
Chapter 1838 The Great War


Listening to Lin Huang's words, Rama Cangyue was obviously stunned for a moment, expressing doubts, because he couldn't understand what Lin Huang said.

He has never heard the language of the human race.

Lin Huang stood up, looked up at Rama Cangyue, and a sneer appeared on his face.

A loud bang.

Rama Cangyue was directly blasted out of the camp by Lin Huang's punch.

He vomited blood, and then horns grew on his head, his whole body turned red, and he squatted on the ground, roaring and staring at Rama Cangtu in front of him.

Afterwards, Rama Cangyue let out a roar, like an angry volcano, blasted towards Rama Cangtu.

Boom boom boom!

Rama Cangtu was also wearing Gorefiend's Fury, and he blushed furiously. While beating his chest and roaring, his blood energy surged, blocking several attacks of Rama Cangyue one after another.

Outside the camp, several evil clans of the Rama family suddenly appeared.

At the same time, several powerful divine thoughts began to sweep across the entire void.

These forest wastes are all aware of them, but they are not lenient in their strikes, even though Rama Cangyue stepped into the Great Sacred Realm before him.

But he is not only Rama Cangtu, but also Lin Huang, and his understanding of Gorefiend's Fury is more profound than Rama Cangyue.


There was another loud bang, and Rama Cangyue was knocked into the air again.

He quickly got up from the ground, and the blood around him was like a steaming mist, which had almost materialized...

There were many exclamations from the evil race around.

It was probably saying that Rama Cangyue had actually comprehended the five-fold secret, so Rama Cangyue's strength was extremely terrifying, and it was Rama Cangtu's turn to suffer.

Lin Huang also understood, but he snorted coldly, his body suddenly swelled and enlarged, like a mutation, his whole body was covered with blood-colored lines, and the color of blood climbed in his eyes, and his aura became manic.

"Where is Ah Cai!"

Some evil clans exclaimed, and other evil clans also turned their heads to look at Lin Huang. They really didn't expect that Rama Cangtu, who stepped into the Great Sacred Realm, would be the first to comprehend the six folds of blood demons.

At this moment, Rama Cangyue had already killed her, and seeing Rama Cangtu stepping into the power of six folds, her complexion changed drastically, but it was too late to turn her head.

There was a smirk on Lin Huang's face, then he roared angrily, and punched him down.

The next moment, Rama Cangyue lay on the ground, life and death uncertain.

But Rama Cangtu squatted down, and pressed a palm on Rama Cangyue's head, and the latter's body suddenly had blood rushing into Rama Cangtu's body.


Some elders of the Rama clan stood up and wanted to stop Rama Cangtu from fighting each other.

However, Rama Cangtu only raised his head slightly, and then directly twisted Rama Cangyue's head off.

In the evil race, the most important thing is to grow up in the fight.

Therefore, Rama Cangyue's defeat and death is a very normal thing, no one can say anything.Rama Cangtu was unwilling to let the latter go, it was Rama Cangyue's fate.

The elder of the Rama family had a gloomy face, and then left with a flick of his sleeves.

Rama Cangtu stood up, turned his head and glanced around, snorted coldly, and kicked Rama Cangyue's body that had turned into a mummy into the air.

Immediately, Rama Cangtu walked into the camp.

But before walking into the tent, Rama Cangtu suddenly turned his head, following a strange line of sight, he found Rama Cangling, who was staring straight at him.

A provocative smile appeared on Rama Cangtu's face, and then he entered the tent.

And the rest of the evil clans were still pointing at Rama Cangyue's corpse, after all...the latter was also a strong contender for Patriarch Rama, and he did not expect that he would be so defeated.

Originally thought that he could crush Rama Cangtu and teach the latter a lesson.

No matter how bad it is, it should be evenly matched.

But I didn't expect that Rama Cangtu actually had some abilities. After stepping into the Great Saint Realm, he directly cultivated the Gorefiend's Fury to the sixth level.

This is already one of the few existences in the Rama family.

After sighing and regretting for a while, all the evil clans scattered like birds and beasts... Only Rama Cangling stared at Rama Cangyue's corpse for a long time.

Then he shook his head indifferently, and kicked Rama Cangyue's body off the mountain.

After Lin Huang entered the camp, he didn't pay attention to other things at all, but concentrated on refining the power of blood in Rama Cangyue's body.

Unexpectedly, Rama Cangyue was so kind that she took the initiative to send him blood energy.

If only Rama Cangling also made a move just now...

Lin Huang stretched his arms, and felt extremely comfortable all over his body. The blood energy of Rama Cangyue actually gave him the strength to reach the seventh level, which is really good.

However, although the evil race encourages fighting, it is still necessary to keep a low profile. After all, it is now the critical moment of the Great Master's battle. If all the evil races of the eighth vein are killed, how can they help the eighth master deal with the challenger.

However, Huangfu Tianxia said earlier that the Eighth Great Lord of the Xie Clan might have stepped into the demigod realm secretly, which is a bit of a mystery.

But these are fine for him.

After all, what Tian Xiuluo participated in was the fight between the challengers of the seventh vein.

Lin Huang continued to practice in the tent.

It's quiet now.

No one dared to disturb him.

But in the middle of the night, the elders of the Rama family sent a message from the patriarch Ramahan that they are not allowed to massacre fellow clansmen during the grand battle.

Lin Huang got up and patted his butt, then continued to practice.

Time passed by in a flash, and the first stage of the Hundred Years' Battle of the Great Master had already kicked off.

Accompanied by the roar of the great master of the evil clan on Jiufeng Mountain, the challengers rushed into the place where the nine veins fought in the blood field.

The fighting places of each vein are different, and they are all based on majestic mountains.

Tian Shura rushed into the fighting place at an extremely slow speed.

In a very short time, he has not fully mastered the technique of Sky Shadow, so he can only take his time.

Simply, Tianying has a great advantage, and it is very difficult to force him to show his real body.

After entering the place of fighting, Tian Xiuluo hid directly under the shadow of the boulder and continued to practice...

Don't worry, everything has just begun.

On the other side, Huangfu Tianxia's mind was different from Lin Huang's, and he started to slaughter before entering the place of slaughter.

With the natal supernatural powers of the five great evil races, he has enough capital to go on a rampage.

What is there to wait for.

Just kill them all...

On the Bloodborne battlefield, the sound of drums continued.And the families of the various lines on the Jiufeng also stretched their necks, wanting to know the outcome of the battle.

It's been a long wait, though.

The forest waste above the mountain peak is cultivating while paying attention to the surrounding battlefield environment with the help of Tian Shura.

Not many evil races participated in the battle of the seventh vein.

That's more than 20 great lords.

However, this was enough to make Lin Huang speechless...

After all, the Great Senior is the Great Emperor of the human race.

It is not a simple matter for the human race to gather more than 20 great emperors at once, except for the four ancient races.

As for the challengers who participated in the lineage, there were more than 20 great lords among them.

What about the other eight veins?

The number of Dazuns challenged by the first three veins must be far more than twenty, and the number of challengers corresponding to the weakest ninth vein must also far exceed this number.

After all, if the challenge to the first three veins is successful, then the status will undergo earth-shaking changes.

After all, there are also sequences in the nine veins.

The reason why there are many challengers in the Ninth Vein is because if they succeed in the challenge, they will be able to control the whole world, and the temptation is deadly enough.

In addition, there are also the great elders of Jiumai and its clan, and the Dazun of the guardian families under Jiumai.

In this way, the number of Great Seniors owned by the evil race is extremely terrifying...

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