
Chapter 191 Phoenix Nirvana

Chapter 191 Phoenix Nirvana
In the room, Lin Huang's roar suddenly came.

Where Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue's palms were pressed together, the Nirvana God Flame continuously entered Lin Huang's body, and a terrifying force swept through Lin Huang's body, causing the latter to tremble violently instantly and turn red all over.

Lin Cangxue's complexion changed drastically, and tears fell from her eyes.

Jun Qingcheng's complexion also changed drastically, and the girl's calm heart suddenly trembled for some reason at this moment.

"You let go!"

Lin Cangxue roared and struggled continuously, but her jade hand was tightly grasped by Lin Huang.

Lin Huang's distorted face was full of smiles, "I will protect my sister all my life!"

After saying that, Lin Huang let out a long roar, and frantically plundered the Nirvana God Flame in Lin Cangxue's body.

Murong Fen on the side was shocked, he didn't expect Lin Huang to be so crazy.Even if Lin Cangxue was saved, Lin Huang himself would be burned to ashes.

But today's Lin Huang obviously doesn't care about his own life or death.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang plundered half of the Nirvana God Flame in Lin Cangxue's body.It wasn't until Murong Fen separated the two with one hand that the power of plundering ceased.

Then, Murong Fen withdrew the formation from Lin Cangxue's body.

The extremely severe pain made Lin Cangxue curl up immediately.On the other side, Lin Huang clenched his teeth and tried his best to bear the pain of Shen Yan's burning body.

"How's it going?"

Jun Qingcheng raised his head, staring at Murong Fen sharply.

"The life and death of the two of them depends entirely on luck!"

Murong Fen folded his hands, let out a long sigh of disappointment, and said helplessly, "If Lin Cangxue succeeds, then her martial soul will be nirvana, and the legend will return!"

"What about him!"

Jun Qingcheng pointed at Lin Huang with one hand, but tightly pinched the corner of his clothes with the other hand.

Murong Fen frowned tightly, and continued: "According to the records in the Great Nirvana of the Universe, Lin Cangxue may hope to succeed because her broken martial soul has the power of blood!"

"As for Lin Huang..."

Murong Fen shook his head, "I'm afraid it's a narrow escape!"

Jun Qingcheng's pretty face turned pale, and after a little thought, she stretched out her snow-white and smooth hand, and grabbed Lin Huang.In her body, there is also the power of blood.


Lin Huang, who was curled up on the ground, suddenly raised his head and scolded Jun Qingcheng. With a vigorous flick of his arm, he slapped Jun Qingcheng's palm away.

Jun Qingcheng was slightly stunned, looking at Lin Huang's fierce eyes, Qiu Shui's eyes showed anger, and shouted: "Who cares about you!"

Then Jun Qingcheng slammed the door and walked out.

Looking at the back of Jun Qingcheng's departure, Lin Huang choked up for a moment, a bitter smile appeared on his distorted face, and there was regret in his murmured voice, "Are you going to say goodbye again?"

Afterwards, Lin Huang struggled to sit cross-legged, fighting against Nirvana God Yan with all his strength.

As long as he doesn't turn into ashes, he will fight until the last moment!
The surging mysterious sea, the eight extraordinary meridians, Zhoutian acupoints, the sea of ​​divine consciousness, the internal organs...

Every part of his body was filled with monstrous flames, burning Lin Huang's body inch by inch with the breath of destruction.

Lin Huang mobilized all the vitality in his body to contend against Nirvana God Flame.However, under the terrifying power, the vitality also turned into nothingness.

Lin Huang's consciousness is becoming more and more blurred...

In the room, Murong Fen watched over the two of them, his expression becoming more and more serious.In such a situation, even if Xuanyuan raised his troops here, he might be at a loss what to do.


While Lin Huang was in a trance, he seemed to see Jun Qingcheng's peerless figure in red again in the snowy area, the smile on his face was as bright as the first snow.

"I will not give up!"

Lin Huang clenched his fists tightly, his consciousness becoming more and more blurred.

At this moment, in Lin Huang's body, except for Wuhun Tianshura who was safe and sound, all internal organs had been burned into nothingness.

Together with the sea of ​​consciousness, it was filled with monstrous flames.

But what Lin Huang didn't realize was that under the raging flames, strands of blood-colored threads quietly emerged around his body, constantly devouring the power of Nirvana God Yan.

However, the devouring speed of the bloody thread was far from being able to make up for Shen Yan's burning of Lin Huang.

I'm afraid that within half an hour, Lin Huang will be reduced to a mass of ashes.

At this moment, Lin Huang suddenly felt a cold little hand stick to his back.


Lin Huang muttered vaguely, then woke up suddenly, feeling the figure behind him, struggling to get up and escape from that cold little hand.

"You dare to move, I will kill you!"

Jun Qingcheng roared, and the three-foot Qingfeng suddenly landed in front of Lin Huang.

"I see if you dare!"

Lin Huang roared, leaning on the long sword and stood up...

"Dead wood!"

Jun Qingcheng was furious, and with a single palm, he knocked Lin Huang unconscious.

Murong Fen shook his head, and said: "Nirvana Shenyan has already burned his internal organs, even if you plunder Shenyan into your body now, it will be useless!"

"Who said I was going to plunder?"

Jun Qingcheng snorted coldly, her snow-white face was still full of resentment towards Lin Huang.The little hands that were pressed against Lin Huang's back were extremely gentle, and they transmitted traces of mysterious power into Lin Huang's body.

Xuan'ao's power entered the body, causing the burning of the Nirvana God Flame in Lin Huang's body to freeze for a short time, as if time stood still.

Nirvana God Flame froze, but the thread of blood in Lin Huang's body that was devouring Nirvana God Flame did not stop.

Murong Fen's eyes lit up, only to realize that under Jun Qingcheng's pair of young hands, Lin Huang's state was gradually brought under control.

"Is this the power of blood?"

Murong Fen guessed.

Jun Qingcheng pursed his lips and remained silent, his little hands pressed tightly against Lin Huang, continuously sending the power of his blood into Lin Huang's body, stagnating the burning of the Nirvana God Flame.

In the room, time passed bit by bit.

Two days later, Jun Qingcheng's small face became extremely pale, and when he could no longer hold on, the blood line in Lin Huang's body finally grew stronger, and the speed of devouring Nirvana God Yan accelerated accordingly.


Jun Qingcheng pulled his palms, and his delicate body instantly went limp, as if all the strength in his body had been emptied.But looking at Lin Huang whose condition has improved, a charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Dead wood!"

After Jun Qingcheng murmured in a low voice, she passed out.

Murong Fen stared at the three people in the room, with a helpless smile on his face.He never expected that an unprecedented crisis would be resolved by the three of them.

Another two days passed.

The mysterious strands of blood swimming in Lin Huang's body swallowed up Nirvana God Yan.Then the blood lines converged on Lin Huang's back, slowly forming a mysterious pattern:

It was a vast ocean of raging fire, covering the world with red flames, as if it was about to burn mountains and seas, cook gods and immortals.And in that endless sea of ​​flames, there is a phoenix soaring into the sky...

Phoenix Nirvana!

The phoenix's eyes are rather strange, like two vortices of time, full of mystery.

Then, the phoenix nirvana pattern flowed, overflowing with traces of mysterious power, nourishing Lin Huang's whole body, causing the latter's burnt internal organs to begin to regenerate.

It only took one day to restore the forest to its original state!

Behind Lin Huang, when the phoenix nirvana is condensed...

Sky Continent, I don’t know where it is!
The woman sits cross-legged on the boulder in the middle of the stone pool, wearing a snow-white dress, the skirt dragging on the ground is covered with boulders, and the phoenix is ​​embroidered on the dress, which is lifelike, as if she will be reborn from nirvana at any time.

all of a sudden...

The woman opened Qiushui's eyes.

Feeling the trembling blood power in the body, the weak body couldn't help trembling slightly, there seemed to be a smile on the face, but there were tears in the eyes, as if there was endless sadness and longing.


The woman murmured lowly.

When she called out this name, a gap seemed to be opened in the depths of her heart, causing tears to flow down.

The woman used her hand to write, and carved two characters on the stone wall above her head.

Looking around, this claustrophobic space is full of the names of Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue, counting them densely, there are millions of them.


When Lin Huang opened his eyes, another two days had passed.

Feeling the abundant power in his body, Lin Huang was a little bit taken aback, his body seemed to be stronger than before, and he was not dying of serious injuries as imagined.

It seems that Nirvana God Yan never appeared in the body.

Lin Huang only felt something strange in his back, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Looking at the girl lying on his knees, Lin Huang felt pain in his heart.Then he gently hugged the latter, and looked closely at Jun Qingcheng, with a pitiful smile on his face.

He knew that he was able to overcome this difficulty because of Jun Qingcheng.Lin Huangwan picked up Jun Qingcheng's black hair that fell like a waterfall, and his whispering voice was full of guilt and determination, "One day, I will become strong..."

"Teacher, how is my sister?"

Lin Huang stood up holding Jun Qingcheng, and asked Murong Fen beside him.

"Lin Cangxue's will is extremely terrifying, and there are already signs of suppressing the Nirvana God Flame. However, it takes time for the Wuhun Nirvana, as fast as three months, and as slow as half a year!"

"Three months?"

Lin Huang frowned. Three months later, he might have already appeared in Xuanyuan City.

"I'll ask Elder Shen to come and take care of it, but I'll also ask Teacher to stay in Piaoxue Palace for a while to avoid any accidents!"

Forest Road.

Murong Fen nodded, and said heartily: "I also want to witness with my own eyes, how high-spirited Dongling Legend is when he returns!"

Lin Huang smiled slightly, and then carried Jun Qingcheng out of the courtyard.

Holding the girl in his arms, Lin Huang felt that his steps were much easier, and the countless pressures on his body were all left behind, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

After holding Jun Qingcheng for a long time, Lin Huang reluctantly put the girl on the bed, looked at the delicate girl, and smiled knowingly.

Suddenly, Lin Huang bent down, only three inches away from Jun Qingcheng.

Looking at the snow-white scarf on Jun Qingcheng's face, he hesitated whether to take it off.

After a long struggle...

Lin Huang felt that he should have the qualities of a man, so he stretched out his hand.

Just when Lin Huang was full of anticipation and his eyes were shining brightly, he suddenly found that Jun Qingcheng was staring at him coldly!
(End of this chapter)

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