
Chapter 1821 Break it

Di Cangtian stared at Lin Huang firmly, and then shifted his gaze to the small silver world.

He frowned deeply, not knowing what to think.

"It are trying to lure me in!"

Di Cangtian seemed to have seen through Lin Huang's plot.

"It's not important!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, "The small silver world is yours, you can see it anytime!"

"It's just that if you don't read it, you will miss the opportunity of the gods. If you read it...if you can really understand the secret of the Dao, then your current cognition will be completely destroyed, and then you will become strangers to the Xuantian God Clan! "

"This is a conspiracy, it depends on how you choose!"

Lin Huang rolled his long sleeves and stared at Di Cangtian with a slightly teasing expression.

"If you don't follow this path, I can still become a god!"

Di Cangtian laughed.

"Then congratulations to Emperor Patriarch in advance!"

Lin Huang smiled and cupped his hands.

During the conversation between the two, there was always thunder billowing above the void, and stars falling like rain!
And the starry sky chessboard is covered with black and white stars.

Di Tianshu looked at the battle situation below with a calm expression, but he seemed to have an irresistible smile on his lips, "Young man, you are still much worse than Li Baiyi and Wang Yifeng!"

"It's a lot worse, I admit it!"

Qin Xuance raised his head, and a star fell from his hand, "But how much worse are you than my master?"

Di Tianshu snorted coldly, "They are only famous all over the world because of their misery, and the way of ordering orders from them out of the Sky Continent shows that they are not as good as me!"

"Because you discovered more secrets of the Sky Continent?"

Qin Xuance continued to make moves.

"Oh... did you find out too?"

Emperor Tianshu said.

"I didn't find out, and I didn't mention it in the last two generations of heaven. But... I can tell you a secret that you shouldn't know!"

"Then let's see if I really know it. On the Sky Continent, I don't know very much. Even the things outside the Sky Continent, I have been watching the stars for thousands of years, and I have deduced a lot of things!"

Di Tianshu remained calm.

"Then do you know that my master Li Baiyi and master Wang Yifeng left Sky Continent not because they wanted to leave, but because they were recruited by the original world of the human race?"

"Are you... are you eligible to be recruited?"

Qin Xuance fell down, and the situation in the field changed from a retreat to an even split!

Ok? !

Di Tianshu frowned fiercely, staring at Qin Xuance with concentrated eyes, with inexplicable anger in his eyes.

"You don't have to look at me like that, it's just the way it is! They were recruited, you didn't... who do you think is stronger?"

"The clues you can find, do you think they can't find it?"

"You're bragging here right now, aren't you afraid that my master is staring at you in the original world, laughing at you for being a fool?"

"How do you think I compare to my master? You and I are now equally divided, how do you think you compare to my master?"

"Do you think that I really can't deduce your clue?"

"Do you really think that you are truly invincible when you wear gorgeous robes, can observe the stars and measure your fate, and put on airs as the chief commander of the Xuantian God Clan?"

"Don't you think, you look like a clown trying to make a show?"

Qin Xuance made another move, and the situation in the field changed again. In the game, the white stone was like a god descending into the world, sweeping away the haze in all directions, and overshadowing the black stone.

Di Tianshu's eyes were wide open, and he looked at the situation in disbelief, "This is impossible!"


Qin Xuance wrote lightly.

Immediately afterwards, he got up and patted his robe, "I'll let you do it three times, to see if you can turn the tide into victory!"

"You are old, this era does not belong to you!"

With that said, Qin Xuance stepped into the void, looked down at the Xuantian God Clan below, and his voice was like thunder:
"The chess game is broken, you can come out! From now on, don't go around talking around, if something happens, I have to save you!"

Below, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

Let Qin Xuance pretend to be there again.

"Be careful with your real body, people like the Xuantian God Clan are not good people!"

Lin Huang wanted to save face, so he reminded Qin Xuance.

"What real body and fake body, my real body is here!"

When Qin Xuance spoke, his voice suddenly changed from unreal to real.

In the next moment, the sky was like a white rainbow piercing the sun, and he rushed towards Qin Xuance: "The emperor of the Xuantian God Clan, suppress and kill Qin Xuance!"


Lin Huang was immediately terrified, Qin Xuance was so brave, he exposed his real body directly, this place is Xuantian God Clan!

"I'll give you half an hour to save me!"

In the void, Qin Xuance spoke, and then stepped into the monstrous chess game, "Is it true that the commanding master is fragile?"


In an instant, thousands of black and white chess pieces on the entire chessboard moved around, forming a bright galaxy in the void.

Qin Xuance wandered in the boundless galaxy.

And in the rear, Di Tianshu and the six great emperors crashed into the bright galaxy at one end.

However, the moment they crashed into it, their figures suddenly froze. In the surging galaxy, they were like boats sailing against the current, more like ordinary people struggling to swim in the river.

Down below, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Qin Xuance to have such a means.

It's just that if you don't practice martial arts, you probably won't be able to use the power of Xinghe, or fighting with Di Tianshu is too exhausting, so you can only protect yourself for a short time.

"Forget it, stop playing!"

Lin Huang shook his head, he sprayed five times, and condensed a drop of water in the void...

In the next instant, the water droplets turned into pitch black.

The next moment, the drops of water turned into a pitch black solid.

After another moment, the water droplet began to emit dazzling light, and a terrifying force was brewing inside the water droplet, causing the vitality in the entire silver small world to be swallowed up.

Lin Huang flicked his fingers...

The water drop flew out very gently, but when the water drop touched the world wall of the silver world, it exploded suddenly.

A loud noise resounded through the entire Xuantian God Clan.

The void that exploded was completely empty, and even the years were completely wiped out!
The nine great emperors who were originally guarding the silver world directly vomited blood and flew out backwards. The one closest to the explosion was annihilated directly without any struggle.

"Look, I said... Even if you lose, I can still fight!"

Lin Huang raised his head and showed off to Qin Xuance.

"Be serious!"

Above the galaxy, Qin Xuance scolded.

"Just listen to you for a while!"

When Lin Huang opened his mouth, his expression suddenly became serious. His sleeves fluttered up, and he put the broken silver world into his sleeve robe.

Afterwards, Lin Huang held the Shan Na Dao in his hand, and shot out like lightning, heading towards the eight great emperors flying upside down.

"Originally, I just wanted to have a long talk with Di Tianshu and leave you to my Mingjiao colleagues to train soldiers, but you insisted on forcing me!"


With a yell, Lin Huang beheaded a great emperor in an instant.Lin Huang grabbed the emperor's head with a wave and hung it around his waist.

Then he glanced at Qin Xuance above, seeing that he was still far away from Di Cangtian and the others, he drew out his butcher knife again and killed the remaining seven great emperors.

Today, it is not impossible to exterminate the Xuantian God Clan!

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