
Chapter 1813 Daxuantian Killing God Formation

Chapter 1813 Daxuantian Killing God Formation
Hearing Lin Huang's words, Di Cangtian frowned tightly.

He put down the teacup in his hand heavily, and stared at Lin Huang, with a hint of probing and murderous intent in his eyes:
"Are you suspicious of him?"

Lin Huang looked at the latter's angry eyes with a little guard, and lightly shook his sleeves, "As you said, be more sincere, yes!"

"Or, the patriarch of the emperor doesn't doubt him at all?"


Di Cangtian suddenly laughed, "Do you know the status of Di Tianshu in our Xuantian God Clan. If he has problems, then the entire Xuantian God Clan has problems, what do you think?"

"Is that so?"

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Di Cangtian, and also laughed, "Perhaps, the Xuantian God Clan are all Di Tianshu's pawns, isn't it possible?"

"Then do you know who he is?"

Di Cangtian shook his head, "He and I are blood brothers, are you doubting him or me?"

"Is that so?"

Lin Huang frowned, "Your explanation has to make me reconsider whether I need to doubt him."

"But... I don't believe in you, I still believe in myself!"

"Besides, I said when I appeared earlier that I wanted to see him. With Di Tianshu's intelligence, he shouldn't have avoided me. Why didn't he come over?"

Forest Road.

"Who do you think you are? Do you really think this is the Zuojia Mingjiao? Anyone needs to obey your orders? This is the Xuantian God Clan!!"

Di Cangtian said angrily.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I'd forget!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "But what if I must see him today?"

"Then see if you have the ability!"

Di Cangtian stomped his footsteps, and his whole body suddenly glowed with a silver-white light, full of oppressive divine power.

"Patriarch Emperor, do you really think you can compete with me after living for thousands of years?"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves slowly, staring at the latter calmly.

"Then what about the Great Emperor of my Xuantian God Clan?"

Di Cangtian sneered.

"That depends on what kind of price the patriarch of the emperor can bear? I, Lin Huang, may not be able to get out of the Xuantian God Clan today, but after today, the Xuantian God Clan will definitely not be the leader of the four clans!"

Lin Huang said proudly.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about!"

Di Cangtian said angrily.

"Since there is nothing to talk about, let's do it!"

Lin Huang smiled, and the next moment his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Di Cangtian frowned, and in a flash, his figure disappeared in the hall and appeared in the void outside the Xuantian God Clan.





Between the boundless sky and the earth, there was the buzzing sound of the array being activated, and hundreds of killing arrays immediately sealed off the sky, locking Lin Huang's figure to death.

Outside the formation, dozens of figures wearing silver cloaks appeared.

The aura emitted by each silver cloak is not weaker than that of the emperor.

"To be able to get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of the true strength of the Xuantian God Clan today, I am truly lucky!"

Lin Huang smiled softly, spreading his arms, holding the Shan Na knife, and the martial soul of Tian Shura appeared behind him.


Di Cangtian spoke majestically, and stopped talking nonsense with Lin Huang.

In an instant, dozens of silver cloaks charged towards Lin Huang, and hundreds of killing formations began to squeeze the void, blocking Lin Huang's range of activities.

"Blocking the sky and blocking the moon!"

Lin Huang pointed at the blue sky, turning the sky and the earth into a eclipse. There is Abi Hell appearing in this world, and there is a blood moon hanging in the sky.

In the next moment, Lin Huang was wearing a heavenly Shura, his eyes were as red as demons, and he killed with the Shan Na knife in his hand.


With one blow, dozens of killing formations were cut off.

And dozens of people in silver robes and cloaks have already rushed towards Lin Huang.


With a loud noise, the entire void exploded, and Lin Huang's figure disappeared.


The next moment, Lin Huang burst out from the smoke and dust in the sky, his body was like a streamer, and he knocked a silver cloak away with his head.

In the next moment, Lin Huang roared, "Hero dominates the world!"

bang bang bang...

The void exploded one after another, and the terrifying force of destruction swept away, tearing apart more than 20 killing arrays again.

"The Xuantian God Clan, is this their strength?"

Lin Huang turned his head and stared at Di Cangtian, with contempt in his eyes, "If that's the case, I, Lin Huang, don't need to ask Di Tianshu, just kill the Xuantian God Clan!"

"Daxuan Heaven Killing God Formation!"

Di Cangtian didn't respond to Lin Huang at all, when he raised his hand, the entire space in all directions flickered with red light, and then a shocking blood-red killing formation appeared.

Above the formation, there are [-] blood-stained bodies of gods in white clothes.

The moment the Daxuan Heavenly Killing Formation appeared, the void was torn apart crazily, and the terrifying force of tearing caused Lin Huang's body to twist in the air, with astonishing wounds appearing all over his body.

Di Cangtian held the long sword in his hand, stepped on the Daxuantian Killing Formation, and looked down at Lin Huang, with a hint of contempt in his eyes:
"Lin Huang, you are still too young!"

"Do you really think that with 20 years of being a great emperor, you can shake an ancient clan that has been passed down for a long time?"

"Heaven-defying Divine Tower Step!"

Di Cangtian stepped on the Great Xuantian God Killing Formation, attracting blood-colored white-clothed gods in the God Killing Formation to slay Lin Huang like the light of the sun.

Lin Huang frowned, with his left hand palming Tian Shura, and his right hand palming the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.


Just as Lin Huang roared, the two completely different forces began to merge frantically.The terrifying, nightmare-like aura spread crazily, causing the silver cloaks who came from all around to hesitate, not daring to charge towards the forest.

"Hmph, give me the town!"

Di Cangtian roared domineeringly, he stomped heavily on the Daxuantian God Killing Formation, causing all the white-clothed blood-stained gods in the Killing God Formation to kill, and they turned into countless lightning rays, sealing off the space in the entire formation , making Lin Huang inevitable.

Lin Huang was unusually calm, and suddenly pushed out the fusion power in his hand.

With a loud noise, it exploded in a very small space.

In an instant, the bloody white-clothed god born from the formation was extinguished...

Lin Huang turned into an afterimage and flew out of the smoke and dust of the explosion, looked up at Di Cangtian above, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Is it great?"

"This should be your most powerful move. It can indeed scare the emperor, but... how do you escape this killing cage!"

"What do you say?"

Lin Huang smiled.

Only when his smile hadn't subsided, the Daxuantian God-killing Formation under Di Cangtian's feet clicked, and a crack appeared.

The formation...was broken!

Di Cangtian frowned, knowing that he valued Lin Huang enough, but still underestimated him.

He squeezed the palm of his hand, his eyes were a little stern, maybe he was thinking about the price that the Xuantian God Clan would have to pay to completely suppress Lin Huang.

Value or not.


Before Di Cangtian made a decision, a vast voice sounded in the void:

"As expected of a hero out of a boy!"

Before the words fell, a figure suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth, he flashed from far and near... In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of everyone:
"I am... Di Tianshu!"

(End of this chapter)

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