
Chapter 1814 Emperor Tianshu

Chapter 1814 Emperor Tianshu

With the appearance of Di Tianshu, the formation in the entire void also disappeared.

Those figures in silver cloaks also disappeared.

Lin Huang stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the figure in front of him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

I saw the latter wearing a white robe, dotted with the sun, moon and stars, full of mystery and mystery.

His hair is half black and half white, and he has an eerie and mysterious look by nature.Especially the pair of eyes mixed with silver, which makes people feel like an abyss.

Lin Huang looked at Di Tianshu carefully, and then laughed, "It's really not easy to meet you!"

"Didn't you see it now?"

Di Tianshu raised his eyes, his voice was very calm.

"Unfortunately, it's a little later than I expected!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said, "The commanding master of Xuantian God Clan, who is dignified, asked the leader of the clan to stop me!"

"I just want to see, what is that little guy doing?"

Di Tianshu laughed.

"So you are afraid of Qin Xuance, afraid that I will appear in the Xuantian God Clan just to attract your attention?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Although he is young, he is not simple! I have lived for a long time, but age is not the criterion for judging strength or weakness!"

Emperor Tianshu said.

"If he listened to you, he should give you a high look!"

Lin Huang praised.

Di Tianshu didn't pay attention to this, and he returned to his gazebo with his sleeves fluttering.

And Lin Huang didn't get in the way at all, and entered the Xuantian God Clan's gazebo forbidden area.

Di Tianshu picked up a chess piece from the chessboard in the gazebo, and then said with a smile, "What do you want to do here?"

"You are the commanding master of the Xuantian God Clan, why don't you guess it?"

Lin Huang laughed.

Di Tianshu looked up at Di Cangtian who was beside him, and then said, "There is nothing to guess, it's just to solve the doubts in your heart!"


Lin Huang said perfunctorily.

"Are you wondering where the new king of the evil race has gone, and where the other world came from?"

Di Tianshu played with the chess pieces in his hand, and looked at Lin Huang sarcastically, "But you can't find the answer, so you can only come to me. Do you think that I am the only one with this strength on the Sky Continent!"

"It's not easy for you to know another world, Emperor Patriarch, what do you think?"

Lin Huang turned to look at Di Cangtian.

Di Cangtian didn't open his mouth, but his brows trembled slightly, as if he was also very curious, why Di Tianshu would know, but he didn't, and he never told Di Cangtian after he knew.

"I'm the most powerful commanding master in the mainland today, and I have my own secrets in the dark!"

Di Tianshu said, "The stars in the Sky Continent have become strange...I can see them, but Qin Xuance cannot!"

"Sounds great!"

Lin Huang praised Di Tianshu, and then put eye drops on the latter, "I don't know if Li Baiyi and Wang Yifeng can see it!"

"Heh... Are you using Li Baiyi and Wang Yifeng to suppress me?"

Di Tianshu smiled, and the chess pieces in his hand changed from white to black, "Looking back now, don't you think that when Li Baiyi and Wang Yifeng left the Sky Continent, they picked sesame seeds and lost watermelons?"

"It seems that you shouldn't have lost to Li Baiyi on Tianji Mountain back then!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Back then on Tianji Mountain, he talked about martial arts, but he didn't talk about martial arts at all! It's not my fault... When it comes to the art of Tianji's life-giving... Heh, who can say for sure?"

Di Tianshu spoke.

"It seems that your Excellency is very confident in yourself, but it's a pity that the 30 troops of the four clans and the twelve great emperors!"

Lin Huang continued.

"They are not sorry..."

Di Tianshu shook his head, "If the four clans can lose twelve great emperors, they will be able to cultivate twelve more great emperors."

"But after this battle, I learned your secret... I wondered why I couldn't deduce your strength. It turned out that it was covered by the will of Heaven in the Sky Continent!"

Di Tianshu finally explained the reason why Lin Huang killed the Holy Devil, but the four clans didn't know the reason.

Lin Huang laughed, "That's my little brother!"

There was a sudden thunderbolt above the void!
"That joke sounds good!"

Di Tianshu nodded, "I'm very curious, what exactly Qin Xuance wants to do? To let you come to the Xuantian God Clan so openly and sow discord between me and the God Clan!"

"You see it this way?"

Lin Huang looked up at Di Tianshu.

"Isn't this the purpose of your coming here? Everyone's skin has a purpose that cannot be seen through, and under the skin there is a secret that cannot be hidden!"

"No matter how upright you look, you can't conceal the purpose of coming here to provoke, and being upright is just your disguise!"

Emperor Tianshu said.

"It's useless for you to tell me that, you have to say that the emperor patriarch approves it!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"There is no need to explain between me and him!"

Di Tianshu shook his head.

"Really? But why... among the Xuantian God Clan, not many people seem to know the relationship between you two?"

Lin Huang asked.

"There is no need to explain this to you!"

Di Cangtian's face turned slightly cold.

"You know, I'm not here to go around in circles with you!"

Lin Huang said bluntly.

"But you should also know that no matter whether I go around in circles or not, you won't get the answer you want!"

Di Tianshu countered.

"It makes perfect sense!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"However, let me ask for the Patriarch of the Emperor, why did you throw 30 troops and the Twelve Great Emperors into the Langjuxu God Realm and give them to the Zuojia Mingjiao, and why do you know about another world?"

Forest Road.

"Do you really want to know the answer?"

Di Tianshu raised his eyebrows.

"What do you say?"

"You are so persistent, which makes me doubt Qin Xuance's strength!"

Lin Huang frowned.

"It's okay to talk about it, anyway, it's all a conspiracy on the table!"

Di Tianshu laughed, "Then I would like to ask the leader of Mingjiao, who do you want to attack first among the four ancient clans?"

"Then tell me about it!"

Lin Huang pushed the question back.

"It shouldn't be the Xuantian God Clan, because you don't know the depth of the Xuantian God Clan, and it shouldn't be the West Heaven Buddha Kingdom and the Wanyao Temple, because these two tribes are like lips and teeth, and they still understand the truth of the cold lips and teeth!"

"So, the first target should be the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace!"

Di Tianshu seemed to be asking himself and answering, "Then who will be after the destruction of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace? Should it be my God Race?"

"Once the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is destroyed, the Western Heaven Buddha Kingdom and the Ten Thousand Monsters Temple will move closer to my Xuantian God Clan. If you want to destroy my God Clan, you must destroy these two clans first, right?"

clap clap clap...

In the gazebo of the forbidden area, Lin Huang suddenly clapped his hands, "Master Di Tianshu is really good at calculating, such foresight and foresight is amazing!"

Lin Huang understood what Di Tianshu was thinking.

When only the Xuantian God Clan is left among the four races in the world, perhaps another world will come... and at that time, the Ming Cult's spearhead may be the powerhouse in that world.

And the Xuantian God Clan became the last fisherman.

"So, the annihilation of the 30 army of the four clans and the twelve emperors was just for you to weaken the strength of the other three clans, and the price was the demise of the army and the strong of the clan!"

"One for three, it's not a loss, and the other three races won't hate my Xuantian God Clan at all!"

Di Tianshu smiled, "Besides, isn't Zuo Jia Mingjiao very happy with this result?"

(End of this chapter)

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