
Chapter 1812 Emperor Heaven

Chapter 1812 Emperor Heaven

Seeing Di Cangtian's straight eyes, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Then I'll be direct!"

Lin Huang played with the teacup in his hand, "Is there any collusion between the Xuantian God Clan and other clans?"


The Emperor Cangtian paused slightly, staring at Lin Huang carefully, "What other clan are you referring to? The evil clan?"

"I think you understand what I'm asking?"

Lin Huang said.


Di Cangtian shook his head, "It did happen thousands of years ago, and there is nothing to hide about it! I also thought about it when the Zuojia Ming Sect rose!"

"But the evil race is destroyed too quickly, there is no need!"

"As for the Holy Demon, after all, we are in the Langjuxu God Realm, and we, the Xuantian God Clan, cannot judge. Once they leave the Langjuxu, how will they affect the pattern of the Sky Continent, so there is no such thing!"

Lin Huang looked calm, "What else?"

"You mean the new king of the evil race?"

Di Cangtian understood what Lin Huang meant.

"The new king of the evil clan... so what is that! It's just a new king born in the later period. His foundation is not solid, and he is not worthy of our alliance with the Xuantian God Clan!"

Di Cangtian spoke calmly, it didn't seem like he was lying.

"But I can't find the new king of the evil clan, which is a bit strange!"

Forest Road.

"In the restricted area of ​​the human race!"

Di Cangtian mentioned a possibility, "It may also be the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace!"


A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Huang's mouth.

"It's very simple. Whether it's the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom or the Ten Thousand Monsters Temple, they don't deserve the attention of the Xuantian God Clan. Even adding the new king of the Xie Clan is useless."

"Only the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is a threat to the Protoss, so..."

Di Cangtian didn't finish, but Lin Huang already understood what the latter wanted to express.

"So, it's possible!"

Lin Huang sipped the tea in the cup, "What else?"

Di Cangtian frowned slightly.

He didn't understand what exactly he was referring to.

He thought for a moment, and then tentatively asked: "You mean the evil clan of Fusang God Realm?"

Lin Huang nodded slightly.

"Think about it!"

Di Cangtian gulped down the tea in his cup, "But he gave up later... The evil clan now has strong men in the divine realm. Once they cooperate, they will lure wolves into the house! Even if the Xuantian God Clan can wipe out the other three clans and the Zuojia Mingjiao. But when the time comes, it will not be the world of the Xuantian God Clan!"

"This reason is quite reasonable!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"I said you believed it?"

Di Cang said.

"The battle of the general trend, sometimes all depends on the conspiracy, there is no need to cover it up, because some things can't be covered up!"

Lin Huang said, "That's why I believe it!"


Lin Huang suddenly raised his voice, "Apart from the evil race, is there anything else?"

Di Cangtian frowned again, not understanding what Lin Huang was referring to?
Lin Huang tapped the tea tray with his fingers, thinking about whether to tell the emperor something.

"Why... Di Tianshu ordered 30 troops to go to Zuojia Mingjiao to die?"

Lin Huang suddenly changed the subject!
"What do you mean?"

Di Cangtian was puzzled, "I said before, I don't like to beat around the bush. Since you said it was a conspiracy, why cover it up like this!"

"The Imperial Patriarch can choose to answer my previous question!"

Lin Huang didn't explain.

"Hmph, who would have thought that a 30 army plus the Twelve Great Emperors would not be able to destroy the Ming Cult?"

Di Cang said.

"I don't believe that the four clans don't know that I killed the holy demon... Sending the Twelve Emperors to the Langjuxu God Realm is sending them to death? Or do you not believe in my strength, Lin Huang?"

Forest Road.

"The Xuantian God Clan has been monitoring the Langjuxu God Realm for thousands of years, but they didn't know beforehand that you killed the Holy Demon!"

Di Cangtian explained.

"Do you think I would believe it?"

Lin Huang laughed.

But Di Cangtian raised his finger in one direction, "See the head of Emperor Zhun hanging on the top of that mountain? This is the responsibility of his negligence, the price of his life!"

"This explanation, is the patriarch of the emperor to perfuse me, or do you think so?"

Lin Huang obviously didn't believe Di Cangtian's explanation.

Di Cangtian frowned, he raised a cup of tea again, and slowly sipped it into his throat, "You mean, the twelve emperors with a 30 army were plotted by people in the clan? A minister?"

Lin Huang blew on the water in the teacup in his hand, but did not answer.

"I forgot, among my four clans, there should be ministers supporting the dragon from the Ming Sect! Lin Huang, are you here to laugh at the emperor?"

There was a trace of anger in Di Cangtian's eyes out of thin air.

"I'm angry with you to expose him? Do you think it's necessary?"

Forest Road.

Di Cangtian frowned, the anger in his eyes dissipated slightly, and he fell into deep thought.

"Or I look at it from another angle..."

Di Cangtian suddenly said, "You seem to be upright, but you are actually trying to provoke my Xuantian God Clan to fight among themselves?"

"Whether it is true or not, the Patriarch of the Imperial Clan has his own thoughts... Moreover, if I can provoke even the Patriarch of the clan with a few words, then there is no need for the Xuantian God Clan to be valued!"

Lin Huang's tone remained calm.

"It still have something to say, let's be more straightforward, what do you want to say?"

Di Cang said.

"I was wondering... would the Xuantian God Clan be willing to be dogs?"

Forest Road.

Di Cangtian slapped the table suddenly, he didn't expect Lin Huang to be so metaphorical.But then he calmed down, "What do you think?"

"It should be fine!"

Lin Huang was asking himself a question and answering, "After all, it is a time that has been passed down for a long time. Under the Great Ming Dynasty, there has been no submission for 7000 years!"

"Some of your words are beyond my comprehension!"

Di Cangtian spoke directly.

"There is a world... that is rapidly approaching the Sky Continent!"

Lin Huang spoke.


Di Cangtian got up suddenly, and stared at Lin Huang with a face of shock, as if he was very surprised by this result.

Lin Huang sat up and looked up at the latter seriously.

"I hope Patriarch Emperor is not a very good performer!"

Lin Huang lowered his head and sipped his tea with a smile.

"So... you came here to form an alliance with the Xuantian God Clan?"

Di Cangtian seemed to understand Lin Huang's intentions.


Lin Huang shook his head, "The grievances between the Zuojia Mingjiao and the four clans are irreconcilable, and there is no possibility of an alliance!"

"I'm just here to confirm whether your Xuantian God Clan plays a role in this!"

"Oh...then you think too much!"

Di Cangtian understood Lin Huang's thoughts, "If the Xuantian God Clan had a way to contact other races, they would have already become the masters of this continent, why wait until now?"

"Perhaps it is due to the fear of the rise of Mingjiao, so we have to borrow external force?"

Forest Road.

"Then why not conspire with the evil race?"

Di Cangtian asked Lin Huang back.

"Looking at the four ancient clans, if the Xuantian God Clan can't do it, the other three clans shouldn't be able to do it either!"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and stared at Di Cangtian, "So only the Xuantian Protoss is the most likely... The world needs guidance to accurately move closer to the Sky Continent!"

"It are very suspicious of my Xuantian God Clan!"

Di Cangtian crushed the teacup in his hand.

"It's not important...I just want to meet Di Tianshu!"

(End of this chapter)

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