
Chapter 1822 Zhanxuantian God Race

Between heaven and earth, Lin Huang had already turned into a stream of light, and he swung the knife in his hand in an instant, killing the remaining seven great emperors.

Now, Lin Huang once again jumped to the realm of the great emperor, and his strength is enough to overwhelm other great emperors.

Even if the other seven great emperors teamed up to attack and kill Lin Huang with a formation, Lin Huang directly wore the sky Shura, tearing up the formation with an extremely violent posture.

Afterwards, there was an endless attack on the seven great emperors.

At this moment, the Xuantian God Clan is in complete chaos.

There are six great emperors and the god heaven, chasing and killing Qin Xuance.

Below, Lin Huang fought against the seven emperors alone.

The two of them completely stirred up the entire Xuantian God Clan.

And in the Geng Geng Galaxy, the figures of Di Cangtian and others were getting closer and closer to Qin Xuance, and Qin Xuance wasn't idle either. He looked calm, but his escape speed was not slow at all.

Down below, Lin Huang has been paying attention to Qin Xuance's situation, seeing that Qin Xuance can persist for a while, he concentrates on killing the seven great emperors.

After all, there is no need to hide anymore these days.

If it can greatly weaken the strength of the Xuantian God Clan, it must be extremely wonderful.

Half an hour has passed.

Of the seven great emperors below, two of them had been beheaded by Lin Huang.

The other five great emperors already showed expressions of fear.

Even if Lin Huang's strength is as high as the sky, facing the siege of the seven great emperors, even if he is overturned, it will be difficult for him to escape.

But that's how it turned out.

Lin Huang actually suppressed seven great emperors, and beheaded two of them.

Everything seems to be developing in a direction that is not good for the Xuantian God Clan.

In the Geng Geng Galaxy, Di Cangtian frowned tightly as he watched the battle scene below.

He didn't expect that Lin Huang escaped from the small silver world so easily.

Even when facing the Nine Emperors, he still has the upper hand in the battle.

The strength of the latter has exceeded his original expectations.

And he was also thinking about...whether he really wants to leave Lin Huang today.

After all, with Lin Huang's current combat strength, it must be a difficult task to keep him, and the life of the emperor that the gods need to pay must be greater than the number of palms.

This is acceptable to the Xuantian God Clan themselves.

But looking at the four ancient clans, this is not worth the loss.

After all, Lin Huang is the common enemy of the four clans, why should the Xuantian God Clan bear the loss.


Before Di Cangtian made a decision, Di Tianshu, who was watching the chess game, suddenly came to his senses.

His eyes turned from cloudy to sharp.

He raised his head, looked at Qin Xuance in the galaxy, and at Di Cangtian and others behind him, after thinking for a while, he rolled up his sleeves.

In an instant, countless silver rays of light poured into the galaxy.

This accelerated the speed of Di Cangtian and others.

In the galaxy, Qin Xuance turned his head and looked at Di Tianshu, who was casting a spell below, with a cold smile on his lips, "Lin Huang!"

In the next moment, Lin Huang broke away from the battlefield below and headed towards Qin Xuance.

But in the galaxy, Di Cangtian and others, because of Di Tianshu's help, suddenly accelerated a lot, and they were already approaching Qin Xuance.

However, the moment Di Cangtian shot out the spear, it was bounced off with a clang.

Lin Huang descended from the sky, stood in the galaxy, looked at Di Cangtian and others in front of him:

"The opportunity has already been given to you, it is you who are useless!"

Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves, as if a god descended, and his whole body was glowing with divine brilliance, "Is the Emperor Patriarch wanting to bet the lives of the whole clan and leave me, Lin Huang?"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, staring at Di Cangtian with a contemptuous expression.

"Today's move is unsolvable!"

Di Cangtian said, "Even if you surpass the Great Emperor, you still underestimate the Xuantian God Clan!"

After finishing speaking, Di Cangtian stood in the middle of the Milky Way, his voice was as loud as thunder, "The Xuantian God Clan belongs to the blood-clothing gods!"

When Di Cangtian's words fell, Lin Huangzhi heard the sound of shouting and killing, and then he saw beams of light appearing from all over the Xuantian God Clan, leading directly to Xiaohan.

In just a few dozen breaths, the beam of light flowed with mysterious power, forming a large formation in the void.

Then, in the center of the big formation, there was a mysterious force frantically devouring the vitality in the void.

A blood-colored phantom appeared in that large formation.

Above the galaxy, Lin Huang frowned, "Gods have fallen into the world?"

Lin Huang's expression gradually became serious, and he felt the power of the gods from the phantom of the large formation, which made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Di Cangtian, it seems that the Protoss really don't want it anymore!"

Lin Huang's voice became low, and he sputtered five times, a drop of water suddenly formed in his palm, "You don't know anything about real power!"

As he spoke, Lin Huang exerted force with his arm and threw the water drop in his hand.

In the next instant, the water droplets turned into pitch black, then became solid, and finally burst out with a terrifying breath, heading towards the phantom of the gods in the formation.

At the same time, Di Cangtian and others had already killed Lin Huang.

"The Emperor of Heaven!"

Lin Huang spoke in silence, only when his words fell, the phantom of a green dragon and a white tiger suddenly appeared behind him.

The two great star treasures, Ling Tian, ​​directly killed the God Race Emperor.

Di Cangtian stood up and shouted angrily, his body was filled with jet-black light. When he swung his long spear, it seemed that a magic dragon was born, and it directly annihilated the Azure Dragon Treasure Art.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, because he underestimated Di Cangtian's strength earlier.

Afterwards, Lin Huang turned his head to look at Qin Xuance.

"Look what I'm doing... I chose to be black under the light just to prevent them from finding my real body. Now, my task has been completed, and I will leave the rest to you!"

Qin Xuance spoke.


Before he finished speaking, a storm suddenly appeared in the void that swept across the world.

When the previous drop of water burst, it directly defeated the large formation formed by the Xuantian God Clan.

"Don't worry, with me, you can't die!"

Lin Huang smiled lightly, he looked at Di Cangtian who had already been killed, his body glowed with a golden treasure body, and then Lin Huang went towards Di Cangtian like lightning.

In the void, the two were fighting like a storm, only the sound of swords and soldiers colliding constantly.Others couldn't see the battle process of the two, but could only see the two rays of light frantically running and chasing and killing between the sky and the earth.

"Hey... there are still six great emperors here!"

Qin Xuance opened his mouth to remind Lin Huang not to only care about Di Cangtian.

In the next moment, Lin Huang landed heavily on the Milky Way like an ancient magic mountain, and walked towards the six great emperors without the slightest hesitation.

Di Cangtian followed closely behind, killing towards Lin Huang.

"It seems that you are not very strong!"

Qin Xuance sat down, he looked at Lin Huang with interest, feeling a little disappointed.Isn't it seven great emperors plus the previous five great emperors?

There are only twelve great emperors in total, can't all of them be killed?

Qin Xuance felt that it was time to re-evaluate Lin Huang's combat power.

"You can shut up!"

In the battle situation below, Lin Huang roared angrily, then slashed through the bloody path and broke out of the encirclement, "You should understand my purpose for coming to the Xuantian God Clan!"

Lin Huang said to Qin Xuance.

"I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it!"

Qin Xuance said, "However, there is nothing I can do to help you. Only when you suppress the Xuantian God Clan can you get the answer you want!"

"No...I want it now!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth, ignoring the Twelve Great Emperors who killed him behind him, and the knife was stained with cold light in an instant, and went directly to Di Tianshu!

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