
Chapter 189 Battle of One Move

Chapter 189 One Move Battle

The breath of the void instantly became tense.

On the arena, Xie Qinghou's green clothes were rustling, his beautiful face showed a look of contempt, only in the floating figure, seven flying knives suddenly appeared from behind!

Under the sun, the seven flying knives reflected the dazzling light, and made a trembling neigh, and the sharp breath hovered over the tip of the knife, making one's heart palpitating.

Lin Huang's expression was solemn, looking at the flying knife behind Xie Qinghou, he felt extremely dangerous, as if there was no escape from where the flying knife passed.

"Martial spirit—everything goes wrong!"

Lin Huang spat out his thin lips, revealing Xie Qinghou's martial soul.

Xie Qinghou smiled confidently, "Three years ago, when I challenged Lin Cangxue, I used seven throwing knives. Now I have repaired nine. I wonder how many you can block!"

"Snow in the world!"

What Lin Huang responded to Xie Qinghou was the heavy snow that fell like snow-white cherry blossoms, and a sad breath suddenly permeated the entire arena.

"This is the first time I've seen snow floating in the world, it's so beautiful!"

Xie Qinghou smiled, and the trembling of the flying knife behind him became more and more intense.

On the ring, Lin Huang closed his eyes with a smile, and suddenly two knives appeared in his hands, shining brightly and coldly.

Left-handed king map, right-handed dominance!
"Wang Tubaye, you actually learned it by yourself?"

Xie Qinghou frowned, but there was not much fear in his eyes.

Then, another knife appeared in front of Lin Huang, which was Lin Huang's magic-suppressing knife.The Suppressing Demon Knife was suspended in the air, very quiet, but eerily quiet.

Xie Qinghou's face suddenly became heavy.

"You and I will decide the outcome with one move!"

On the ring, Lin Huang still had his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth were pursed into a confident smile, and his thin lips uttered lightly but with murderous intent.

As soon as the words fell, the heavy snow all over the sky suddenly shrieked, and Lin Huang turned into an afterimage, heading towards Xie Qinghou.

Xie Qinghou's face froze, and his figure retreated rapidly, but the flying knife behind his back was like a stream of light, slashing through the wind grooves in the void, heading towards Lin Huang's eyebrows.

Klang clang clang!

Above the arena, smoke and dust suddenly rose everywhere, and everyone only heard the sound of weapons colliding, but they could no longer see the figures of Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou.

A one-stroke battle is fleeting.

When the smoke and dust cleared, the battle was over.

On the arena, the knife in Lin Huang's hand appeared on Xie Qinghou's neck, and there was a faint groove of blood in the white snow.

And between Lin Huang's eyebrows, there was a delicate flying knife floating, but there was a cold killing intent in the calmness.

Under the arena, all the disciples looked at the two in a daze, not knowing what the final result would be.

The moment just now was too fast for everyone to capture, only the current scene.

"Is it a tie?"

The disciples were puzzled.

"Hmph, how could it be a tie? Didn't you see that Senior Brother Xie still has two throwing knives in his hands? If they are sent out, Lin Huang will definitely die!"

"So, Lin Huang lost?"

"Lin Huang is indeed defeated!"

A disciple firmly said.

Xie Qinghou looked at the cold knife on his neck, his eyes showed shock, "As expected of the snowy world, amidst the beauty and sadness, there is such a sharp knife hidden!"

"It seems that Xuepiao Renjian didn't let you down!"

Lin Huang smiled.

"But you lost!"

Xie Qinghou pursed his lips and said, raising the two throwing knives on his palms and fingertips, a bright smile appeared on his incomparably handsome face.

Lin Huang's knife could cut Xie Qinghou's neck at any time, but Xie Qinghou's flying knife suspended in the air could also penetrate Lin Huang's eyebrows at any time.

In this way, the two are considered a tie.

But Xie Qinghou only sent out seven flying knives, and there were two more flying knives at his fingertips.

In this way, Lin Huang lost!

"I don't think so!"

Lin Huang grinned, then raised his left hand, revealing the cuff on his arm, and motioned for Xie Qinghou.

Xie Qinghou's eyes froze for a moment.

In the cuff of Lin Huang's left hand, there are dense formation marks hidden.Whenever Xie Qinghou's two throwing knives strike, the formation in his cuffs will also be thrown out.

In this way, the two may be tied again!
"I also sacrificed a natal flying knife!"

Xie Qinghou seemed a little unwilling.

"Can you feel the power of my martial soul?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows.

Xie Qinghou frowned.

"That counts as a tie?"

Xie Qinghou's handsome face showed a little helplessness.He thought that Lin Huang might be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect Lin Huang to be so difficult to deal with.

"That's a tie!"

Lin Huang nodded and said, sheathing the demon-suppressing knife in his hand, with a sunny smile on his face, and continued: "In the future, don't use my sister to provoke me. You and I are fighting each other. If you really fight, you are already dead! "

Xie Qinghou frowned, but his face changed drastically, his snow-white face showed a deep look of loss, and he murmured, "I lost!"

It was only now that Xie Qinghou remembered Lin Huang's realm, and he had already lost a lot by fighting Lin Huang with Tianyuan realm by half a step of Tianyuan.

And he just saw at this moment that the area between Lin Huang's eyebrows was actually oozing with golden light, which looked extremely hard.Even if he stabbed himself down, he couldn't kill the latter.

"How did you break the rules and make no mistakes?"

Xie Qinghou asked suddenly.

"You think that there is a knife hidden in Xuepiao's world is terrible, but the fact is that Xuepiao's world has touched the story deep in your heart, and you are distracted!"

Lin Huang grinned and walked off the ring calmly.

Xie Qinghou stared at Lin Huang's back in a daze, and said in a voice only he could hear: "It seems that I still lost to Lin Cangxue!"


After a fleeting battle, all the elders were thoughtful. Even though they didn't see the sword array in Lin Huang's sleeve, they were still a little shocked. Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou had a tie.

Half a step of Tianyuan can shake Xie Qinghou abruptly.

The youthful appearance seems to possess the radiance of Lin Cangxue back then.

However, if the two are tied, it is even more difficult to decide, which of the two should be the leading disciple...

In the main hall, Yan Nangui also frowned a little.

"The old man has a proposal for the reference of the elders!"

Nan Yunlie flicked his braids and said with a mysterious smile.

The eyes of all the elders fell on Nan Yunlie, together with Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou, they all looked at the latter.

Nan Yunlie cleared his throat and said seriously, "Guess the punch!"


Yan Nangui in the main hall suddenly coughed.

Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise and astonishment in each other's eyes.


"Can you still make such a choice?"

"Nan Yunlie, this old man, really hasn't grown up!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang was surprised to find that the elders in the hall fell silent after being stunned. They rolled their eyes and seemed to be thinking seriously.

"Palace Master, I think it's so wonderful!"

An elder spoke.

"The old man also thinks it is feasible, fair and just!"

Another elder spoke.

"Punching speed tests strength, changing punches tests eyesight and reaction, and at the same time, there is a psychological contest with the opponent. This kind of duel is a must!"

An elder exclaimed.

"Simply incomparable!"

Another elder was full of surprise.

Several elders spoke, and the rest of the elders in the hall nodded in agreement.The look of deep approval made Nan Yunlie smile all over his face, and he was simply overwhelmed by his own IQ.

In the main hall, Yan Nangui rested his hands on his forehead, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at the elders below, and then waved his hands, "Let's guess the punch, the winner will become the leading disciple!"

Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou were stunned!
"Four sects and ten dynasties battle, what an important choice to lead the disciples, is it really solved by guessing fists?"

"This... is too careless!"

Lin Huang sighed inwardly, "It's just nonsense!"

Then Lin Huang's eyes lit up, and he stared eagerly at Xie Qinghou next to him, showing a full smile. In his memory, he fought Jun Qingcheng, but he never won!
Thinking of this, Lin Huang was suddenly full of confidence.

"I agree!"

Lin Huang said loudly.

Xie Qinghou's complexion changed, and he stared at Lin Huang with wide eyes, his handsome face was a little distorted, he never expected that Lin Huang would rebel like this.

"I agree!"

Xie Qinghou snorted coldly.

"Then let's start, one game will determine the outcome!"

Seeing that the two agreed, Nan Yunlie suddenly became excited.He has always thought that fighting and killing is so interesting, and guessing is so interesting.

Don't move your mouth.

No need to go to great lengths.

A wave of hands can settle a dispute.

How nice!

Nan Yunlie walked up to the two of them and took the initiative to be the referee.

Xie Qinghou looked at Nan Yunlie's excited face, feeling like a lump in his throat, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.Lin Huang blinked at Nan Yunlie, "This old man, the more he looks the better!"

"The old man counts one, two, three, you punch at the same time!"

Nan Yunlie spoke.

Lin Huang eagerly stretched out his hand.

Xie Qinghou's face was full of helplessness. In his life, he played games with others, but he rarely failed, and it was very difficult to lose.

Xie Qinghou let out a long sigh.


In the main hall, a group of elders stared at the two of them with intense gaze, holding their breath and concentrating, not even daring to take a breath.


Nan Yunlie suddenly said.

In the main hall, Lin Huang and Xie Qinghou punched at the same time, staged the most eye-catching battle in the history of Piaoxue Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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