
Chapter 1841 Phase 1 ends

Chapter 1841 The first stage ends
There is no suspense in the battle of the seventh vein.

When Shura carried the head of the Great Senior that day and walked towards the last Great Senior, the battle had already been declared over.

But a knife thing.

The strong man of the evil clan who was also a great master was directly killed by Tian Shura.

Fighting back and forth is actually only a few dozen breaths.

This made the evil clan members of the seventh vein feel tremendous pressure.

Being both in the Great Exalted Realm, being able to instantly kill an opponent with a single blow shows that this challenger has extremely powerful combat power within the same realm.

It is not so easy to kill it in the second stage.

In the void, Tian Xiuluo threw away the head in his hand, and with five fingers volleying in the air, he grasped the bloody challenge order in the chaos below.

Seventh Bloodline Challenge Order.

Afterwards, Tian Xiuluo raised his head, and saw an ethereal figure in the sky above the seventh meridian, which could not be seen clearly.

But Tian Shura was able to perceive very clearly that in that ethereal cloud, there was a pair of soul-stirring eyes staring at him.

Afterwards, Tian Shura turned and left directly, waiting for the opening of the second stage.

He can't stay here and wait for the other party to ask him what his name is... Lin Huang hasn't made up his mind yet.

The most difficult thing in the world is to choose a name!
On the eighth peak, Lin Huang also relaxed a little.It is not an easy task for him to control Tian Shura with his mind.

Over time, there may be some changes, so we can only make a quick decision.

As for attracting the attention of the Seventh Meridian, there is no other way!


The battle continues.

And with the passage of time, challengers of various veins gradually appeared.

fifth vein.

fourth pulse.


Ninth pulse!
second pulse.

The first pulse!
Finally, half a month later, the challengers corresponding to Jiumai were all born.

The sixth vein Huang Fu Tianxia, ​​Lin Huang forgot what his name was in the Xiezu.

Seventh Meridian Heaven Shura, he doesn't know what he is called now.

The eighth pulse is the slaughter industry.

This is the three veins that have the deepest relationship with him.

As for the other lines, he didn't pay attention, but he was forced to receive some information.

Among the dozens of great masters in the ninth vein, there was only one lucky guy left in the end, who seemed to be called Yan Motian.

Also, the challengers of the first three veins are all powerful people, and they seem to be in the realm of demigods!

The challenger of the first line seems to be born with three natal talents, called the autumn of Shentu.It is said that he stepped on the corpses of the other two demigods to become the final challenger, possessing extremely terrifying strength.

Lin Huang also paid special attention to this.

After all, among the evil race, once he is discovered, he will be the enemy of the whole world.As for the battle against the demigod realm, he is not yet fully confident.


When the first stage ends, the second stage will begin soon.

Nine-vein challengers, according to the order of the lottery, challenge the corresponding one in turn, and the winner is to become the master of the new one.

If you fail, all is lost.

Fortunately, Lin Huang drew the fifth place, and he didn't show up or linger, so he shouldn't receive too much attention.

I don't know whether it was intentional or what, Huangfu Tianxia drew ninth, becoming the existence of the finale challenge...

Perhaps, he is destined to rise strongly?

However, Lin Huang was still a little worried about the world of Huangfu. Regardless of the ferocity of these challengers, they were all in the realm of great lords, and there were even demigods.

However, a mountain is higher than a mountain.

Who can become the master of the nine veins, which one is not in the realm of great venerables, and which one is not in the forefront of the realm of great venerables.The resources and information they control are too terrifying.

Moreover, before challenging the Great Master of the Nine Veins, the challenger must first challenge the guardians under the corresponding line.

They need to suppress their realm to the same realm as the guardian.

For them, this is an extremely harsh rule.

But the rules are the rules, and they cannot be changed... After all, once they succeed, what they will get will be the authority to command the evil clan to rule the world.

And there are 81 guardians of each vein!
Every one of them can be regarded as the arrogance of heaven among the evil clan. It doesn't matter how high their realm is, but only their amazing means and invincible appearance in the same situation!
Faced with such a challenge rule, even the demigod challenger from the first line is not sure that he can make it to the end.

In the eighth peak, Lin Huang was also included in the list of guardians.

Among the 81 guardians, No.80!
It wasn't that Lin Huang was lucky, but that he secretly cheated when drawing lots.After all, he doesn't want to work for Eighth Meridian...

Put yourself in the last place, Po Suo Tuye should not be able to kill so far.

If he can really kill it, it means that Posuo Tuye's strength is amazingly strong, then it's nothing if he loses logically.

At that time, the Eighth Great Master will personally act.

In this way, we can also see whether the eighth venerable has hidden his realm and is a genuine demigod.

The second stage of the Hundred Years Grand Master War will start in three days.


In the hidden corner of the bloody battlefield, Tian Xiuluo and Huangfu Tianxia mingled together again.

"You don't prepare for the battle, what do you want me to do?"

Huangfu Tianxia was a little impatient, he had a headache when he thought of the 81 guardians he was about to face!

This is not an easy task, and...his talent is not as strong as Lin Huang and Qin Changsheng, he still recognizes this.

"Exchange a talent method!"

Tian Shura said with a cold expression.

Huangfu Tianxia was stunned for a moment, he suspected that he had heard wrongly.

"Have you successfully practiced the two methods of destiny before?"

Huangfu Tianxia was surprised by Lin Huang's speed.

"It only took me more than 20 days to comprehend Gorefiend's Fury before, let alone practicing it directly!"

Tian Shura opened his mouth, and he put his hands in the shadows, only to see the ferocious arms disappear.Afterwards, Tian Shura took his hand out of the shadow again, and with a snap of his fingers, the arms were covered with mirrors.

Blood mirror technique!
Huangfu Tianxia frowned, although he knew that the most difficult part of the Xie Clan's natal law was to study it.

But he never thought that he could practice so quickly.

In the first stage of the Grand Master's battle, it took only a month or so, and he gave the two natal methods to the whole meeting.


Tian Shura came here to talk about exchanging the law of his life, not begging for it.

That is to say, within this period of time, Lin Huang quietly researched a method of natal life...

This speed is too astonishing.

"Your research speed is not bad, just barely!"

Huangfu Tianxia's heart was turbulent, but his face was a little disappointed, "And... maybe if you have the natal law, I also have it!"

"I can't see it!"

Tian Xiuluo tapped the ground with his fingers, and saw blood suddenly ooze out of a palm-sized spot on the ground. Wisps of brilliance evaporated from the blood, forming a blood moon in the sky.

"This is……"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned suddenly, "Blood Moon Domain!"

"I think, although the talent of the elder brother is amazing, it is still a little difficult to study the natal method of the bleeding moon field!"

Tian Xiuluo's rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he was mocking Huangfu Tianxia...

(End of this chapter)

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