
Chapter 184 The Dragon's Roar

Chapter 184 The Dragon's Roar

In the small courtyard, under Murong Fen's guidance, Lin Huang opened the jade vase of Ye Haihua.

In an instant, scorching breath gushed out, sweeping the entire courtyard.Lin Huang's eyes were fixed, and he commanded and sprinkled ten times, and he condensed a second-level fire formation, including Ye Haihua.

Murong Fen's eyes brightened, his ten fingers trembled cautiously, and opened a gap in the oven in his hand.


Murong Fen said in a low voice.

Lin Huang shook his arm, and immediately threw the secondary formation into the oven.

Afterwards, the secondary formation in the oven was completely disintegrated, revealing the sea of ​​karma in it.

"The time is two breaths late, if it is a little later, Ye Haihua will be useless!"

Murong Fen frowned, and scolded Lin Huang severely.

Lin Huang's expression changed, and his expression became even more tense. He moved his fingers in his sleeves and took a deep breath.

Then, under Murong Fen's guidance, Lin Huang sent the Fen Xinlian and Yanlong Fruit into the oven.

The time it was sent was exactly the same, and Murong Fen's expression eased.

As the three materials were sent into the oven, the atmosphere of the entire oven suddenly swayed, and the scorching atmosphere increased a bit, making Lin Huang dare not get too close.

Murong Fen's face also turned pale, and it was extremely difficult to control the oven.

"During this time, you will stay here, and I will call you if there is something to do!"

Murong burned.

Lin Huang nodded, he naturally understood that the next period of time was extremely critical.

Extract from the flame of Nirvana.

Then cultivate it into Nirvana Divine Flame.

Then came Lin Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana.

If there is a little carelessness in this, all success will fail, and all efforts will be ruined.

In the small courtyard, Lin Huang sat cross-legged not far from the oven, waiting for Murong Fen's orders while refining the Pojun Yuanling in his body.

Time flies, and half a month has passed quietly.

In the small courtyard, Murong Fen's face had become extremely pale, and he looked very lethargic, and he kept chewing the elixir to replenish his vitality.

But the latter's hands are extremely stable, controlling the raging fire in the oven, constantly fusing the power of Yehaihua, Burning Heart Grass, and Yanlong Fruit.

Lin Huang on the side also looked extremely haggard, with cracked lips.

In the past half a month, the two of them did not dare to have the slightest support, so they had to stick to it with perseverance.And now is the most critical period for the fusion of the three medicinal materials, so don't be careless.

"The oven is unstable!"

In the small courtyard, Murong Fen's face suddenly changed, his fingers trembled slightly, and his whole body tensed up.

Lin Huang's complexion changed, and he stood up, "What's going on?"

"The flames in the oven are too strong, and there is a possibility of frying the oven. This possibility will be infinitely magnified when extracting the flame of Nirvana!"

Lin Huang frowned instantly. If the oven exploded, the extraction of the Nirvana Flame would have failed completely.

"What can I do?"

Lin Huang took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and asked calmly.

Murong Fen looked solemn, "The only way now is to find a third-level fire formation master to help me when I extract the flame of Nirvana!"

"A third-level fire formation master?"

Lin Huang pursed his chapped lips and frowned.

There is only Shen Diexin, a third-level formation master in Piaoxue Palace, but she is not a fire element.

At this time, where did he look for it?And time waits for no one, even if Lin Huang finds it down the mountain, it may be too late.

"Or you can choose to break through by yourself and become a third-level formation master!"

In the small courtyard, Lin Huang's expression was slightly concentrated, looking at the flaming oven, his eyes were shining, and he asked calmly, "How many days do I have?"

"Ten days!"

Murong burned.

"Ten days?"

Lin Huang squeezed the warm palm, his heart tightened suddenly.

When he walked out of the Piaoxue forbidden area, he could control 54 formation seals, and after practicing with Murong Fen for a period of time, he could control 57 formation seals.

The standard for a third-level formation master is to control 64 formation seals.

The further the formation master goes, the difficulty will increase a lot for each additional formation seal he controls.It is extremely difficult to control seven more array seals in ten days.

"And you don't have ten days!"

Murong Fen continued, "In ten days, in addition to becoming a third-level formation master, you also need to learn a third-level formation technique! Otherwise, even if you become a third-level formation master, it will be of no use!"


Lin Huang took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, and his tired face was full of determination.

Although he only has ten days, he must do it.

For the flame of Nirvana.

For Lin Cangxue!
Then Lin Huang crossed his legs, his slender fingers intertwined and trembled, and dazzling array marks appeared all over his body...

During the period when the two were extracting the Flame of Nirvana, the entire East Spirit Realm was gathering wind and clouds, and there seemed to be endless undercurrents surging.

More than 30 people from Tianleizong went down the mountain.

Qi Aohan, the suzerain of the Wind and Rain Tower, left the customs and led his disciples to Xuanyuan City.

Su Fu, a disciple of Qianyin Valley, was born.

Three thousand white robes from the Shangguan Dynasty entered Xuanyuan City.

The number one scholar of the Sui Dynasty went to Xuanyuan City.


Four sects and ten dynasties, plus the three major forces, more than half of the six great families have disciples heading towards Xuanyuan City.

Its purpose is only one:
Three months later, on the eighth day of the ninth lunar month, it will be the start of the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.

In addition to the above-mentioned forces, there are countless small forces, and countless warriors, businessmen, literati, and cavalry have continuously flowed into Xuanyuan City.

Everyone wanted to witness the demeanor of the younger generation in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

The Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties can be said to be the highest-level battle of the younger generation in the East Spirit Realm, and those who can participate in it are all geniuses from the major forces.

Each of them is likely to be listed in the Wuhou list in the future.

In the past, Xuanyuan Tibing also won the first place in the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties War.

Back then, Lin Cangxue, the legend of the East Spirit, was one person with one sword. In the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, the geniuses of all the forces suppressed could not hold their heads up.

A battle like this would only happen once every ten years.

However, since the High Priest of Piaoxue Palace released the news that Yin Yang Valley was about to be born ahead of schedule, the members of the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties forcibly moved this battle forward by seven years.

Three years ago, Lin Cangxue defeated the other forces all by herself, but now that Lin Cangxue is down, those forces must have tried their best to avenge their shame.

As for Piaoxue Palace, as early as half a month ago, Xie Qinghou, who was traveling abroad, was ordered to be recalled.

This is now the well-deserved No.1 in the inner sect.

It has been less than three months since the war of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.What happened three years ago is still vivid, Piaoxue Palace naturally understands what kind of predicament Piaoxue Palace will face this time if Lin Cangxue is not behind.

Now, Lin Huang is in charge of the chief disciple, and he should lead the team to the battle of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.But Lin Cangxue accumulated too much hatred three years ago, Piaoxue Palace must treat it with caution.

After all, Lin Huang does not have the realm of Tianyuan.

In the other three sects and ten dynasties, all of them were young geniuses with Tianyuan realm.

If there is a little carelessness, not a single one of the disciples of Piaoxue Palace will be killed in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War.

Therefore, Piaoxue Palace had no choice but to recall Xie Qinghou!
Although this disciple is number one in the inner sect, he has always been extremely low-key.

And at this time period, another major event happened in the East Spirit Realm.

That night……

When everyone was immersed in cultivation, quietly dreaming sweet dreams, nostalgic for brothels and taverns, and reading at night with lights under the windows, suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky above the East Spirit Realm, as if there was a gathering of wind and clouds!

An incomparable dragon chant resounded through the Eastern Spirit Realm.

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

"Dragon Yin?"

"It's really a dragon chant!"

Countless warriors, emperors, merchants, porters and pawnbrokers turned pale with shock.

Under the bright moonlight, I saw a phantom of a blue dragon that is more than thousands of miles across the void, flying and dancing, there are turbulent winds and clouds, and thunder bursts.

The Canglong is alive!

Looking at the phantom of the blue dragon in the void, everyone in the East Spirit Realm was dumbfounded.

They all know that there are dragons in the world.

But they have never seen a real dragon, this real dragon that only exists in the world of the peak of martial arts, unexpectedly appeared in front of their eyes vividly.

The dragon's body, which spans thousands of miles, is like a steel backbone, supporting the world.

During the whistling of the dragon's roar, there was a thousand miles of wind and cloud turmoil, and the endless majesty swept down from the sky, looking down on the land of Dongling.

Among the mountains and ravines, on a blood-colored palace, Xue Shenji floated in the wind in a blue shirt, looking at the dragon shadow above the sky, a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his soft mouth:

"Tsk tsk, it's finally about to appear!"

In Xuanyuan Mansion, Qin Xuance also looked up at the blue dragon in the sky, with a calm face, a smile gradually appeared in his bright eyes, and whispered:

"Dong Ling Dragon Vein!"

And in the Snow Palace, the girl in red walked out of the small courtyard, raised her head slightly, her star-like eyes shone with joy, and her snow-white face smiled like a flower:

"Mother, Qingcheng has found the dragon vein!"

That night, Dong Ling had a dragon vein appear in the world.Countless forces are shaken by it, countless powerful people are coveted by it, and countless geologists are running for it.

The so-called dragon veins are the root of Dong Ling's luck.

Get can get luck!
(End of this chapter)

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