
Chapter 1834 The Battle of the Great Senior

Lin Huang is actually not familiar with the Hundred Years Great Master's Battle.

I also heard about it when I came to Fusang God Realm last time.

However, in Rama Cangtu's memory, there is a lot of information about the battle of the Hundred Years Great Master.

During the last Great Master's battle, Rama Cangtu was considered a cub, and at most he could only watch.

If it weren't for this time, Lin Huang raised his realm to the Great Saint Realm, and he probably wouldn't be qualified to participate in the Hundred Years Great Master's Battle.

To put it simply, the so-called Hundred Years Great Master's Battle is the dojo set up by the Nine Meridians.

A path for other Evil Race people to advance.

According to legend, long time ago, the evil clan's nine veins controlled the world, making the entire evil clan's people miserable, and nobles and slaves coexisted.

After a long period of oppression, the evil race broke out in a war, which caused the evil race to be in chaos for thousands of years.

And after thousands of years, finally a strong man from the evil race rose up and became an existence above the nine veins, and determined the troubled times.

For the better development of the Evil Clan, the existence above the Nine Meridians established the rules of the century-old Grand Master War.

Any citizen of the evil clan, when the century comes, is eligible to challenge the Nine Meridians Lord and become an existence in charge of the world.

This rule, the former master of the Nine Meridians wanted to overthrow it, but they were all suppressed by force.

Sensing Rama's shattered memory, Lin Huang frowned, the evil clan's approach was really rude.

In comparison, it seems that the human race is more reasonable, such as the Confucianism opening up a school palace, and recruiting people with lofty ideals from all over the world.

Educate the world with rites.

But these are not important, what is important is that the battle of the Hundred Years Great Master is also quite bloody and cruel, and if one is not careful, it will be the destruction of clans one by one.

The entire Hundred Years Great Master's Battle is divided into two stages.

The first stage is the melee between the challengers.Only the No.1 in the melee is eligible to challenge the Grand Master of one lineage.

The second stage is the duel between the challenger and the Great Senior and his wings.

Only after defeating all the wings can you be qualified to challenge the Great Master.If it succeeds, it will become the new Great Senior, and if it fails, it will be death.

This road is not fair at all to the challengers.

But once they succeed, the benefits they will gain are unimaginable... Every new generation of Nine Meridians is born in this way.

Therefore, the challenge becomes fair.

This time, what the Rama family wants to protect is the eighth great one.

In fact, Dazun is only a realm, as long as one steps into this realm, one can be honored as such.

It's just that the first to ninth have special meanings, and they represent absolute strength and authority.

There is a posture of superiority over all living beings.

The first round of the Hundred Years Great Master's Battle was a civil war between challengers, and had nothing to do with Jiumai Great Master and his forces.

The key is the second stage.

For the challengers, it is an extremely rugged road to the sky.

But for the Nine Meridian Winged Forces, it is not easy.Those who have the ambition to challenge the top nine are all people with extraordinary strength.

And those who stand in the way of the latter may become dead souls in the hands of the latter.

After Lin Huang realized it, he was not so happy.

Although, entering the Great Sacred Realm, it seems to be an honor to be able to follow the Patriarch to protect the eighth vein.

However, the Great Saint Realm is separated from the Great Venerable Realm by a natural chasm.

If he really wants to become a challenger's roadblock, he is looking for death, at best he can be regarded as cannon fodder.

While Lin Huang was still thinking about it, the elders of the Rama clan suddenly appeared beside him, and murmured for a while.

Lin Huang's eyes lit up immediately, knowing the key point.

Rama Cangtu was originally a strong contender for the future Patriarch of the Rama clan.Although he is not the first to break through to the Great Saint Realm, he is not far behind. Before him, only two clan brothers were faster than him.

And if he blocked the challenger for the Eighth Great Master in the battle of the Hundred Year Great Master, it would be an extremely eye-catching performance both in the eyes of the Eighth Great Master and for the Rama family.

For their own status and influence, there is a great degree of improvement.


Lin Huang immediately figured this out, he needs military exploits to become the leader of the Rama family.


But he is Lin Huang, not Rama Cangtu, so what is the use of wanting to be the head of the family?
Moreover, if he participates in the battle of the century-old great master, the other two clan brothers with great potential will not participate?

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows... he was thinking quickly.

However, the next moment, he was dragged away...

In fact, Lin Huang didn't have much to think about. He is now a rama, and he is not allowed to refute many decisions.

Of course, Lin Huang didn't really care too much, so he just went!

At worst, expose the real body and make a big battle of the century-old great master, kicking off the prelude to the war against the evil race ahead of time.

Alas... not right.

Lin Huang suddenly patted his head, he was supposed to disturb the battle of the Yellow Hundred Years Lord, why did he get worried, his mentality was wrong!
Lin Huang narrowed his eyes and looked at the elder who was in the Quasi-Great Venerable Realm ahead, as if he had some thoughts.

However, Lin Huang still didn't make a move in the end.

Then occupying the physical body of a Rama family, there is not much benefit!It's not bad to occupy a body of another vein!

Not long after, Lin Huang stepped onto the ancient warship of the Rama family and rushed to the battlefield of the Hundred Years Great Master's Battle.

He left the customs two days late, otherwise he would have been able to follow his family to the Bloodborne Battlefield!
Up to now, Lin Huang has not seen the patriarch of the Rama family with his own eyes. It is said that the patriarch, Luo Mohan, is the eighth elder Luo Tianzhilan. When he was a respected person, he helped him with all his strength, and even in the process of the latter's control of the eighth vein, he suppressed the riots and made great contributions.

Therefore, the Rama family has a position that cannot be ignored in the eighth line.

This time, if he can help Luo Tianzhilan stabilize his status as the eighth great lord, the Rama family will once again receive the baptism of glory.

At that time, the rewards obtained by the family may create a few more powerful people with great dignity.

It is even possible for the whole family to migrate to the royal court of the evil clan, second only to the royal family of the nine veins, and stand side by side with the other guardian clans of the eighth vein.

On the ancient warship, Lin Huang scratched his head, it seems that after he came to Fusang God Realm, he walked something wrong.

Did not fight or kill.

Instead, you want to fight for the honor of a family?

Lin Huang frowned... Feeling like he did something wrong!

In less than half a day, the ancient warship passed through behind a huge blood-colored light curtain, and what caught Lin Huang's eyes was the blood-colored mountains, rivers and land.

The mountains, rivers and land are like an ancient hand raised, with the state of grasping the heaven and the earth, it is extremely vast!

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and immediately felt the blood in the void, which was more than several times thicker than the outside. If you want to come to this place, for the evil race, it can be regarded as a holy place or a secret existence!
And Tian Shura in Lin Huang's body also opened his eyes...

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