
Chapter 185 The Flame of Nirvana

Chapter 185 The Flame of Nirvana
In the small courtyard of Piaoxue Palace, Murong Fen looked at the dragon shadow above the sky and sighed slightly.

As a staff member of Xuanyuan Mansion, he naturally knows more than ordinary people.

Dongling Dragon Vein is one of the eight prisons in Yin Yang Valley.The appearance of the dragon veins indicates that the Yin-Yang Valley is about to appear, and what is different from the past is that without the detention, the Yin-Yang Valley may appear forever.

This will be a catastrophe for the East Spirit Realm.

Up until now, Murong Fen had never understood why Xuanyuan's troop wanted to expose King Wu's tomb and let Qin Xuance use Xuanyuan City's large formation to kill Xue Yihou.

Now, the dragon vein has appeared again.

The eight ways of detention in Yin Yang Valley have become less and less.

However, the Blood Spirit Palace only damaged Xue Yihou and the two ambassadors under Xue Yihou's command, black and white are impermanent.And the other poisonous snakes hiding in the shadows are extremely powerful.

Could it be that Xuanyuan Tibing is already strong enough to suppress Yin Yang Valley by one person?
But the evil king in Yin Yang Valley cannot be killed!
Between Murong Fen's brows, there was a strong look of worry.


At this moment, Lin Huang, who had been immersed in cultivation, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long cry.When he got up, the number of formations suspended in the void suddenly increased, like dancing elves, surrounding Lin Huang's body.

I saw Lin Huang waving his arms, and the 64 formation seals were like arms and fingers. Following Lin Huang's thoughts, he condensed into a sword formation. The power of the realm.

Level three array master!

In the small courtyard, Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, his dark eyes shone brilliantly, ten commanders dispersed all the sword formations, and then bowed slightly to Murong Fen, saying:
"Teacher, please give the battle!"

For seven days, Lin Huang almost boiled oil to light the lamp. After practicing dozens of times to exhaust his soul, he just broke through and stood up, forcibly controlling 64 formation seals.

"You only have three days!"

Murong Fen opened his mouth and said.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, showing strong confidence on his face, "Three days is enough!"

Afterwards, under Murong Fen's instruction, Lin Huang integrated the Thousand Spirit Sword Formation he had mastered so well into the Fire Element Formation to form a Fiery Sword Formation!
Sunrise and sunset!

Three days passed by in a hurry.

In the small courtyard, Lin Huang, who was waving his arms exhaustedly, finally stopped.And in front of him, there is a billowing sword array floating in the air.

Inside the sword formation, raging fire was burning, mixed with sharp sword energy, exuding a palpitating aura.

Looking at the sword array in front of him, Murong Fen's pale face finally showed a satisfied smile. For nearly a month, his soul power was already on the verge of exhaustion.

The simple thing is that Lin Huang succeeded in practicing at the last moment.

If it was half a day later, the two of them would only have to face the consequences of the oven bursting.

"I need you to put the Fiery Sword Formation into the oven, wait for the flames of Nirvana to condense and detain them, so that even if the oven bursts, the flames of Nirvana will not be extinguished!"

Murong burned.

Lin Huang nodded.

"You have to remember that the flames of Nirvana are extremely powerful. If you are not careful, it will swallow the blazing sword array, and it will still be destroyed at that time!"

With a cautious expression on his face, Lin Huang squeezed his warm palm, and carefully manipulated the fiery sword array in his hand.

"let's start!"

Lin Huang said in a low voice, gesturing to Murong Fen.

In the small courtyard, Murong Fen's face froze, then his fingers trembled, he clenched his teeth, and opened the oven bit by bit.

Then, the 64 array seals controlled by Lin Huang formed a long line and poured into the oven, only to hear Lin Huang's low voice:
"Sword formation!"

Inside the oven, 64 array seals swirled and danced. Under Lin Huang's control, like sending troops in an array, they formed a raging fire sword array, enveloping the raging fire inside.

Inside the Fiery Sword Formation, the three treasures, Yehai Flower, Burning Heart Lotus, and Yanlong Fruit, had already turned into a ball of flames, presenting three distinct colors of red, yellow, and blue, and began to slowly merge.

Murong Fen let out a low voice, and warned Lin Huang, "Remember, you must hold on to the sword array, I'm going to start merging!"

Lin Huang's face was shocked, and his eyes were fixed on the three flames inside the oven.



Inside the oven, the flames of three different colors began to be forced to fuse under the powerful pressure of Murong Fen, and the repulsive force of mutual fusion also diffused out.

The sword formation controlled by Lin Huang trembled.

"Hold on!"

Murong Fen scolded sharply.

Lin Huang's complexion changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, swung his arms rapidly, his fingers trembled faster and faster, and tried his best to maintain the operation of the sword array.

At this moment, he must go all out without any relaxation.

Murong Fen's gaze was like a torch, even though his face was dripping with sweat, he did not dare to relax in the slightest.While waving the palm, a series of mysterious powers diffused out, blending three completely different flames in an extremely tyrannical and brutal posture.


Murong Fen yelled, and the power in his hand suddenly increased, and the oven trembled, and the powerful force suddenly pressed against the three flames, causing the three flames to fuse together fiercely.

And at this moment, the repelling force before the fusion of the flames has also reached its strongest state.

Lin Huang, who was manipulating the sword formation, was violently shocked, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out.Even so, Lin Huang's palms were still very steady, after all, they were able to withstand the repelling force of the three flames.

Afterwards, the three flames in the oven had merged into one, forming a red-gold flame.

Amidst the lingering flames, the smell of destruction oozes out from the oven, making one's soul horrified.

"Flame of Nirvana!"

Looking at the red-golden flames circulating in the oven, Lin Huang's face beamed with joy.The pulsating flames, like all of Lin Huang's hopes, are burning blazingly.

"Don't be distracted, you haven't reached the point of success yet!"

Murong Fen warned, and then opened a gap in the oven.

In an instant, the breath of Nirvana's Flame vented out from the oven, and an incomparably fiery wave of air swept across, filling the entire Piaoxue Palace in the blink of an eye.

The scorching heat permeated the sky over Piaoxue Palace, causing the ice and snow to melt and the vegetation to ignite spontaneously.

"what happened?"

A disciple exclaimed, looking at the ice and snow on the roof that melted with the naked eye, he said in astonishment.

"It's so hot, is it the molten lava from the ground?"

Some disciples doubted.

"This breath seems to come from Qilin Peak!"

In Piaoxue Palace, everyone was stunned and puzzled.Piaoxue Palace is located in a cold place, and the snow never melts all year round, but it never occurred to me that today it seems like fire and rain fell from the sky, causing the ice and snow to melt and the vegetation to set themselves on fire.

Then, all the disciples saw the figures of many elders heading towards Qilin Peak.

Together with the figure of Palace Master Yan Nangui, they all flew towards Qilin Peak.

In the small courtyard of Qilin Peak, Lin Huang felt the flame of Nirvana in the sword array in shock, his soul trembled a little, he had never seen such a terrifying flame in his life.

It is conceivable that once the flames of Nirvana dissipate, the entire Piaoxue Palace will be turned into scorched earth.

Lin Huang's expression was tense, and his fingers trembled slightly because of the tension. He moved the sword formation bit by bit, and moved towards the glass bottle made of ten thousand-year ice jade.

Then, Lin Huang carefully put the Flame of Nirvana into the glass bottle, and gradually removed the sword formation, every step was extra cautious, not daring to be careless.

It wasn't until the flame of Nirvana entered the glass bottle and Lin Huang withdrew the last formation seal that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally successful!"

Lin Huang smiled and murmured in relief, then felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

Looking at the flame of Nirvana entering the glass bottle, Murong Fen also smiled with relief, his trembling arms were no longer able to control the oven in his hand, so he could only send it into the air and let it explode.

A flaming mushroom cloud suddenly rose above Qilin Peak.The blasted oven set off a sea of ​​flames, and the violent power instantly covered the entire Piaoxue Palace.

Those elders who flew towards Qilin Peak were immediately thrown away.

Up and down the Snow Palace, an instant avalanche!

Then, Murong Fen took Lin Huang and flew away from the courtyard.The two instigators had already fled before the scorched elders arrived.

In the next few days, Yannangui was furious.

Strictly ordering to find the instigator, all the disciples and elders in Piaoxue Palace got busy.Together with Shen Diexin and Lu Han, they searched for clues seriously.

It wasn't until a few days later that everyone realized that Lin Huang had disappeared.

The chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace disappeared.

"There must be something tricky in this!"

A disciple spoke.

"This is impossible. Although Lin Huang is the chief disciple, it is impossible to make such a big commotion!"

"I heard that Lu Han once brought back a middle-aged man who looked very powerful!"

"Lu Han? Go, ask him!"

In Qilin Peak, looking at the disciples of Piaoxue Palace coming in mighty way, Lu Han's dark face turned pale, and he hid in the back mountain of Qilin Peak regardless.

It was the fifth day after the matter fermented.

In front of the mountain gate of Piaoxue Palace, a young man in Tsing Yi appeared.

"This is Piaoxue Palace, stop those who come!"

Outside Piaoxue Palace, two disciples who had just started yelled, it seems that they are very jealous when they see the handsome appearance of the young man, which is so handsome that it harms the country and the people!

The young man in Tsing Yi smiled slightly, and gently handed out a Piaoxue Palace inner door token, and said in a chic voice:

"My name is Xie Qinghou!"

(End of this chapter)

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