
Chapter 187 Accountability

Chapter 187 Accountability
In the room, the flame of Nirvana has been cultivating in Lin Cangxue's mysterious sea.

Lin Huang, on the other hand, racked his brains and found every reason to chat with Jun Qingcheng.The crimson figure sitting cross-legged in front of him, with a three-foot green blade across her lap, was like a rare treasure in Lin Huang's eyes.

Lin Huang felt that he had never been so happy ten years ago.

Even if he just quietly looked at Jun Qingcheng like this, he still felt that the heavens were pitying him.

Although Jun Qingcheng seemed to ignore Lin Huang's words, he finally paid attention to it, which made Lin Huang even more excited.

After all, the girl in front of him wanted to kill him at first.

Now, I can talk to him.

Lin Huang thinks this is a good sign.

Unknowingly, Lin Huang secretly moved his body schemingly, and kept getting closer to Lin Cangxue, from the previous two feet to one foot, and then to eight feet.

six feet.

Three feet.

two feet.

The sword on Jun Qingcheng's knee trembled slightly.

Lin Huang smiled awkwardly, and then consciously retreated to a distance of three feet.

"How do you know my name is Jun Qingcheng?"

Jun Qingcheng suddenly asked this question again.

The smile on Lin Huang's face suddenly froze, and the whole person fell into extreme panic.

Girl, you are terrifying!
Can hold on to a problem and hold on to it for 100 years.

Lin Huang wanted to bump himself to death.

"Your martial spirit is called Time and Time and Thousand Years!"

Lin Huang said.

Jun Qingcheng frowned slightly, looking really good-looking.She didn't care why Lin Huang knew what her martial spirit was, but she was puzzled by Lin Huang's nonsensical explanation.

"You will understand later!"

Lin Huang smiled mysteriously, feeling that he had the upper hand.

Lin Huang was thrown out of the room again.

Outside the room, Lin Huang's wailing sounded.

At this moment, Lin Huang had an unprecedented desire for the realm, if he had the realm of Marquis Wu.


Lin Huang walked into the room with a dejected face, with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Why do you know my name is Jun Qingcheng?"

Jun Qingcheng asked again.

Lin Huang froze in place, with sweat pouring down his face.Then he turned around silently and exited the room in a proper manner, only feeling that the world in front of him was gloomy.

Not long after, Lu Han walked into the small courtyard and said impatiently, "The Palace Master is looking for you!"

"What's wrong with your face?"

Lin Huang asked back, and saw that the latter had a bruised nose and swollen face, and was in a state of embarrassment, looking at Lin Huang with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

"A few days ago, there was an avalanche in Piaoxue Palace. Half of the elders in the palace were almost burnt to charcoal. They said that the oven on Qilin Peak exploded!"

Lu Han narrowed his eyes and said resentfully.


Lin Huang took the tip, and when Lu Han said this, he naturally understood the reason.

"I brought Murong Fen up the mountain, what do you think is wrong with my face!"

There was a chill in Lu Han's eyes, like a wolf, wishing he could tear Lin Huang apart.

Lin Huang frowned, and then slowly said: "You'd better go out, I'll pretend you haven't been here before."

Seeing Lu Han's bruised nose and swollen face, Lin Huang thought of his own consequences. At most, Lu Han was just an accomplice and he was already like this. If he, one of the instigators, went, he didn't know what the tragic consequences would be.

"Xie Qinghou has returned to the mountain!"

Lu Han continued.

"Xie Qinghou? Is he number one in the inner sect? What does his return to the mountain have to do with me?"

Lin Huang wondered.

"The Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties is about to begin, and Piaoxue Palace will send disciples down the mountain." Lu Han looked at Lin Huang with contempt, as if looking at an idiot.

As the chief of Piaoxue Palace, Lin Huang should lead the team to participate in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War.

But in terms of strength, Lin Huang is not number one in the inner sect, but Xie Qinghou is.

In the small courtyard, Lu Han looked at Lin Huang sympathetically, and said, "The Palace Master should deprive you of the qualification to lead the team down the mountain!"


Lin Huang's face was slightly gloomy, as if he was a little disappointed, but when Lu Han was about to show a joke, he said with a smile: "This is the best, I wish for it!"

Without leading a team, Lin Huang can accompany Jun Qingcheng to find the dragon's veins.

As for the War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, it is not what he cares about.


Lu Han looked at Lin Huang, pointed his halberd furiously, pointed at Lin Huang's nose and cursed: "You were deprived of your qualifications, you were snatched away by Xie Qinghou, you didn't give up on your own initiative, this is a naked humiliation to you, you Don't you have an iota of shame? Are you still a man?"

Lin Huang's expression sank, Lu Han's words seemed to touch his heart, a trace of cruelty appeared in his dark eyes, and he said seriously:
"No matter how great the shame is, it is not as important as lifelong events!"


Lu Han was so angry that his fingers trembled, knowing that Lin Huang was fascinated by that monster Jun Qingcheng again, and was about to yell at him, but suddenly realized that Jun Qingcheng appeared behind Lin Huang coldly.

Lu Han's complexion changed drastically, and he ran away, still muttering, "Why is this monster always so lingering!"

Not long after, Lin Huang arrived at Piaoxue Hall.

In the hall, Yan Nangui was sitting on the solemn snow lion throne, his face was still pale.

On the left and right sides of the main hall are the elders of Piaoxue Palace, and half of them have scorched faces.All of them stared at Lin Huang like wolves, as if they wanted to slap the latter away.

In the past few days, they finally knew that Lin Huang and Murong Fen were the ones who caused the explosion of Qilin Peak's oven.

Murong Fen is a well-known fourth-level formation master, and his reputation in the East Spirit Realm is as high as the sky.In addition, they were invited by the disciples of Piaoxue Palace, so they were regarded as guests, so they naturally didn't dare to have any grievances.

But Lin Huang was different, as the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace, he actually got together with Murong Fengui and made such a big commotion.

More importantly, half of the elders in Piaoxue Palace were blown away when they rushed over.

This face is really embarrassing!

This new chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace is very dishonest.

Lin Huang looked at the countless dark old faces, and stared at himself with unfriendly eyes, feeling a little guilty in his heart.After coughing twice, he walked into the hall cautiously, and bowed to Yan Nangui and the elders.

"You came!"

Yan Nangui said in a low voice, his voice was even colder.


Lin Huang coughed twice, and raised his head with difficulty.

"Are you guilty?"

Yan Nan Gui frowned and said, his gaze was now fixed on Lin Huang.Not only was Yan Nangui, but everyone in the hall was looking at Lin Huang.

Like a sharp sword, it made it difficult for Lin Huang to breathe.

In the corner of the main hall, Elder Hong Jiu showed an even darker sneer on his burnt pitch-black face, a pair of gloomy eyes staring at Lin Huang, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Lin Huang smiled sheepishly, and explained: "During this period of time, under the guidance of Mr. Murong, I was concentrating on cultivating the formation, but I was not careful, and Mr. Murong couldn't control it!"

"Practice formation?"

Yan Nangui's majestic face showed some doubts, and then he asked, "Is there any achievement?"

"Within two months, you should be able to step into the third-level formation master!"

Lin Huang blushed, looking a little ashamed.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I disturbed the elders earlier, the kid apologized here, I promise I won't do it in the future!"

"Third-level formation master?"

In the main hall, the eyes of all the elders lit up, the previous resentment towards Lin Huang was attracted by Lin Huang's words.

Now in this Piaoxue Palace, apart from the elder Shen Diexin, there is no third-level formation master.If it is true as Lin Huang said, he can be promoted to the third-level formation master within two months, then there will be two in Piaoxue Palace.

In this way, Piaoxue Palace is like a tiger with wings added.

Even though Lin Huang was not as good as Shen Diexin, it proved Lin Huang's potential above the array.

Moreover, at Lin Huang's age, he is about to get involved in a third-level formation master, and his talent is so high that it has surpassed many people.Even Murong Fen, who seemed to become a third-level formation master, was after the age of 20.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the elders became sharper, and most of the resentment towards Lin Huang in their hearts was quietly dispelled.

If the elders in the palace knew that Lin Huang had already entered the third-level formation master, he didn't know what to think.

Sensing the sharp aura in the hall gradually receding, Lin Huang let out a long sigh of relief. At this moment, he felt that becoming a formation master still had a great effect.

"Do you think that you are going to be a third-level formation master soon? Is it a big deal? Could it be that the previous things of our elders have been exposed?"

Hong Jiu's gloomy voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the hall, and the latter stared at Lin Huang with gloomy eyes, and continued:
"Lin Huang, you are just the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace. If you offend me and the elders, it's over with an apology? You're taking yourself too seriously!"

Lin Huang looked back at Hong Jiu, and the gentle smile on his face instantly froze.

Looking at Lin Huang's appearance, Elder Hong Jiu sneered even more, and continued, "Palace Master, this Elder proposes that Lin Huang be punished by entering the Piaoxue forbidden area!"

As soon as Piaoxue came out of the forbidden area, all the elders in the hall changed their colors a little.

Under the realm of Tianyuan, no matter who enters the Piaoxue Forbidden Land, it is very dangerous.And Lin Huang is the chief of Piaoxue Palace, and he is about to enter the third level of formation master, with great potential.

If you enter the Snow Forbidden Land, the consequences will be unpredictable.

In the main hall, Nan Yunlie coughed twice, stared at Elder Hong Jiu with disgust, and sneered, "Elder Hong seems to have forgotten how Lin Huang became the chief disciple!"

"If he hadn't come out of Piaoxue Forbidden Land, how could Lin Huang have the qualifications to challenge Yun Feifei, and how could he become the chief disciple?"

Nan Yunlie stroked the goatee at the corner of his mouth, shook the braids on his temples, and continued:
"Elder Hong said just now that Lin Huang was punished for entering the Piaoxue forbidden area. Since Lin Huang has already entered, he has already been punished! Elders, how do you think this matter has been exposed?"

Hong Jiu's face turned cold, and he said sinisterly, "Elder Nan, what do you mean, you can't protect Lin Huang!"

"This elder is protecting me, why not!"

Looking at Hong Jiu's gloomy face, Nan Yunlie's violent temper immediately came up, pointed at Hong Jiu with his hips akimbo and cursed: "Could it be that you, old Hong Jiu, want to bully my Qilin Peak disciple?"

With that said, Nanyun Lie made a gesture and was about to start fighting.

The faces of the elders changed, and they all opened their mouths to act as peacemakers, and pulled Nan Yunlie down.

Lin Huang looked at the crowd of elders who were in a mess, staring in confusion, as if this matter had nothing to do with him anymore?

Why did Nan Yunlie suddenly have sex with Hong Jiu?

After the elders agreed to let Lin Huang go, and Nan Yunlie was pulled down, the latter quietly winked at Lin Huang, not to mention how coquettish that pretentious look was.

With a smile on his face, Lin Huang quietly returned the salute to Nan Yunlie, with a hint of gratitude in his heart.

If it wasn't for Nan Yunlie's nonsense, it would be really difficult for him to step down.This old man seems to have a bad temper, and sometimes has a childlike innocence, but he is shrewd in his bones.

On the snow lion throne, Yan Nangui forgot to look at Nan Yunlie with a smile that was not a smile, and looked at Lin Huang, waving his hand to reveal the matter.

However, in the corner of the main hall, Hong Jiu looked at Lin Huang with a somewhat gloomy look than before.

"Thank you Qinghou!"

Afterwards, Yan Nangui ordered.

Lin Huang immediately turned his head and focused his eyes on one spot, only to see a young man in Tsing Yi quietly appear at the entrance of the main hall, as gentle as jade, with a smile like the wind...

Looking at the latter's face, Lin Huang's expression was a little dull, and he was shocked for a moment!
(End of this chapter)

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