
Chapter 188 Xie Qinghou

Chapter 188 Xie Qinghou

In Lin Huang's past and present lives, he has traveled across the world for more than forty years, and he has never seen such a stormy scene. Today, he saw the young man at the gate of the main hall.

But it was a little sluggish.

This is the most beautiful man Lin Huang has ever seen.

Just beautiful!

The latter's face looked extremely delicate, fair and beautiful.A pair of peach blossom eyes, like autumn water, seemed to have the power to seduce the soul, and the eyebrows were curved like a new moon.

The thin lips were pursed lightly, and there was a trace of temptation in the moisture.

Her head was full of blue hair like a waterfall, which was randomly tied up by Xie Qinghou, covering the latter's side face, making Xie Qinghou look a little softer.

Lin Huang thought of a word to describe Xie Qinghou: Overwhelm the country and overwhelm the city!

It's just that the latter's chest is a bit flat!

The ass is not up!
The skeleton is slightly taller than the average woman.

No blush on the face either.

Otherwise, just relying on Xie Qinghou's appearance, not to mention his overpowering appearance, he could simply shame thousands of women in the world.

However, Xie Qinghou doesn't feel feminine.

Between his brows, there was a trace of awe-inspiring air.It was this awe-inspiring aura that turned the soft face into a manly and elegant demeanor.

Warm and mellow like jade, with a smile like the wind!
Xie Qinghou's face is enough to interpret what is truly handsome with the most perfect posture.

Lin Huang never cared too much about his appearance, no matter how beautiful his face was, it was just a skin.However, at this moment, there is actually a feeling of shame.

Lin Huang shook his head and smiled, looking straight at Xie Qinghou.

"I have met the Palace Master, all elders!"

Xie Qinghou bowed respectfully, and then smiled friendlyly at Lin Huang.The latter naturally knew that the young man standing in front of him at this moment was the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

Yannan Gui hummed, and a rare smile appeared on his face, "I think you already know what it means to call you here!"

Without waiting for the two to respond, Yan Nangui continued:
"The Great War of the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties is about to begin. As one of the four major sects, Piaoxue Palace should send disciples down the mountain to participate in the battle! Since all disciples are participating in the battle, it is natural to have a disciple leading the team!"

Yan Nangui turned his head, and his eyes fell on Lin Huang, "According to the previous rules of Piaoxue Palace, the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace is the leader every time!"

Afterwards, Yan Nangui looked at Xie Qinghou again, and said, "But because of the four sects and ten dynasties war three years ago, our Piaoxue Palace made too many enemies, and this war will definitely be targeted by other forces, so the strength of the disciples who lead the team It is also very important!"

"So, my palace lord is hesitating, which of the two of you is the right one to lead the team!"

As soon as Yan Nangui finished speaking, two voices sounded in the hall at the same time: "I give up!"

Yan Nangui frowned suddenly, his voice lowered a lot, "This battle is of great significance, as the leading disciple, it is not only a kind of honor, but also a kind of responsibility, a responsibility related to the reputation of Piaoxue Palace!"

Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou looked at each other, they didn't expect Yan Nangui's backhand to be crushed by a mountain of responsibility.

Then Lin Huang said, "Senior Brother Xie has stepped into the Tianyuan Realm, and his strength is far superior to mine. It is most suitable for Senior Brother Xie to lead the team!"

It's not that Lin Huang is unwilling to lead the team, but that he wants to go down the mountain to find the dragon's veins.

In the hall, all the elders nodded, secretly thinking that Lin Huang understood the truth.In their eyes, although Lin Huang has good potential, his strength is inferior to Xie Qinghou after all!
It is most appropriate for Xie Qinghou to lead the team for this battle of four sects and ten dynasties.

Xie Qinghou shook his head, and said: "Piaoxue Palace has rules for the chief disciple to lead the team, so you should abide by it, how dare Xie Qinghou overstep it!"

"Furthermore, the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties took the Qinglong Mountain Range as the battlefield. I once heard from a scholar in Xuanyuan City that Junior Brother Lin Huang once killed the clone of Bloody Marquis in the Qinglong Mountain Range and used the Earth Yuan to kill Tian Yuan, which shows that Junior Brother Lin Have enough strength to lead the team!"

Xie Qinghou smiled, but pushed the burden to Lin Huang again.

The elders present were a little shocked, they had never heard of Lin Huang's killing of Blood Yihou's avatar.

"Kill Tian Yuan with Earth Yuan?"

The elders stared at Lin Huang suspiciously, they had only heard about the scholar Qin Xuance in Xuanyuan City, who killed Xue Yihou in Luozi Town, but they had never heard of Lin Huang's deeds.

Xie Qinghou smiled slightly, and continued: "Junior Lu Han, he also killed a clone of Blood Yihou!"

In the hall, the elders were a little startled.If it is true what Xie Qinghou said, then the leading disciples this time can indeed be re-evaluated.

Lin Huang stared at Xie Qinghou with a frown, cursing inwardly, "You damn Qin Xuance!"

Most of the scholars in Xuanyuan City that Xie Qinghou talked about were Qin Xuance.

Elder Hong Jiu suddenly stood up, looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "Since you can't fight each other, why don't you decide with a contest. The winner will lead the team, and the loser will be the vice team!"

Then, Hong Jiu glanced at Lin Huang indiscriminately, with a sneering smile, "Lin Huang may be powerful, but how can he stand shoulder to shoulder with Xie Qinghou? If he is a little careless, he may end up in direct defeat!"

Nan Yunlie suddenly laughed, looking at Hong Jiu, as if looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Nan Yunlie, what do you mean!"

Hong Jiu said angrily.

Nan Yunlie pretended to be condescending and smiled, and stood quietly in the hall, ignoring him.

Lin Huang also smiled slightly, understanding why Nan Yunlie was laughing.

Both he and Xie Qinghou were unwilling to lead the team.

Then the winner leads the team, presumably both will seek defeat, since both seek defeat, such a contest is meaningless.

Even if Hong Jiu thinks of this level and changes it to lead the team with the loser, the two will try their best to win.But in this way, how can the loser lead the team?

This is a paradox!
"Junior Brother Lin, are you willing to fight?"

While Lin Huang was meditating, Xie Qinghou's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Looking up, I saw Xie Qinghou with a gentle face, and then said: "This battle is just for learning, not about the right to lead the team, how do you think?"

Everyone in the field was a little puzzled, not understanding why Xie Qinghou challenged Lin Huang at this time.

Lin Huang was slightly stunned, and then said: "Give me a reason!"

"Because you are Lin Cangxue's younger brother, is that enough reason?"

Xie Qinghou said with a smile, but it instantly aroused the fighting spirit in Lin Huang's heart.

Facing any challenge, Lin Huang can ignore it.But Xie Qinghou hit Lin Huang's weakness, leaving Lin Huang no way out.

Lin Huang will not retreat either!

"One move to decide the winner!"

Lin Huang opened his mouth and said, his eyes were filled with fighting intent.

In the main hall, Yan Nangui looked at the two of them with an imperceptible smile on his lips. Both of them were the most outstanding disciples of Piaoxue Palace, and he also wanted to see how strong they were.

Although he has seen Lin Huang's methods, he doesn't know the strength of Xie Qinghou, who has been hiding for many years.

Then, the two walked out of the hall and headed towards the square.

"Three years ago, I belittled myself and challenged Lin Cangxue once, and I was beaten badly by her!"

The two walked side by side, while Xie Qinghou laughed at himself.

"I hope senior brother Xie won't vent his anger on me!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"That depends on your ability!"

Xie Qinghou smiled leisurely, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

When the disciples of Piaoxue Palace looked at Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou on the ring, they were all taken aback for a moment, and then showed excitement, their eyes were full of curiosity and excitement.

When Xie Qinghou returned to the mountain, Lin Huang was still in a coma, so he naturally didn't know how much sensation the latter's return to the mountain caused.

Three years ago, with Lin Cangxue in front, Xie Qinghou's reputation was naturally not obvious.But since Lin Cangxue's decline, this low-key young man killed seven inner disciples who insulted Lin Cangxue overnight, no one dared to despise the latter.

Only then did the disciples of Piaoxue Palace realize that it was not that Xie Qinghou was too weak, but that he had always been strong.It's just that Lin Cangxue was too dazzling at that time, covering up everyone's light.

In the past three years, Xie Qinghou has been like a sword that hides its edge, so low-key that many people forget his existence.

But forgetting, does not mean that Xie Qinghou does not exist.

After all, he is the number one in the inner sect, and at this age, he has the strength of the Tianyuan realm. Even Lu Han, who has broken through the realm with a single thought, or Yun Feifei, who was previously brilliant, cannot compare with him.

Now, is this No. 1 inner sect who has been hiding his clumsiness finally showing his edge?
All the disciples looked at Xie Qinghou's figure with excitement.

"Even if Lin Huang defeats Yun Feifei and becomes the chief disciple, he will still not be Xie Qinghou's opponent!"

"Brother Xie is a martial artist in the Tianyuan realm, how can Lin Huang stand shoulder to shoulder with him!"

"In the chief battle, Yun Feifei also had the Tianyuan realm, so she was defeated by Lin Huang?"

The disciples began to argue, speculating about the outcome of the battle.However, more people supported Xie Qinghou. After all, the latter had occupied the number one position in the inner sect for three years.

The elders in the hall also came out and watched the battle between the two disciples.

"Although it's a duel, I won't hold back in this battle!"

Xie Qinghou looked at Lin Huang, and smiled like a jade, "Because you are the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace, and also because you are Lin Cangxue's younger brother!"

Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled, with a different kind of confidence in his eyes, "If you use my sister to stimulate me, it is doomed that you will not be able to keep your hand!"

Then, Lin Huang let out a long roar, and under the attention of everyone, his whole body's aura rose steadily, rushing straight up from the seventh heaven of Earth Yuan, rising all the way to the realm of Tianyuan until he stayed at the half-step Tianyuan realm.

Half step Tianyuan!

Everyone present was shocked, staring at Lin Huang on the ring in disbelief.They still remember that when Lin Huang defeated Yun Feifei, he was only in the seventh heaven of earth element.

In nearly three months, did he reach half a step to Tianyuan?

How is this possible?
Behind the arena, Yan Nangui smiled slightly, he could tell that Lin Huang had already completely refined the army-breaking spirit in his body.

Otherwise, no matter what, it is impossible to step into the half-step Tianyuan realm within two months.

However, this was still far from what Yan Nangui had expected.He thought that after Lin Huang refined Yuan Ling and added Tian Yuan Pill, he might enter the Tian Yuan realm.

"Half-step Tianyuan?"

Xie Qinghou's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, and then laughed twice, "Let me see, Lin Cangxue's younger brother, how strong is it!"

While laughing loudly, Xie Qinghou let out a long roar, his brows were full of fighting spirit, and the aura around him suddenly vented out, like a terrifying torrent, instantly flooding the entire square...

(End of this chapter)

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