
Chapter 1820

Above the sky, Qin Xuance looked calm and focused.He was in the starry sky, seemed to block all external interference, and focused on the chessboard.

As for what Lin Huang said, he didn't hear a word.

At this moment, Qin Xuance and Di Tianshu are like the ancient immortals who control the situation of the myriad worlds.

Between the fluttering of the sleeves, there are stars shining and falling like rain.

Every time they make a move, it will lead to turmoil in the overall situation. They just move their fingers, but they have traveled through the ages with amazing wisdom.

But the black and white situation on the starlight chessboard is turbulent and changing again and again!
If ordinary people look at it, they can go up and give a few pointers, which tricks are stupid, and which tricks are extremely subtle.

Ordinary warriors would only find it mysterious, but they just couldn't understand it.

But if a warrior like Lin Huang could see, he would only see the changes of time, the collapse of the heavens, the shifting of stars, the death of immortal kings, the bloodshed of gods, and the vicissitudes of life!
As for the top commanding masters, if they could see it, they would be so frightened that they passed out and the matter would be over.

So... the battle in the starry sky belongs exclusively to Qin Xuance and Di Tianshu.

Others can't see the situation and victory or defeat at all.

In the small silver world below, Lin Huang stretched his neck, as if he could fact, he couldn't see anything.

But Lin Huang didn't panic.

He was in a very good state of mind, and he didn't seem to worry at all that if Qin Xuance lost, he would be trapped here by eternal life.No... without eternal life, he will die directly.

And Di Cangtian at the side came back to his senses after watching for a long time, looking at Lin Huang in the small silver world, with only coldness in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, now that you have the right time, place and people, why are you so afraid of me!"

Lin Huang said.

"How arrogant you are now, how miserable you will die later!"

Di Cangtian spoke.

"Patriarch Emperor, if you say something like this, the situation will be lowered. What you said in the White Jade Palace is completely different from the level!"

Lin Huang smiled and said, "You and I are just on the opposite side of the camp, so why look down on me so much... If you really looked down on me, you wouldn't use the small silver world to detain me!"

"You have a sharp tongue!"

Di Cangtian suddenly laughed.

"But I really have to remind you to be careful of Di Tianshu, what he said may not be true! Even brothers have two hearts!"

Lin Huang began to sow discord.

"You have some effects of provoking dissension. I am indeed discerning what Di Tianshu said! But you are wrong about one thing. No matter how you provoke, it will not prevent me from speaking with him. It will not hinder me. I am with him. Maintain the consistency of views on the stability of the Xuantian God Clan!"

Di Cangtian said calmly.

"He doesn't necessarily think so!"

Lin Huang wanted to struggle again.

"It's better for me to bet with him than with you!"

Di Cangtian spread his hands.

"It seems that I can't be persuaded anymore... Anyway, the Xuantian God Clan is my enemy anyway, why should I work so hard to help you distinguish between Di Tianshu's two intentions?"

Lin Huang smiled, stood up, walked around in the small silver world, observing the rules of this world:

"They hit them, let's change the subject?"

"it is good!"

Di Cangtian was very interested in communicating with Lin Huang.

"How long do you think this silver world can trap me?"

"My Protoss has an incomparably deep background, and can maintain the small silver world to trap you to death!"

"Are you really not worried that the nine emperors outside will be killed by me suddenly?"

"If you can kill them, it's your job!"

"This sentence is open!"

Lin Huang gave a thumbs up.

"Talk about something else!"

Di Cangtian suddenly said, "What do you think of the current situation in the Sky Continent?"

"I do not want to see!"

Lin Huang shook his head, then smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who stands on the high ground of morality. For 1000 years, it has been very difficult for the four tribes to maintain peace, but the world can only have one voice forever! If there are too many voices, there will be only one voice." Easy to fight!"

"Even if the Zuojia Mingjiao was not born, the four clans would attack each other one day! The appearance of the Zuo Jiaming Cult just accelerated the process!"

"As for which side can finally become the king, it depends on their own means!"

Di Cangtian raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you are very confident in Zuo Jiaming's sect!"

"Perhaps it's more because they look down on the four great ancient clans... Based on the Sky Continent, the general failure to endure for more than a thousand years means that it is not a problem of insufficient savings, but a lack of courage!"

"Obviously, the four ancient clans are on their own defenses, fearing the head and the tail, so it's hard to become the co-lord of the world!"

Lin Huang explained.

"If you don't accumulate strength, is it like the Zuojia Mingjiao, which was directly destroyed a thousand years ago, and was born so recklessly a thousand years later?"

Di Cangtian smiled.

"You guys...have ambitions in vain, but have lost your blood and vigor. Mingjiao may not be ambitious enough, but your blood is boiling. As for ambition and blood, which is more important, everyone has their own judgment!"

Lin Huang shook his head and said: "Besides, it's not right to say that you are ambitious, the structure is too small! The evil race is already dancing in front of my house in Sky Continent, and you are still in your nest. If you really want to be ambitious, why don't you think about killing them?" Enter the Fusang God Realm and destroy the evil race?"

"Strike hard internally, but submissive externally. In the final analysis, he is still a bullying character... Just like that, still wanting to become the co-lord of the world? Even if I, Zuo Jiaming, failed, and I, Lin Huang, died here today, you would not There may be a chance, but it is impossible for the four ancient clans to have a chance!"

"Your angle is very tricky... But whoever decides in the world, after all, we still have to rely on our strength to speak!"

Di Cangtian spoke.

"What a waste of words, it seems that you and I are not on the same level at all!"

With his hands behind his back, Lin Huang looked like he could hang and beat Di Cangtian.

Di Cangtian stared wide-eyed, with anger in his eyes, "Time will tell everything!"

"Time has already proven it!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "If we say that the Great Ming Dynasty fell, it was because of the invasion of the evil clan. But what about the destruction of the evil clan a thousand years ago... Thousands of years ago, wasn't the evil clan the strongest in the mainland? Time will prove everything... Prove it to the wolf Is it in Juxu God Realm?"

"This is indeed a world where force is respected, but it is not a world where force is respected; the Emperor Patriarch has lived for 1000 years, wouldn't he not even understand this?"

Lin Huang said in a strange way: "Oh's possible that you don't understand. Presumably the emperor's life has been smooth and smooth, and all difficulties can be settled with strength and status. This kind of thinking has been continuously irrigated for thousands of years. Absolute approval!"

"But I guess... the Emperor Patriarch should not have set foot in the mortal world!"

Di Cangtian raised his eyebrows.

Lin Huang knew it in his heart, "Since this is the case, you are no different from the immortals in the sky; then why do you still have to control the mortal world?"

Lin Huang smiled and shook his head.

"What you said is very interesting, I will think about it carefully!"

Di Cangtian said.

"It's useless... If you don't leave the Xuantian God Clan, you won't understand, because everyone here will tell you that your original idea is right!"

Lin Huang shook his head, and said a little bit, "The emperor patriarch trapped me with the small silver world, and you also know that it is the power of the rules of the small silver world... But you really understand, what kind of power of the rules can... Trapped me?"

"Have you ever really felt the Dao concept in the small silver world?"

"If you have felt it and really agree with it, maybe this small silver world is not a shackle that traps me, but a key for you to step into the realm of the gods!"

When Lin Huang said this, Di Cangtian's eyes were startled.

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