
Chapter 1840 Battle of the Seven Veins

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned slightly as he looked at the majestic Posuo Tuye.

The latter's realm...has not reached the demigod realm, but it gives him a feeling of surpassing the Great Venerable.

A formidable foe.

Just don't know how to do it.

After that Po Suo Tuye reported his name, he left this place.Next, he will wait for the opening of the second stage.

After the birth of Posuo Tuye, the evil race of the eighth vein also began to get busy.

A large amount of information about Posuo Tuye was continuously sent to the eighth peak.After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!
But Lin Huang looked at the back of the latter who was leaving, and fell into deep thought... His spiritual power was dragged by Tian Shura.

The battle of the seventh meridian is in full swing.

As for Tian Shura, he was also completely paid attention to.

Originally, he was extremely happy just lingering on the side... But he often walked by the river, and after all, he still got his shoes wet.

In the vast jungle, Tian Shura was surrounded.

Behind him, there is a great master of the evil race who looks like a lava volcano.

Ahead, there was a pool of pitch-black blood, and there was a powerful evil clan whose body was covered in mirrors.

There is also an evil race on the left and right sides.

The five great venerables surrounded Tian Shura, all looking at him angrily.

It was only now that these great masters of the evil race realized why the blood of those ants that had been slaughtered before disappeared inexplicably.

It turned out that there was a mouse hiding in a dark corner.

Tian Xiuluo seemed to be the enemy that the five great masters had to deal with first.

Tian Xiuluo held the Instant Knife, swept his eyes coldly across the surrounding enemies, and gradually stepped out of the shadows...

Since you can't hide, then fight!

In the next moment, Tian Shura directly attacked first, and killed the incomparably majestic Grand Master behind him.


Immediately, in the vast jungle, there was a huge collision sound.

The blood energy is like steaming mist, steaming up.

The other Four Great Evil Venerables also killed Lin Huang without hesitation.

Boom boom boom.

In the chaotic land of the seventh vein, a big battle finally broke out, which made the faces of the evil races in the seventh vein full of excitement.

I don't know, who will be so unlucky and will become the challenger of the Seventh Supreme.


Suddenly, the entire chaotic land of the seventh vein erupted with a loud noise, and under the majestic coercion, the chaotic land was turned into dust.

Immediately afterwards, six beams of light rose into the sky, fighting in the void.

Tian Xiuluo turned his head to look around, and suddenly let out a roar, the blood demon's anger flowed all over his body, and his whole body was full of evil spirits, giving people the feeling of an evil god descending into the world, which actually made the other great venerables feel the suppression of their breath.

However, life and death vendettas, no matter what you suppress or not.

The five great venerables shot at the same time, and once again suppressed Tian Shura.

Among the peaks of the eighth vein, Lin Huang stood up cross-legged, controlling the battle of Tian Shura.

In the distance of the Bloodborne Battlefield, Huangfu Tiantian looked at the scene in the sky, shook his head, and said with regret:
"Little brother, you're not good at it!"


A loud bang.

As soon as Huangfu Tiantian finished speaking, the body of the mountain-like Great Master of the Evil Race suddenly collapsed.The majestic posture turned into thousands of pieces of meat and fell down.

On the other hand, Tian Xiuluo was like a madman, holding a moment knife, slashing and killing frantically, annihilating the latter's body, and letting the sky rain blood.

In an instant, a cloud of blood mist attacked and killed Tian Shura.

Tian Shura's eyes glowed red, and when he raised his hand, he actually sucked the murdered blood mist into his palm, and then... the blood mist directly entered Tian Shura's body.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang snorted coldly.

The latter actually wanted to enter Tian Shura's body, and then completely destroy the inside of Tian Shura!

Tian Xiuluo stretched his arms, too lazy to resist the power of the Great Master entering his body, but directly began to refine the Great Master.

Aren't you a mass of blood, possessing the power of rebirth from a drop of blood?
I don't know if I can be reborn this time.

Tian Xiuluo's body was like an oven for evil spirits. After the ball of blood entered it, thousands of terrifying evil spirits drowned it like a vast sea.

And the big blood lord didn't attack twice, but found something was wrong, and then ran away frantically, trying to get out of Tian Shura's body.


But it's too late!
Tian Shura is originally formed by the condensation of all evil spirits in the world, and it is the nemesis of all evil things.

Either assimilated, or suppressed and killed.

Back then, when Lin Huang walked out of the Great Xia Dynasty for the first time, the blood crow he sensed for the first time was because of Tian Shura.

And now, it is still the case!

In Tian Xiuluo's body, before the blood lord was completely suppressed, the other three lords in the void had already appeared in front of him.

The three Great Seniors shot at the same time, pressing down on Tian Shuluo Gai.

A loud bang.

Void Burst...

However, there was no sign of Tian Shura.

Afterwards, the great venerable covered in mirrors attacked and killed the other venerable... because a shadow appeared behind the latter.

It is Tian Shura.

And the third great venerable was much smarter, he raised his hand and formed a natal barrier in the void, trapping Tian Shura in the barrier.

Under the persecution of powerful means, Tian Shura once again stepped out of the shadows.

But this time...

He has already refined the blood lord.

Tian Xiuluo frowned coldly, staring at the three evil clans like a demon lord in the world, and after a cold snort, his body suddenly swelled!

He looked up at the bloody enchantment above his head, and punched directly.


The barrier shattered.

Afterwards, Tian Xiuluo held the Instant Knife, wrapped himself in Gorefiend Fury, and watched the fearless Great Mirror Master coming, narrowing his eyes slightly...

Suddenly the saber was unsheathed!

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang looked calm, but sneered in his heart.

Mirror Evil Clan, how many did he kill?



A loud bang.

In the void, the whole body of the mirror-faced great venerable began to shatter, and the latter stared at Tian Shura in disbelief.

It doesn't understand why the mirror copy technique is invincible for the same great master, and why the latter can directly crush his body with the posture of the upper realm.

Tian Shura roared, blood gushing like an eternal madman, and rushed towards the remaining two great venerables.

Huangfu Tianxia in the distance still shook his head, "It's not bad, but it's still not as good as me...killing five great masters is so laborious!"

The evil races on the seventh peak were slightly silent, after all they knew that the challenger who survived in the end would not be too weak.

But don't expect too much!
It seems a bit easy to suppress and kill the five great masters with his own power, what exactly is he trying to do...

Wouldn't it be good to challenge the first five meridians, you have to embarrass the seventh meridian.

However, Tian Shura would not consider these things.

He held the head of a great venerable in his hand, and walked towards the last great venerable, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and between his steps, it seemed that there was a overwhelming momentum, which actually made that great venerable feel fear...

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