
Chapter 1826 Life Emperor Tianshu

In the void, when Qin Xuance's words fell, Di Tianshu instinctively frowned.

As for Emperor Cangtian and the others below, they were somewhat puzzled.

Ming family?

What race is that?
In Firmament Continent, is there such a race?

Whether in the Xuantian God Clan's classics, or in the mouth of Di Tianshu, this race has never been heard.

"Why do you defile people's innocence out of thin air!"

Di Tianshu said with a smile.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Qin Xuance smiled, then looked at Di Cangtian, "Patriarch Di Cangtian, do you know the existence of the Ming Clan?"

Di Cangtian raised his head and opened his mouth, apparently not knowing.

"Then you can simply understand it. This Di Tianshu, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with you, just treat yourself as Di Tianshu and be taken away!"

Qin Xuance said.

In an instant, Di Cangtian frowned, and his eyes fell on Di Tianshu.

He didn't understand what a Mingzu was.

But he knows, what is seizing a home!

It's just wearing someone else's skin, but the soul is no longer the Di Tianshu it used to be.

"Where's the evidence?"

Di Tianshu said casually, "You know, Di Cangtian and I have been brothers for thousands of years. You want to turn things around with just a few words?"

"Why do you have to embarrass yourself so much?"

Qin Xuance shook his head, but did not move.

"I know what you are plotting... so you should understand that your plot will have no meaning!"

Emperor Tianshu said.

"Who says it's meaningless, maybe so, you can eradicate the Xuantian God Clan by yourself!"

Qin Xuance shook his head.

"This is your fellow human!"

Di Tianshu shook his head, "I'm an outsider, you want an outsider to kill your brother?"

"That said, it makes sense!"

Qin Xuance nodded, and as his sleeves fluttered, an ancient image appeared in the void.

Originally, Qin Xuance didn't want to assume the identity of Emperor Tianshu, because in this way, the seeds of doubt had been planted, and Emperor Tianshu could form a restraint state with the Xuantian God Clan.

Once the identity of Emperor Tianshu is confirmed, Di Tianshu and the Xuantian God Clan will be deadly enemies.

But Di Tianshu had already seen through his thoughts, so it was impossible for Qin Xuance to continue with his thoughts, and he might directly slaughter the entire Xuantian God Clan.

But the content in the picture is a little blurry.

Only a wisp of blue smoke slowly descended from the sky, slowly pouring in from the Baihui acupoint of Di Tianshu...

And when the green smoke poured into the Baihui acupoint of Emperor Tianshu, half of the black hair on his head gradually turned frosty white.


Di Cangtian stared at the scene in the picture, his eyes widened.

No matter how Di Tianshu struggled, he couldn't stop Qingyan from entering his body. In just two hours, Di Tianshu completely changed his appearance.

"Patriarch Emperor, how is it? Does this solve the doubts in your heart?"

Qin Xuance smiled and looked at Di Cangtian below.

" really aren't Di Tianshu?"

Looking at the breezy figure, Di Cangtian asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter if you are or not, you think I am... the Xuantian God Clan is the future master of the Sky Continent. If you don't think I am, there may be no Xuantian God Clan in the Sky Continent!"

Di Tianshu said contemptuously.

"you you……"

The emperor was furious.

Over the years, he always thought that half of Di Tianshu's hair was as white as snow because of the misery of the catastrophe that year.

But I didn't expect that the result was like this.

"you wanna die!"

Di Cangtian lowered his voice and spoke with a piercing coldness in his eyes.

"Are you talking about me?"

Di Tianshu turned his back to Di Cangtian, but turned his head to look down on him. Then he raised his arms in the air, and Di Cangtian below was grabbed by the neck by a mysterious force and lifted up.

"The power of a demigod is enough to destroy all great emperors and all races! Emperor Patriarch, think it over before you speak, don't ruin the entire Xuantian God Clan just because of a single thought!"

At this moment, the patriarch of the majestic Xuantian God Clan had no strength to resist, and the way he looked at Di Tianshu was a little inconceivable.

"The emperor's patriarch..."

At this moment, Lin Huang, who was hiding in the small silver world, spoke, "You said earlier that you would not cooperate with foreign races! I don't know if talking counts. Let me remind you, the Ming clan is stronger than the evil clan, right? few!"

"You talk too much!"

Di Tianshu turned his head and stared at Lin Huang with a smile, with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes.

Afterwards, Di Tianshu turned around and let go of his palm, allowing Di Cangtian to take a few breaths, "How are you thinking!"

"I consider you a hammer!"

Di Cangtian was furious, and quickly retreated, "The Xuantian God Clan belongs, prepare for battle! Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!!"

Seeing Di Cangtian's angry expression, Di Tianshu smiled and shook his head, "It seems that you still have some backbone!"

In the next moment, several great emperors of the Xuantian God Clan ascended into the void and surrounded the emperor Tianshu.

"The younger generation, Emperor Cangtian, please invite the ancestor to come out of the mountain!"

Di Cangtian bowed to the heaven and earth, his voice was like a mighty thunder, resounding in all directions.

"Old Ancestor... Can Old Ancestor be stronger than me?"

Di Tianshu smiled.

"Di Tianshu, you've been pushing Lai Lai like this all this time, are you really going to do it!"

Lin Huang was too lazy to watch Di Tianshu appear holy in front of others.

"Then kill you first!"

Di Tianshu smiled softly, and in a flash, he suddenly appeared in front of the small silver world, pressing down hard with his white and jade-like palm.


The small silver world suddenly couldn't bear the power of the demigod, and cracks appeared quickly.

"time to go!"

Qin Xuance glanced at Lin Huang, as if he disliked that Lin Huang could not beat Emperor Tianshu.

Since you can't beat it, you should run away!

Lin Huang frowned, he still wanted to give it a try, but forget it...too lazy to argue with Xiao Qin.

But this is definitely not that he can't beat Di Tianshu, but that Di Tianshu and the Xuantian God Clan dog bite the dog.

"Want to go, have I agreed?"

Di Tianshu shook his head, staring at Lin Huang and Qin Xuance with a contemptuous expression, he lifted up the small silver world with his arms!

Afterwards, the small silver world was filled with strange powers of stars, which began to obliterate the rules in the small silver world.

Lin Huang's face darkened, "Do you really think I have no temper?"

After saying that, Lin Huang suddenly waved his arms, and terrifying auras were like chains, attached to the wall of the small silver world.

In the next moment, the small world shrinks.

Zoom out again.

Crazy shrink.

In the blink of an eye, that small world is no more than the size of a fingernail.

Then the small silver world began to solidify, and the surroundings gradually turned into pitch black, and then burst out with blazing light.

A series of terrifying auras swept out from the small silver world, causing Di Tianshu's palm to be burned.

His complexion changed, he quickly threw away the small silver world, and stepped back.

However, the black spot the size of a fingernail crazily pursued towards Di Tianshu...

"Lin Huang, how dare you be presumptuous!"

Di Tianshu yelled angrily.

"Whether I'm presumptuous or not is none of your business!"

The aura contained in the black nail cover is becoming more and more terrifying... so terrifying that even the Emperor Sifang can't stagnate in the void.

Di Tianshu rolled up his sleeves, and directly drew the ground as a prison, peeling off another void in the void.

"It's useless!"

In the void, the voice of Lin Huang sounded, "Enjoy the fireworks and splendor of a world explosion!"

all of a sudden...

Black fingernails burst.

An endless storm swept across the entire Xuantian God Clan!

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