
Chapter 1835 Bloodborne Battlefield

Tian Shura opened his eyes at this time, which made Lin Huang's heart skip a beat.

Afterwards, he felt that Tian Shura was actively absorbing the rich blood energy between heaven and earth.

In the past, Lin Huang was required to guide him, but Tian Xiuluo grew up and learned to eat by himself.

Lin Huang looked around and found that no one noticed him, so he felt relieved.

After all, this is not a safe place.

Only when Rama Cangtu entered the Great Sacred Realm was he eligible to enter this battlefield.It can be explained that the creatures on this bloody battlefield are at least above the Great Sacred Realm.

There is also the existence of Jiumai Dazun.

If he was wearing Rama's smeared body, he would be a small ant.

Even if it is his real body, he might not be able to fight in the face of the Nine Meridian Great Master.

After all, in the territory of the evil race, there are gods.

Then the strength of the Great Master Jiumai, maybe a demigod like Di Tianshu will run out, and he will no longer have the silver little world to explode.

So, it's better to keep a low profile.

I just don't know, now that I have cultivated supernatural powers and blood demon anger, can those great venerables still see through themselves.

Afterwards, Lin Huang felt several divine senses sweeping towards him.

Perhaps they were investigating, and there were people of that line again.

Among them there are many strong men of the Great Exalted Realm.

Afterwards, those divine senses quickly disappeared.

This made Lin Huang heave a sigh of relief, it seems that the Gorefiend Fury he cultivated is still useful.

Not long after, Lin Huang and the elders of the Rama family passed through the blood field and appeared in the center of the Nine Meridians territory.

Nine peaks stand side by side there, shocking the entire battlefield.

Every ten-thousand-foot-high mountain peak is occupied by a vein.

Afterwards, Lin Huang saw the Patriarch Rama in Rama Cangtu's memory, Rama Han...

It was an extremely burly existence among the evil race, with a body that towered above the heavens and the earth, like a hill sitting on top of a mountain peak, and his robes were flying like a thousand-foot battle flag.

There was an unparalleled coercion in every gesture.

"Great Prestige!"

Lin Huang was startled, feeling the latter's realm.

"Auspicious, Gulu, I..."

The elder of the Rama clan beat his chest and said a few words, which made Ramahan turn his head to look at Lin Huang, then closed his eyes again, and only uttered a few light words.

Lin Huang scratched his head, and heard that the latter was boasting that he had stepped into the Great Saint Realm, so he asked himself to do a good job.

Lin Huang hurriedly beat his chest to express his gratitude, and then left quickly.

The less contact with these great venerables, the better, so as not to be seen.

Turning around, Lin Huang was brought to the camp of the Rama family, all of whom were familiar faces from Rama Cangtu's memory.

Among them, there are brothers who stepped into the Great Saint Realm first than him.

Seeing Rama Cangtu coming here, one of them, Rama Cangyue, showed hostility in his eyes and beat his chest with both hands, but it was not an expression of respect, but a threat and strength.

The other Rama Cangling, after taking a look at Lin Huang, turned his head contemptuously, as if he disdained the existence of Rama Cangtu.

Lin Huang didn't react too much, he was no longer a child, isn't it just a competition for the position of patriarch in the future, children want this kind of thing.

For the rest of the time, Lin Huang was relatively free.

The first stage of the Hundred Years' Battle of Great Masters will start in two days, so for Jiumai now, it's just a matter of enjoying the flowers and enjoying the moon.

As for the evil race who wanted to make great achievements and do something to scout out the challenger, he was too lazy to follow suit.


Tian Shura has left the body.

Standing on the top of Jiumai Mountain, Lin Huang looked at the large and small camps in the bloody battlefield below, frowning slightly.

As long as it is within a certain range, he can still control Tian Shura's departure from the body, but not if it is far away.

It's a pity that he won't be able to transform into three cleanses like Situ Huang's grave, otherwise he would be able to form a thinking avatar without being bound by his main body.

Lin Huang was flirting with flowers and grass on the Jiumai Mountain, but his mind was completely on Tian Shura!
At this moment, Tian Xiuluo is walking completely on his own body. In fact, he can't be regarded as having a real body, but it doesn't matter, the bodies of many strong people of the evil race look like shadows and water.

After slightly changing the shape of Tian Shura's body, and adding that Tian Shura devoured the blood moon energy, it stood in the middle of some challengers from the evil race without being obtrusive at all.

It even looks more evil than many evil races.

But it's a pity that the other evil race challengers are all gathered together.

In the first stage, every challenger who wants to replace the Great Senior will build his own wings so that he can stand out in the first stage.

But Tian Shura felt a little lonely.

But Lin Huang didn't care, Tian Shura at least had the strength of a great master, and with Lin Huang taking care of him from a distance, he was strong enough to protect himself.

As for whether it can stand out, it doesn't matter, it can be regarded as a seed planted by Lin Huang.

If you can stand out, the benefits will be extraordinary. Maybe your imagination can be enriched, such as becoming the master of the line.

Lin Huang controls Tian Shura, listens to the six sides, looks at all directions, and sees who is the weakest among the great masters of the nine veins, so that he can become the challenger of this vein.

But after listening to it for a long time, there are different opinions.

Logically speaking, among the great masters of the Nine Meridians, the ninth one should be the weakest.

But the weakest one means the most challengers.

Moreover, after the previous turmoil of the Nine Meridians of the Evil Clan, the strengths of the first to ninth great masters are not completely ranked in order of high and low.

"It seems that we can only draw a lottery and resign ourselves to fate!"

Lin Huang decided so hastily.

However, before the divination stone in Shura's hand dropped that day, he felt a strange gaze.

This made Tian Xiuluo instantly vigilant, and turned his head to look at the source of his gaze.

It was a blood-colored figure in a blood-colored light beam, but the eyes of the blood-colored shadow glowed with a sacred snow-white light, which was as bright as the sun, and it was impossible to look directly at it.

Lin Huang frowned, Tian Shura in the distance had already clenched his fists, showing a defensive posture.

It could sense that the figure in the bloody light in front of him was extremely powerful, and might overwhelm Shura.

"Little brother...don't stick around here. The sixth channel is mine. Go to the seventh channel, okay?"

A weird laugh sounded in Tian Shura's mind.

Lin Huang frowned suddenly, and immediately sat down cross-legged, fully controlling Tian Shura.

At this time, Tian Shura and Blood Shadow on the Blood Origin battlefield in the distance also sat down, "How did you find me?"

"You Asura, it's not like I haven't seen its aura before, can you hide it from me?"

Blood Shadow sound transmission.

"Didn't you come to the Xiezu a long time ago? How did you become a challenger? You were rejected by the Xiezu?"

"Those who went to the Sky Continent 3000 years ago were just the assignees of the evil race. After returning, with my level, it is very easy to get a place in the Nine Meridians!"

"However, I am a man of the human race who is indomitable, how can I stay under the evil clan for a long time, I will be a dog for the evil clan, it is better to become a great master of the evil clan!"

Huangfu Tianxia, ​​the real body in the shadow of blood, spoke.

"How dare you think!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"You've already done this, I still can't think like this...I'm your senior brother!"

Huangfu Tianxia was immediately unhappy, and the red light on his body kept flickering!

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