
Chapter 1839 Gradually Born

Counting the number of the great masters of the evil race, Lin Huang only felt a sudden increase in pressure.

After all, this is just Dazun.

The Nine Meridians of the Evil Clan have existed for many generations.

Not all the elders of the older generation Jiumai Dazun were directly killed by the latecomers, but retired.

This part of the evil race is the real terror.

Therefore, the strength of the evil race is much higher than that of the human race in the Sky Continent.

Fortunately, 3000 years ago, the Xie Clan only used the Sky Continent as a place of exile. If the Xie Clan really attacked the Human Race with all their strength.

Now, whether there is a Sky Continent or not is another matter.

Shocked by the strength of the evil race, Lin Huang also strengthened his determination... How could he allow others to snore on the side of the couch.

Outside the Sky Continent, there cannot be such a powerful race.

Otherwise, even after dealing with the four ancient clans, the evil clan would still be an incomparably huge threat.

In the land of chaotic warfare, Lin Huang continued to practice.

But he's already moving...

The most powerful point of the evil race is that they can devour the blood of the same race to strengthen themselves.

Rama Cangtu devoured his two clan brothers before, thus gaining two sister-in-laws.

And just before that, Lin Huang directly devoured Rama Cangyue's energy and blood.

Tian Shura can also.

Even his devouring speed is more terrifying than Lin Huang.

Whether it's the origin of Tian Shura's birth, or his innate compatibility with the blood of the evil race.

In the vast jungle, blood is surging.

More than 20 great lords, together with their followers, fought and killed each other in chaos, and the scene was extremely bloody.

However, Tian Shura did not participate in it, but hunted quietly.

At the same time, it secretly devoured the blood of the defeated evil race.


Throughout the Bloodborne battlefield, amazing battles erupted everywhere.

After all, there were hundreds of Great Seniors participating in the battle this time.

Even if a Great Senior makes a move, it can shake the heavens and the earth, let alone so many Great Seniors fighting each other.

The Jiufeng Mountain in the center of the entire Bloodborne Battlefield was shaking unceasingly. If it hadn't been protected by the great supernatural power of the evil race, it would have been turned into ashes long ago.

On the mountain peak, Lin Huang also began to pay attention to the battle below.

Needless to say, the battle of the seventh meridian, with the presence of Tian Shura, he knows it by heart.As for the battles in other veins, it is not clear.

Among the other eight meridians, the battle of the sixth meridian is the most intense.

Even if you can't see the real picture, just the outburst of qi and blood overwhelms the aura of other several veins.

It seems that Huangfu is about to rise strongly.

Lin Huang twitched his sleeves, and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sixth mountain peak... Maybe, Huangfu Tianxia can really find a way.

However, the end of this road, in his eyes, should not stop the evil race.

In addition to the sixth pulse, the ninth pulse is also very intense.

After all, a large number of strong men have poured into the Ninth Vein. Although none of them are the top among the Great Masters, they cannot stand up to the large number.

Not long after, the Ninth Meridian Chaos War Land was directly pulverized, and all the challengers flew into the air to fight.

Lin Huang counted the past in detail, and among the challengers who were still alive, there were actually more than 50 Great Seniors.

Lin Huang slapped his thigh immediately, extremely annoyed.

If I participated in the battle of the Ninth Meridian before, I don't know how much blood energy I can swallow, and the **** Huangfu Tianxia misunderstood me.

Lin Huang began to blame Huangfu Tianxia.

The battle in the first three veins is also very fierce, but it seems that no strong man who can win the championship has been born yet.

Not only Lin Huang was paying attention to the battle below.

Jiumai is paying attention.

After all, once the final challenger is born, Jiumai will no longer be able to sit on the sidelines, but will have to fight for life and death.

They are naturally extremely concerned about the strength of the challenger.


Time passed little by little.

one day.

Two days.

Three days...

It was a long battle and a bloody fight.

Lin Huang loves this century-old battle of great masters to death.

In his eyes, this is completely a matter of the evil clan giving him a knife.

In this battle of great masters, I don't know how many great masters were killed, otherwise the threat of the evil race to the Sky Continent would be even greater.

Perhaps, this is also a means for the evil race to harvest leeks.

But no matter what, Lin Huang was very happy to see such a situation.


Seven days later, a loud noise suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

A blood-colored beam of light shot up into the sky, occupying half of the sky in an instant.

Then, in the blood-colored beam of light, an ethereal blood-colored figure slowly appeared.He has a pair of bright eyes, like the sun, so that all the evil people look at him, and he feels like his soul is being suppressed.

In that blood shadow's hand, there was an ancient and mottled blood-colored token engraved with ancient evil characters.

Sixth Bloodline Challenge Order!

On the mountain peak, Lin Huang looked up at the figure, frowning slightly.

It really was him, Huangfu Tianxia!
Became the first challenger to be born in the first stage in the Centennial Great Master War, and obtained the qualification to challenge the sixth vein.

Moreover, his rising speed is too fast, it only took seven days, which is too fast compared to the previous battle of the Great Senior.

On the sixth mountain peak, there was an obvious commotion.

Lin Huang was a little puzzled, he didn't quite understand why Huangfu Tianxia was so high-profile... Or, he completely gave up his human body and became an evil clan from the beginning to the end.

Lin Huang felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Huangfu Tianxia... This elder brother who I have never been close to, in this life, can he turn back?
Afterwards, Lin Huang restrained his mind and continued to pay attention to the battles in other lines.

But Tian Xiuluo is still lingering, slowly devouring the blood of the evil race, as long as he is cautious enough, there is no need to be afraid.

The ninth pulse has been fought for seven days, and there are more than 30 left in the Great Senior, so don't worry.

In the seventh vein where Tian Shura is located, there are still six great masters left.Among them, the energy and blood of eleven Great Seniors were quietly swallowed by him.

As for the energy and blood of the strong under other great lords, Lin Huang didn't think much of them.

After all, the resources needed by the forest shortage are too massive.To step into the realm of the gods, the energy he needs is in units of gods.

And the sum of more than 20 great venerables is no match for a single god.

Reluctantly, I can be a demigod.


Seven days later, the second challenger was born.

That is the challenger of the eighth pulse.

On the mountain peak, Lin Huang frowned, and looked at the figure in the void that looked like an ancient magic mountain.

That figure was ancient, his whole body was like blood-colored lava flowing from a pitch-black mountain, and his hair flew into the sky like a battle flag.

His body is extremely huge, so he didn't wear clothes, and used giant trees as clothes to block the key places.

The peaks of the eighth vein were in commotion.

Because, the Great Senior who looks like a magic mountain in front of him, holding the Eighth Vein Scarlet Challenge Order, will be the enemy they will face.


Suddenly, an ancient and majestic voice sounded from the peak of the Eighth Meridian, as if questioning the latter's name.

"Onlia Promise!"

The eyes of the Great Master like a magic mountain opened, and two pillars of blood shot directly at the eighth peak.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. The latter's name translates to the human race, so it should be called - Posuo Tuye!

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