
Chapter 186 The role of dragon veins

Chapter 186 The role of dragon veins

When Lin Huang woke up, it was already seven days later.

And Murong Fen was still sleeping soundly. Presumably, the latter had been operating the oven for nearly a month, and his energy consumption was more terrifying than that of Lin Huang, and his soul had already been exhausted.

Half a day later, Murong Fen woke up.

"Huh... How long has Ben Hou been asleep!"

Murong Fen asked.

Lin Huang shook his head to express his ignorance, "Where is the flame of Nirvana?"

Murong Fen escaped from the ring with a glass bottle, held it up to the sunlight, and said with a smile, "This can be regarded as the greatest masterpiece of this Marquis in the past forty years!"

Under the sunlight, Lin Huang also smiled, staring at the dancing golden flame in the glass bottle with his dark eyes, his heart was filled with excitement.

The successful completion of the Nirvana Flame meant that he was one step closer to Lin Cangxue's Wuhun Nirvana.

"Do you know, once Nirvana Flame evolves into Nirvana God Flame, what will its power be like?"

Murong Fen asked with a smile.


Lin Huang asked back.

Murong Fen stood up, holding the flame of Nirvana in his hand, there was a hint of high spirits between his brows, "If the flame of Nirvana explodes, perhaps even Marquis Wu will be doomed!"

Lin Huang's face was shocked.

Murong Fen laughed loudly, and walked towards Lin Cangxue's courtyard with the glass bottle in his mouth, "And Nirvana God Flame will be cultivated by myself, Murong Fen!"

"This Marquis would like to see how many people in the world will be shocked when the legend of Lin Cangxue returns!"

From behind, Lin Huang looked at Murong Fen's figure, and was extremely excited. He also wanted to see how magnificent Lin Cangxue would be when he returned.

Lin Huang had never seen Lin Cangxue's high-spirited appearance.

In the quiet small courtyard, when Lin Cangxue looked at the golden flames shining under the sun, her snow-white face froze slightly, then her delicate body trembled, and her eye sockets became rosy.

From the moment she saw the flame of Nirvana, she knew that there was hope for her martial soul's Nirvana.

And when she saw Lin Huang's and Murong Fen's tired faces, she felt even more bitterness in her heart. The so-called flame of Nirvana was not so easy to extract.

"In the next period of time, this Marquis will cultivate the Flame of Nirvana in your mysterious sea, until it is completely cultivated into the God of Nirvana, then it will be the time for your martial soul to Nirvana!"

Murong Fen's face showed unprecedented excitement, and he continued: "I will set up a formation in the Xuanhai, and at this time, your Xuanhai must not be on guard at all!"

"Can you trust me?"

Lin Cangxue smiled slightly, then nodded firmly.

"Then let's start now!"

Murong Fen said excitedly, he has never challenged such a difficult thing in his life, the cultivation of Nirvana Flame is more difficult than cohesion, but it is more meaningful.

Once successful, he will become the No. 1 who subverts the martial arts of the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Perhaps outside the Eastern Spirit Realm, there is the theory of martial soul nirvana in the theory of warriors, but there is no such theory in the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Once he succeeds, he will change everyone's perception.

This kind of theoretical change is more fulfilling than becoming a fifth-level formation master himself.

After Murong Fen died, Lin Huang always had a smile on his face.He has never cared about the development of martial arts theory, he just looks forward to, one day soon, his sister, the former legend of Dong Ling, will return from Nirvana and point her sword at Dong Ling!

In the dark room, Lin Cangxue sat cross-legged, and beneath her was an incomparably mysterious formation.

"This formation will completely imprison you, because the flames of Nirvana will enter the body, and it will be extremely painful. If you make any rash moves, unknown changes may occur!"

Murong Fen explained.

Lin Cangxue nodded with a smile.

Then Murong Fen sat cross-legged in front of Lin Cangxue, moving his fingers in the air, using the acupoints all over Lin Cangxue's body as the cornerstone, in which vitality was hidden, and then constructed a formation, submerged into the mysterious sea.

Lin Cangxue frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a strange aura blending into the mysterious sea.

Then, Murong Fen wrapped the flame of Nirvana with vitality, and snatched it out...

The fiery breath permeated the entire room in an instant.

"Can we start?"

Murong Fen waved the Flame of Nirvana in his hand, and asked seriously.

Lin Cangxue frowned, and nodded solemnly, obviously ready to face any pain.

After Murong Fen died, Lin Huang looked at the Nirvana Flame with palpitations, his palms were sweating, he naturally knew the power of this Nirvana Flame.

How terrifying it would be if the flames of Nirvana entered the body.


In the room, Murong Fen let out a long sigh of relief. He seemed to be more nervous than Lin Cangxue. It took a quarter of an hour to control his slightly trembling fingers.

Then, with a flick of Murong Fen's fingers, the Flame of Nirvana flew into Lin Cangxue's palm like a leaping elf.

Lin Cangxue hissed in pain immediately, her delicate face twisted, and her snow-white arms turned extremely red.

Then the Flame of Nirvana entered Lin Cangxue's mysterious sea.

Above the formation, Lin Cangxue clenched her teeth tightly, sweat dripped from her delicate face, her white teeth were clenched tightly, her whole body was trembling slightly, appearing in extreme pain.

Looking at the appearance of the latter, Lin Huang was also a little worried.He knew that even he had never experienced such pain before, it must be the pain of burning all inside, the pain of being put to death.

But Lin Cangxue didn't make a sound, which is unimaginable.

Murong Fen's face remained unchanged, and said: "In the next time, I will cultivate Nirvana Flame into Nirvana God Flame in your mysterious sea. And Nirvana God Flame will be even more terrifying, and the pain will also increase suddenly. You have to hold back, remember not to be confused! Once you are still confused, your body’s defense mechanism will close the mysterious sea, and then the flame of nirvana will explode in your mysterious sea!”


Lin Cangxue spoke with difficulty, her face trembling.However, the expression between the brows and eyes was unprecedentedly firm.

Murong Fen turned his head to look at Lin Huang again and said, "At this moment, Lin Cangxue and I must not be disturbed in any way, you just stay here and don't let anyone get close!"

Lin Huang nodded, then frowned again, and said, "I'll invite Elder Shen to protect the Dharma!"

At such a critical moment, Lin Huang naturally wouldn't hold him back.Even though he was the chief of Piaoxue Palace, he didn't dare to bet the lives of Murong Fen and Lin Cangxue.

"So best!"

Murong Fen nodded and said.


At this moment, the door was suddenly opened with a creak.

Lin Huang turned his head, only to see a girl in red stepped into the room, holding a three-foot green blade in her snow-white hand, looked at Lin Huang, and said coldly:
"I'm here to protect the law!"

Lin Huang was overjoyed.

"get out!"

Jun Qingcheng spoke to Lin Huang.

Lin Huang chuckled, sat cross-legged on the ground instantly, and said, "Legs are numb and can't walk, take a break!"

Lin Huang was thrown out of the room.

Jun Qingcheng sat cross-legged on the formation, guarding in front of Murong Fen and Lin Cangxue, and there was some anticipation in his sharp eyes, and said:

"Sister Cangxue, wait for your martial soul to be nirvana. If I have time, I will have a real fight with you!"

On the formation, Lin Cangxue endured endless pain, her delicate brows were full of confidence, "When the time comes, you may not be my opponent!"

"I can be called Jun Qingcheng!"

Jun Qingcheng also smiled, showing strong confidence in his eyes.

This time, Lin Huang tiptoed into the room, looked at Jun Qingcheng's cold face, smiled, and said, "I have to watch with my own eyes, otherwise I don't feel at ease!"

There was another bang, and in Lin Cangxue's small courtyard, Lin Huang was on all fours.

Lin Huang wailed, then picked up his wounded heart, and walked towards the house again.

After being thrown out dozens of times, Jun Qingcheng seemed a little tired looking at Lin Huang's embarrassed face, and let Lin Huang stand in the room, ignoring him.

However, the corner of the latter's mouth under the snow-white veil showed a faint smile.For some reason, she just felt a little inexplicably happy.

And Lin Cangxue was already unable to speak anymore, hot sweat dripped from her forehead, and her ten fingers were clenched and turned blue, obviously in extreme pain.

"After Sister Cangxue starts Nirvana, I will go down the mountain!"

In the quiet room, Jun Qingcheng suddenly said quietly.

"Go down the mountain?"

Lin Huang was slightly taken aback, but then reacted immediately.

Jun Qingcheng was not from the East Spirit Realm, but just lived in Piaoxue Palace.After all, one day, she will leave.

It's just that Lin Huang is worried!

The two of them have not made any progress so far.

"A few days ago, there was a blue dragon roaring in the middle of the night in the East Spirit Realm!"

Jun Qingcheng continued, as if he was explaining something, regardless of whether Lin Huang could understand or not.The girl lowered her eyelids, looking at the corner of her clothes, as if she had something on her mind.

"Dragon veins appeared?!"

Lin Huang reacted immediately.

He suddenly remembered that the purpose of Jun Qingcheng's visit to the East Spirit Realm was for the dragon veins.

In the past, the dragon veins hadn't yet appeared in the world, and Lin Huang didn't take it to heart.Unexpectedly, before I knew it, the dragon veins had appeared...

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's heart sank again.He knew that the location of the dragon's veins was the place where the dragon was locked, and the place where the dragon was locked was one of the prisons in the Yin Yang Valley.

And Jun Qingcheng, obviously came to hunt the dragon veins.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang squeezed his palms, and then said with a smile on his face: "I will accompany you down the mountain to find the dragon's veins!"


Jun Qingcheng was slightly astonished, grabbed the hem of his clothes with his jade hands, and then said very unsteadily, "No!"

"I can find the place where the dragon is locked!"

Lin Huang blinked his eyes, appearing full of confidence.

Jun Qingcheng forgot to look at Lin Huang suspiciously, looking at the sunny and confident smile on the latter's face, he still hesitated.

"……All right!"

After a long time, Jun Qingcheng finally gave her a reason to convince herself that she needed Lin Huang to help her find the dragon's veins.

Lin Huang pretended to be subtle and smiled, but deep in his heart, he was happy, as unstoppable as a big river!
If Qin Xuance were here at this moment, he would definitely faint from anger!

The majestic place where the dragon is locked, the dragon veins related to the luck of the Eastern Spirit Realm, was actually used by Lin Huang to seduce the king...

(End of this chapter)

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