
Chapter 1825

Above the void, Di Tianshu seemed to focus on Qin Xuance again.

However, Qin Xuance did not hesitate at all.

"Under this starry sky, if you talk about the means of life masters... I am invincible, you can do whatever you want! Even if you step into the galaxy as a demigod, you will be suppressed by the fate of heaven and earth!"

Qin Xuance spoke coldly.

"You really think so?"

Di Tianshu lowered his voice.

"You can come in and give it a try!"

Qin Xuance smiled conceitedly.

Di Tianshu frowned... He seemed to be hesitant.

While taking advantage of this period, Lin Huang stepped into Qin Xuance's galaxy.In an instant, Dao Yun, who had been killed by Emperor Tianshu, recovered quickly.

There is an inexplicable force in the body, as if wearing the stars and wearing the moon.

Lin Huang frowned, and turned to look at Qin Xuance.

"I'm a Fate Master, if I'm really in a hurry, even the fate of the Sky Continent, I can borrow one or two!"


Lin Huang didn't believe it.


Qin Xuance snorted coldly.

A smile suddenly appeared on Lin Huang's face, he put down the Shan Na Dao, put his hands on his waist, and became a lot more airy in an instant.

"Di Tianshu, if you have the ability, you will kill me today. This emperor wants to see how terrifying the power of a demigod is!"

"For thousands of years, you have been forbearing, and today you finally showed your power. Could it be that even this emperor can't kill you?"

"Heh... Thousands of years ago, you were defeated by Wang Yifeng, and on Tianji Mountain, you were defeated by Li Baiyi. Today, in the hands of the Xuantian God Clan, you were defeated by Qin Xuance again. Why are you so pussy? !"

Lin Huang yelled at Emperor Tianshu with his hips pierced.

"Why, the majestic demigod is still afraid of this part of the galaxy? Is this the power of the demigod? Is this the foundation of the Xuantian protoss?"

"Thousand-year plan, you just come out like this?"

"It's in vain for you to be a generation of half-gods, but act so forward-looking and backward-looking. With you like this, you still want to achieve great things, it's tantamount to nonsense!"

At this moment, Lin Huang completely lost the image of a great emperor, but instead looked like a street ranger, scolding him if he couldn't beat him.


Di Tianshu seemed unable to stand Lin Huang's stimulation, so he scolded him.

He took a step forward and was about to step into the galaxy.

However... after stepping halfway, his feet were frozen in the void, he closed his eyes, and then suppressed the anger in his heart:

"However, the method of aggressive generals can shake my Emperor Tianshu!"

Lin Huang laughed, "It turns out that even a demigod would be afraid of the method of aggressive generals. Is this the peak combat power of the mainland?"

"You are so timid and coy, do you want me to give you a set of women's clothing?"

Lin Huang continued to be arrogant.

With Qin Xuance's Xinghe around, he felt that he had full backing and trump cards.

After all, he didn't know until today that Qin Xuance's ordering technique is terrifying enough to change his life against the sky and forcibly elevate his realm!
"Your aggressive method is really clumsy!"

Qin Xuance looked at Lin Huang and shook his head, then calmly rolled up his long sleeves, "Di Tianshu, your thousand-year plan has been unraveled today, so why continue to cover it up, heh...with me, Qin Xuance, all your disguises are covered up. It's useless!"

"Why bother, it's better to kill today!"

Lin Huang was a little disappointed that Qin Xuance spoke in a gentle manner.

However, when his words fell, Di Tianshu's eyes lit up, as if he had figured something out, "What you said makes sense, since you already know me, there's no need for it!"

With that said, Di Tianshu stepped into the galaxy.

Lin Huang let out a roar, wearing the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor, surrounded by four treasures, and at the same time, two treasures of the Big Dipper and the South were attacking and killing the Emperor Tianshu.

In the next moment, the galaxy was in turmoil, and the light of the explosion shot across the world.

And in that light, a giant silver hand suddenly appeared and hit Lin Huang directly.

Lin Huang immediately flew upside down, spilling blood into the sky.

He turned his head and looked at Qin Xuance behind him in disbelief...

He didn't understand why Emperor Tianshu was not suppressed by Xinghe after he entered Xinghe.

But before, after Di Cangtian and others entered, it was like sailing against the current, and they could only move forward with difficulty in the galaxy.

Could this Destiny Galaxy be ineffective against demigods?

Since it was invalid, what was Di Tianshu hesitating before?
However, at this moment, Qin Xuance's expression was calm, as if he had expected this step long ago.

This made Lin Huang want to curse.

You know it won't work for him, if you didn't say it earlier, your ribs might all fall apart.

The next moment, Di Tianshu appeared in front of Lin Huang, and slapped the top of his skull with his palm.

"Moving like a merchant!"

Qin Xuance's sleeves rolled up, causing Lin Huang's figure to disappear and appear in another place.

Di Tianshu frowned, and appeared behind Lin Huang again.

"Xuanwu returns!"

Qin Xuance spoke again, causing a basalt star array to appear behind Lin Huang, and combined with Lin Huang's basalt treasure technique, he held the palm of the demigod emperor Tianshu.

However, Lin Huang was still sent flying, spitting blood.

"That's not what I thought before!"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Xuance, who was calm and calm, with great hatred in his heart.

"Get ready to leave!"

Qin Xuance spoke.

"I want to leave now... Hmph, I have to ask Di Tianshu if he agrees!"

Di Tianshu stepped across the galaxy, with contempt in his eyes.

"Not necessarily!"

Qin Xuance opened his mouth, and then looked at Di Cangtian below, "Patriarch Emperor, you don't want to know why Di Tianshu can stroll in the galaxy, but you can't?"

Below, Di Cangtian frowned, but did not speak.

Isn't that better?Di Tianshu was able to shoot the two of them to death with one blow.

But when Qin Xuance spoke, Di Tianshu didn't hesitate, and appeared next to Qin Xuance in an instant, pointing out.

Suddenly, Lin Huang appeared and kicked Qin Xuance away.

However, Lin Huang was pierced through the chest by a finger.

"I really want to die!"

Di Tianshu shook his head, he exerted all his strength with both arms, and with five commands, he sucked Lin Huang and Qin Xuance in the distance towards him.

Lin Huang had no choice but to be picked up like a chick, so he had no choice but to abandon the treasure.

In the next moment, the small silver world reappeared, covering him and Qin Xuance.


Seeing the small silver world blocking Di Tianshu's palm, Lin Huang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, finally having a chance to breathe.

"This time you played a little too big!"

Lin Huang turned his head and accused Qin Xuance.Originally, he thought that Xinghe was really a backer, but it turned didn't have any influence on Di Tianshu.

"It's you who came to the Xuantian God Clan in the first place, so it's none of my business!"

Qin Xuance couldn't understand Lin Huang's behavior of dumping the blame.

Afterwards, he was dressed in white clothes, still as handsome as jade, with his hands behind his back, "Di are not affected by the star life of the Sky Continent, so you are not from my continent!"

As he said that, Qin Xuance turned around and looked at Di Cangtian below his eyes, facing Di Tianshu sideways, and said slowly:
"You are a member of the fate clan!"

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