
Chapter 190

Chapter 190
In the hall, there was a deathly silence.

In the stagnant air, Xie Qinghou waved his palms, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually melted away, as if he had eaten honey, his smile really made even men a little bit fascinated.

And Lin Huang looked at the two pitiful fingers he stretched out, as if struck by lightning.

"I... actually won?!"

Lin Huang's face was full of disbelief, and he felt the urge to chop off two fingers.

He has never won a boxing game in his life, but at this critical moment...

"Lin Huang wins!"

When Lin Huang was still in shock, Nan Yunlie quickly spoke out to avoid Lin Huang's regret.

Lin Huang turned his head with difficulty, looked at Nan Yunlie's blooming smile, and felt hatred in his heart, "This old man, the more he looks, the uglier he looks!"

Then, Yan Nangui said: "Feng Linhuang is the disciple leading the team in the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties War, and Xie Qinghou is the deputy team. After half a month, I will go down the mountain and rush to Xuanyuan City!"

"As ordered!"

Xie Qinghou spoke immediately, frighteningly fast.

Lin Huang was still looking at his two fingers, immersed in sadness, " should I tell Qingcheng?"

At this moment, Lin Huang felt that the sky was about to fall!

"This matter has been decided, you should prepare well!"

Yan Nangui forgot about Lin Huang who was unwilling to follow orders, hummed and opened his mouth, then got up and walked out of Piaoxue Hall, disappeared after one or two steps.

And the elders in the hall also left quickly within a few breaths.

He didn't give Lin Huang any chance to repent.

"I have never won boxing games!"

Lin Huang still looked at his two fingers, and said with difficulty.

"I have never lost in boxing games!"

Xie Qinghou smiled like a spring breeze, he never thought that one day he would lose so happily.

And Lin Huang never thought that he would win such despair.

"Actually, leading the disciples is just a status symbol. The Palace Master will also go to the battle of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties!"

Seeing Lin Huang immersed in grief, Xie Qinghou looked very hypocritical and comforted him.

Lin Huang waved his hand, completely ignoring Xie Qinghou, "It's not that he wants to escape from becoming a leading disciple, but he doesn't want to participate in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War at all!"

He has to accompany Jun Qingcheng to find the dragon veins!
"Actually, in Piaoxue Palace, apart from you, no one is qualified to lead a team to participate in the Great War of Four Schools and Ten Dynasties!"

Xie Qinghou suddenly said seriously.

Lin Huang turned his head and looked at Xie Qinghou suspiciously.

I saw Xie Qinghou's beautiful face showing a sigh of relief, "Three years ago, Lin Cangxue killed all the disciples of other forces with one sword and one sword. Do you know this is a legend?"

Lin Huang nodded.

"Then after three years, Lin Cangxue has disappeared, what do you think the attitude of other forces should be?"

Xie Qinghou smiled, and without waiting for Lin Huang to answer, he continued:
"At that time, the disciples of my Piaoxue Palace may face the sniping of disciples from all forces! And above the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties War, the glory that belongs exclusively to my Piaoxue Palace must be continued by someone!"

"And that person can only be you!"

"Even if you don't fight for Piaoxue Palace, you still have to continue Lin Cangxue's legend!"

"Because you are Lin Cangxue's younger brother!"

In the main hall, Lin Huang was stunned.Feelings of guilt welled up in his heart, he had indeed forgotten, forgotten the legend and the hatred that Lin Cangxue created in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War.

And as Lin Cangxue's younger brother, no one else has this responsibility except him.

I don't have this qualification either!

Lin Huang looked at the calm Xie Qinghou, clasped his fists and said.

"You can understand this early and stop the Palace Master, why should I go back to the mountain!"

Xie Qinghou smiled lightly, and then walked out of the hall.

Looking at the back of the latter leaving, Lin Huang suddenly said, "I still want to know, even though it is my responsibility. Why don't you want to be the leading disciple?"

"Because Lin Cangxue was kind to me once, as long as she stays in Piaoxue Palace for a day, she will be number one in my inner sect in Xie Qinghou's heart. I will never replace her brilliance in Piaoxue Palace!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Qinghou's figure had disappeared.


It was evening when Lin Huang returned to Lin Cangxue's small courtyard.

Entering the room, seeing Jun Qingcheng seriously practicing, Lin Huang frowns.He has already decided to participate in the Four Ten Dynasties Wars to defend Lin Cangxue's glory.

But it is difficult to accompany Jun Qingcheng to find the dragon's veins.

Not long after, Jun Qingcheng opened his eyes, staring at Lin Huang with sharp eyes, extremely clear and pure.

Lin Huang's eyes wandered, and he felt a little guilty.

"Hey... do you know about the Great War of the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties?"

Lin Huang sat in front of Jun Qingcheng, showing a smile all over his face.

Jun Qingcheng raised Liu Yemei slightly, and a coldness gradually appeared in his clear eyes.

Lin Huang's words suddenly choked in his mouth, and after a while, he said bravely, "I must become the leading disciple and participate in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War, so..."

Lin Huang hadn't finished speaking when he was thrown out of the room by Jun Qingcheng with a bang.

Lin Huang immediately got up, ran into the house, and said anxiously, "Listen to my explanation!"

With a crisp sound, Lin Huang was thrown out again.

"I really have to participate in the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties..."

Before Lin Huang finished speaking, he was thrown out again.

"Dragon veins won't appear so soon, maybe..."

Lin Huang was thrown out of the room again.


After being thrown out dozens of times, Lin Huang sat on the steps of the courtyard, his expression was a little bit sad and helpless, and his figure also looked a little desolate.

He must participate in the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties War!
He didn't want Jun Qingcheng to feel sad at all.

But life can't always be as you want, just like in the previous life, although he and Jun Qingcheng are in love, there are several barriers between them, just like the stars in the sky, they can't fall in love!
In the room, Jun Qingcheng looked at the figure outside the room, clenched his jade hands tightly, and frowned tightly.Under the snow-white veil, the beautiful face seemed a little angry with puffed cheeks.

One sitting is one night.

It wasn't until the frost and dew became heavy that Jun Qingcheng's angry voice sounded in the room:
"Come in!"

Lin Huang was slightly stunned, looking at Jun Qingcheng who was still a little angry, walked into the room quietly, with a smile on his lips, and said firmly:
"Believe me, I will definitely help you get the dragon vein! But before that, there are some things I must do!"

Jun Qingcheng turned his head and said in a voice like a mosquito, "Who cares what you want to do!"

Lin Huang chuckled, and quickly sat in front of Jun Qingcheng, feeling that life was full of hope again.

"Qingcheng, what state are you in now?"

Lin Huang asked, she knew that Jun Qingcheng had the strength of Marquis Wu, but she didn't know the specific realm of the latter.

And Jun Qingcheng's strength largely represents the strength of the younger generation in the entire Sky Continent.

"……taller than you!"

Jun Qingcheng stared at Lin Huang quietly, as if he was afraid of hitting Lin Huang, so he didn't speak out.

"How high is that?"

Lin Huang asked in a daze.

Jun Qingcheng stared, then snorted coldly, "I should not be able to beat the top ten people on the list of Marquis Wu of the East Spirit Realm!"


Lin Huang gasped, Jun Qingcheng said so, which means that apart from the top ten Marquis Wu in the East Spirit Realm, no one is Jun Qingcheng's opponent.

Li Changge, who is ranked tenth in the East Spirit Realm, has the strength of the sixth heaven of Marquis Wu.

In other words, Jun Qingcheng is at least the third heaven of Marquis Wu.

Lin Huang squeezed his palms tightly, feeling a mountain pressing down on his head.He is only half a step into the realm of Tianyuan, but Jun Qingcheng has reached this step.

The gap among them is not even a tiny bit.

What's more, Jun Qingcheng is smaller than Lin Huang.

"I was born in the Earth Element Realm!"

Looking at Lin Huang's frown, Jun Qingcheng suddenly explained, "So if you count from the condensed Xuanhai, I am only in the Tianyuan realm now!"

Lin Huang smiled helplessly, the consolation of being born in the realm of earth element was very heart-warming.

"I will work hard!"

Lin Huang took a deep breath, the strong pressure would only make him stronger, he knew how difficult the road would be if he wanted to be with Jun Qingcheng.

But as long as he sees Jun Qingcheng and the smile on the woman's brow, his heart will be filled with sunshine and firmness.

"Who cares about you!"

Jun Qingcheng snorted coldly, but quietly lowered her head, her snow-white face under the veil blushed for some reason.


Just as Lin Huang was racking his brains to chat with Jun Qingcheng, Murong Fen who was not far away suddenly spat out a breath of blood, with horror in his pale face.

And Lin Cangxue let out a muffled groan, her whole body showing a strange crimson color.

Lin Huang's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly sat down in front of Murong Fen, with an anxious expression on his face, "What's wrong?"

"The cultivation of Nirvana God Yan has been successful!"

Murong Fen said with difficulty, without the slightest joy on his face, instead full of panic, he said extremely anxiously: "But the Nirvana God Flame has been cultivated too vigorously, and the formation in Lin Cangxue's body cannot be controlled at all!"

"Once I withdraw the formation, the burst of power from Nirvana Shenyan will definitely burn Lin Cangxue to ashes!"

Lin Huang was instantly struck by lightning.

"What if you don't withdraw the formation?"

"The formation is no longer able to control Nirvana God Flame, even if it is not withdrawn, Shenyan will annihilate the formation in a while!"

Murong Fen spoke with extreme difficulty, his face trembling unceasingly.

"Is there a way?"

Lin Huang looked at the increasingly painful Lin Cangxue, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"At this moment, unless there is a fifth-level formation master to control Nirvana Shenyan, otherwise..."

Murong Fen said in despair, originally he thought he could help Lin Cangxue Nirvana, but he never thought that if he didn't pay attention, he would make Nirvana God Yan stronger.No matter what you do at this moment, Lin Cangxue will be turned into ashes by Nirvana God Yan.

In the room, Lin Cangxue slowly opened her eyes, her snow-white face was now completely red, looking at Lin Huang who was full of panic, she showed her face and smiled, and said softly:
"Perhaps, this is my life, Lin Cangxue!"

Lin Huang kneeled and crawled in front of Lin Cangxue, his hands were trembling, his eyes were filled with tears, and a sense of panic grew infinitely in his heart.

"Huang, take good care of grandpa!"

Lin Cangxue smiled shallowly, showing her white teeth, but hot tears could not stop running across her snow-white cheeks.Raising her jade hand lightly, she caressed Lin Huang's cheek, her eyes were full of tenderness and affection:

"If it is possible, I will find my father and mother in the future! My sister misses them very much!"


Lin Huang roared in pain, his whole body was full of sadness, and his eyes were full of crimson.

"Mr. Murong, Cangxue thanked you. I, Lin Cangxue, accept my fate, and I hope you don't blame yourself! If possible, I hope Mr. Murongxian can continue to order Xiaohuang while on the battlefield!"

Lin Cangxue endured the pain all over her body, and said with a smile.

Murong Fen was even more guilty, just nodded, but couldn't speak, because he could hardly control the formation in Lin Cangxue's body.

Then, Lin Cangxue turned her eyes on Jun Qingcheng, and said with a smile like a flower:

"Xiao Qingcheng, my younger brother likes you! I know you have a mysterious background, but if it is possible, Xiaohuang will definitely work hard. I just hope you can give him a chance!"

Jun Qingcheng's eyes were stunned, his pupils were full of moisture, and then he nodded.


In the end, Lin Cangxue set her sights on Lin Huang, stretched out her hand to straighten Lin Huang's messy hair, and straightened Lin Huang's collar, saying:

"This time... it's my sister who resigned to her fate! From now on, my sister will no longer be able to protect you, my silly little brother! My sister's greatest wish in this life is for you to be healthy, forever!"

In the room, Lin Huang's tears burst into tears instantly, and he wailed loudly.Looking at the gentle smile on Lin Cangxue's face, the depths of his heart were full of sorrow, a force of grief and indignation rushed straight to his chest, and Lin Huang spit out blood.

"Since this is my sister's life, then I have to go against the sky!"

Lin Huang beat the ground with his hands, blood came out from the corner of his mouth, his deep voice was like a wolf, and his raised red eyes were full of murder and determination.

Then, Lin Huang looked at Lin Cangxue, smiled brightly with blood on his mouth, stretched out his hand to touch Lin Cangxue's jade hand, and the domineering vitality merged into Lin Cangxue's body, plundered the Nirvana God Flame in the latter's body, and inhaled it In my own body...

(End of this chapter)

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