
Chapter 1819 Qin Xuance Now

Di Tianshu never imagined that Lin Huang would be so ignorant of martial arts, that he would just let go of the chess pieces, but directly pick off the chess pieces above.


Really pick off.

"I didn't expect that you wanted to overturn the chessboard... But, do you have such great ability? This chessboard is the set of rules of this world! If you want to overturn the chessboard, you are fighting against a world!"

Di Tianshu sneered.

"Didn't I pick off a chess piece just now?"

Lin Huang smiled, "It's not such a difficult thing to overturn the chessboard. Isn't it just to bear the anger of heaven after the rules of the silver small world are annihilated, and it is fed back to me, but it's just some curses!"

"But I have enough luck... to be able to resolve these curses!"

Lin Huang looked at Di Tianshu and shook his head. When his sleeves were rolled up, a long river of martial arts suddenly appeared behind him, sweeping across the entire silver world.

Afterwards, Lin Huang probed his hand and pulled a chess piece off the chessboard again.

In an instant, the long river of martial arts behind Lin Huang shrank a lot in an instant.

However, in just a few breaths, the shrinking river of martial arts grew again. Obviously, the long river of martial arts shown by Lin Huang was only a part of his total martial arts.

Di Cangtian, who was outside the silver world, looked shocked at this moment.

Because he has never seen such a rich river of martial luck... I am afraid that the sum of the rivers of luck of all the great emperors of the Xuantian God Clan cannot be compared with it.

Lin Huang glanced at Di Tianshu, and then went on to pick off the pieces on the chessboard.

"Lin Huang, do you really think that if you wear the supreme luck in the world, you can be confident?"

When Di Tianshu opened his mouth, he suddenly put his fingers together, pointed to the sky, and a ray of divine light shot out from his fingertips and shot into the sky.

"Today, I will cut off your luck!"

In the small silver world, Lin Huang clapped his hands and laughed, "Do you really dare to cut my luck? You control me with the small silver world, and you sealed my fate. Isn't it because you are afraid that Qin Xuance and Shen Cangqiong will find out? Don't you dare?" Cut my luck!"

"Hmph... Now that you are trapped in a small world, who in Mingjiao can save you! Can you rely on him, Qin Xuance? No matter how powerful he is, he can still come to save you with a sword in hand?"

"Then what about God's will sinking into the sky?"

Lin Huang laughed.

Di Tianshu frowned slightly, and then there was a fierce look in his eyes, "It's just the backlash of the Queen of Deception... At worst, I can use my lifespan of ten thousand years to shield him!"

"Then why are you hesitating?"

Lin Huang shook his head and smiled softly, "You just cut off my luck first, and see if I can get out of this small silver world! Oh no... With Qin Xuance around, he will know when you move my luck, see if he can Block your means!"

"Old man, don't've already said your words, don't stop!"

Lin Huang said casually, constantly provoking Di Tianshu, "It's because you're afraid of making things bigger... After all, you want to mess with my luck, and the other three ancient clans will know about it by then! If the new king of the evil clan If it is not under your control, it will be moved by the wind!"

"I'm looking forward to the good show at that time!"

Di Tianshu frowned, and his angry eyes gradually calmed down. He was not provoked by Lin Huang, and calmly stared at Lin Huang:

"It seems that you are very afraid that I will cut off your luck, because you will die in the small silver world!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, "Maybe that's the case, but the Xuantian God Clan will not have a good time at that time, it depends on your choice!"

Then Lin Huang looked at Di Cangtian, " are the patriarch of the Xuantian God Clan, you have to think about it, he is just your dog's leg, don't listen to him for everything!"

Di Cangtian frowned, and turned to look at Di Tianshu.

However, Di Tianshu closed his eyes, as if he was weighing the pros and cons of this matter.

It is true... If Lin Huang's luck is killed, the latter will most likely die in the small silver world; but at that time, the Xuantian God Clan will also be under the watchful eyes of everyone.

At that time, the other three ancient and evil races may first target the Xuantian God Clan.


Before Di Tianshu had made a decision, a loud voice suddenly appeared in the void.


Everyone of the Xuantian God Clan and Lin Huang suddenly raised their heads.

I saw a white-clothed phantom appearing above the vast void.

That phantom with fluttering ink hair, white clothes shining on the world, covering half of the sky.He looked down from the dome of the sky, with stars shining all over the sky behind him, which was extraordinarily mysterious.

"Dare to fight!"

The phantom in white opened his mouth, his expression was calm, but there was a monstrous murderous look in his eyes, he squeezed a chess piece, and then it fell.

Just as the chess piece fell, above the endless night sky, stars suddenly moved, drawing a heaven and earth chessboard with 81 vertical and horizontal lines between the sky and the earth.

"Xiao Qin, you are here!"

In the silver world below, Lin Huang yelled, "There is anger in your eyes, be careful... You have to calm yourself down in the game of chess!"

"you shut up!"

Qin Xuance scolded Lin Huang, and staged a brotherly rivalry with Lin Huang.

But Di Tianshu below frowned, he hesitated rarely, and then said:
"Unexpectedly, you were able to push the clouds and mist with your hands, found the space of the Xuantian God Clan, and entered with the divine sense of heaven!"

Said, Di Tianshu looked at Lin Huang again, "It seems that the fluctuation of the power of luck is your message to Qin Xuance!"

"It's not that I can't get out, it's because you are so arrogant, I really want to see you fight with Xiao Qin!"

Lin Huang sat in the gazebo and smiled.

Di Tianshu turned his head to look at Di Cangtian, "The whole family is preparing for the battle, and all the elders of Tianshu Pavilion are ordered to shield the heavenly secrets. At this time, they must not be leaked! Then send someone to find the place where Qin Xuance's real body is!"

As he said that, Di Tianshu closed his eyes, and an incarnation of spirit suddenly flew into the sky, transformed into a star giant, and sat opposite to Qin Xuance.

Two people, with the world as the chessboard.

Take thousands of stars as chess!
Incarnate as a giant, take the endgame in the small silver world as the focus, and fight against each other.

"You are very lucky. Lin Huang used his luck to pick off two chess pieces, which helped you reverse the situation. You can make three pieces in a row!"

Di Tianshu opened his mouth. He looked at the black and white beam of light reaching the sky in front of him, and the young man in white on the opposite side of the beam, and he spoke confidently.

"I don't need Lin Huang's help to kill you, and I don't need you to give way!"

Qin Xuance looked up at Di Tianshu, the anger in his eyes disappeared and he became calm.

"Young people, always have a higher heart than the sky!"

Di Tianshu shook his head with a smile, then raised his hand, signaling for Qin Xuance to make a move.

Qin Xuance flew up his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and waved his hands, like an immortal criticizing a star, and sent a ray of sacred star into the chessboard.

Di Tianshu smiled, and also picked the stars as his children.

"Xiao Qin, don't put too much pressure on me; I didn't call you because I couldn't get out. I really want you to fight with him. Don't worry if you can't break the game. It doesn't matter if you lose! I have other ways Killed it!"

Below, Lin Huang in the silver world shouted, cheering for Xiao Qin!

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