
Chapter 1815 Gazebo Forbidden Area

Listening to Di Tianshu's words, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

"So I should be a little bit happier?"

Forest Road.

Di Tianshu smiled, with a gleam of sharpness in his eyes, "Actually... there should be such a tacit understanding between the Xuantian God Clan and the Zuo Jiaming Sect!"

"Besides, I believe Qin Xuance also understands. His method can also be replicated outside of Langjuxu's domain!"

"The four ancient clans have never been monolithic!"

Lin Huang nodded, "He told me that he even made preparations!"

"It has been found!"

Di Tianshu frowned, "So, the Xuantian God Clan has been very quiet for a while?"


Lin Huang suddenly increased his voice, "You have such confidence that you don't hesitate to let the army of the Xuantian God Clan and the emperor be buried with you, which shows that the strength of the Xuantian God Clan is far beyond my imagination!"

"Maybe I, the spearhead of the Zuojiaming sect, will make some adjustments!"

Forest Road.

"Driven by the general trend, it is not easy to change!"

Di Tianshu shook his head, "The Zuojia Mingjiao wants to take the lead in targeting my Xuantian God Clan, the resistance is probably unimaginable! After all, once the other three clans find that even the Xuantian God Clan is no match for the Zuojia Mingjiao, they will fight for their own sake." Bao, will also go to war with the Zuojia Mingjiao!"

"Perhaps, their vision is not so long-term!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

"But my Xuantian God Clan has enough strength and interests to tie them to my Xuantian God Clan's chariot, do you believe it?"

Di Tianshu said confidently.

"Of course I believe it!"

After thinking for a while, Lin Huang nodded.

"So... why don't we cooperate and swallow the three clans first! After the Xuantian God Clan and the Zuo Jiaming Sect are left in the world, it would be good to have a final confrontation!"

Di Tianshu suggested.

"But you overlooked that there is another world that is approaching!"

Lin Huang smiled and shook his head, he knew exactly what Di Tianshu was planning.

"It are really hard to persuade!"

Di Tianshu shook his head, "It's just that my Xuantian God Clan has nothing to do with another world!"

"But the Xuantian God Clan will not care about the life and death of the people in the world, but the Zuo Jiaming Church will take care of it. This is the difference. Once the Zuo Jiaming Cult fights against that world, it will be your Xuantian God Clan's chance!"

Forest Road.

"Now that I see it, there is nothing to hide. I really have this idea!"

Di Tianshu nodded his head as a matter of course, "This is the survival rule of a clan!"
"But the Xuantian God Clan has forgotten the etiquette and responsibility of being a human race!"

Lin Huang shook his head.

"It does not matter!"

Di Tianshu shook his head indifferently.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and didn't argue, because there was no point in arguing.

"If you are very worried, we can join forces after waiting for another world to come, which is not bad!"

Di Tianshu changed his proposal.

" that time, maybe the Xuantian God Clan will not need to join forces with the Zuojia Mingjiao, but directly join forces with another world!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "I believe that when that world touches the Sky Continent, facing a strange world, I would like to have a clan that leads the way!"

"When the evil race invaded the Sky Continent, what the Xuantian God Race didn't do, they won't do in the future!"

Di Tianshu said categorically.

"But you did it a thousand years ago!"

Lin Huang shook his head in disbelief.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about!"

Di Tianshu spread his hands, as if intending to give up.

"It's not about cooperation!"

Lin Huang rolled his sleeves and looked up at Di Tianshu, "Besides, what the Xuantian God Clan wants is not to be the first to target Mingjiao. As for who to cooperate with, is there any point?"

Di Tianshu frowned slightly, then shook his head, "I didn't expect that, but you see it very clearly!"

"It's just, no matter whether we cooperate or not. In this troubled world, we, the Xuantian God Clan, have enough strength to play tricks on the situation!"

Di Tianshu's attitude became arrogant.

"I don't know about them. You are indeed a possibility. This is why I came to the Xuantian God Clan today!"

Lin Huang clapped his hands and smiled lightly, "Just now you told me so much, it seems very reasonable. But... it may not be the truth!"

"What do you mean?"

Emperor Tianshu said.

"It's not very interesting, because you can't ask this question..."

Lin Huang said, "I am very clear about this point, so I don't want to ask, I want to do it directly!"

Lin Huang stepped out with his hands behind his back, and the monstrous coercion immediately filled the entire forbidden area of ​​the gazebo.

In the next moment, Di Cangtian appeared in front of Di Tianshu, with silver light flowing all over his body, impenetrable by all magic, and fearless of the coercion of the forest.

"Patriarch Emperor, I may be helping you!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Try and see if you can get out of my Xuantian God Clan alive today!"

Di Cangtian spoke in a low voice, and the eyes that looked at Lin Huang were like a tiger that was gradually recovering, and began to show its sharp fangs.

"Right on my mind!"

Lin Huang smiled slightly, held the Shan Na knife in his hand, and went straight to kill Di Cangtian.

"Forbidden cage!"

The next moment, Di Cangtian grabbed Di Tianshu and jumped out of the world.

But the surrounding gazebo space has changed drastically!A series of silver god chains appeared in the void, interspersed vertically and horizontally like a cage, weaving the forest waste into it.

Lin Huang frowned.

He slashed out with a knife, causing a silver chain to break suddenly.

However, before Lin Huang took the opportunity to jump out, the broken silver chain in the void had automatically recovered.

"Lin underestimate the Xuantian God Clan!"

Above the silver cage, Di Cangtian looked coldly at Lin Huang below, and said with a smile, "You underestimate this small world of the gazebo too!"

In the void, the silver cage has completely blocked the void, surrounded by the power of the Small World Dao rule!
"Dare to enter the gazebo forbidden area alone, you are very bold! But... your strength does not match your courage!"

Di Tianshu opened his mouth slowly, "I forgot to tell you, I have already started making plans when I was in the Eastern Emperor's Territory!"

"The mysterious person you saw back then was me, because I saw you too!"

"The twelve emperors of the 30 army of the four clans are a gift for you to meet, but it is not to weaken the strength of the other three clans, but to make Qin Xuance suspicious of me!"

"Perhaps... Qin Xuance is still thinking, my four clans will kill you while you are fighting with the new king of the evil clan?"

Di Tianshu stood with his hands behind his back, with a confident radiance in his eyes, "After all, I'm still too young. I use myself as bait, but with just one shot, I'll let you take the bait so easily!"

In the silver cage, Lin Huang raised his head and frowned slightly when he heard Di Tianshu's words.

Just now, he had fused the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body and Heavenly Shura... unexpectedly, he didn't make the silver cage tremble too much.

It never occurred to him that the forbidden place of the gazebo turned out to be a hidden and dilapidated small world!

Now, he is imprisoned in it, unable to seduce the energy of heaven and earth, and his power will gradually disappear...until he dies.

"Then what about the world that is gradually approaching the Sky Continent, without which I would not come to the Xuantian God Clan!"

Lin Huang asked.

Di Tianshu Zhizhu smiled, "Do you think... the will of Heaven in the Sky Continent cannot be deceived?"

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