai Xiaopang and the others steal the house?"

Lin Huang said seriously.

"When the twelve emperors of the four clans appeared outside the Langjuxu God's Domain, I was already preparing for it!"

Qin Xuance said, "Jun Moxiao and the others brought back three heads for the first time, just to create an opportunity for Bai Xiaopang and the others to leave!"

"However, it's not enough for the twelve emperors to leave the four clans, right?"

Lin Huang followed Qin Xuance's words.


Qin Xuance nodded, "Mingjiao and Jun Moxiao are not enough, only you can attract more powerful people from the four clans!"

"It's not enough for Bai Xiaopang and the others to steal the house!"

"What if there is still a great emperor in my Ming religion?"

Qin Xuance spoke.

"Impossible, the Great Emperor of the World, it is difficult to hide from my perception, let alone the Great Emperor Mingjiao!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly.

"But you forgot, I am Tianji Thirteen!"

(End of this chapter)

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