
Chapter 1854 The 7th Supreme Being


In the void, a violent explosion erupted.

The entire void is filled with blood-colored dust...

The whole world seems to have lost its color and sound, only the aftermath of the explosion, spreading the entire void like a mushroom cloud.


Just as the aftermath of the explosion was steaming, there was the sound of a long knife being unsheathed.

Then, a line of blood appeared in the void.

At the end of the blood line, there is a hideous existence.

God Shura!
He turned his head, rolled up his sleeves, and pressed down his palms.

Immediately, the bloody smoke and dust in the void fell to the ground like heavy rain.

Countless evil races looked up, only to see Misty Moon Lingchu standing still on the altar...

He maintains a punching stance.

In front of him, he who appeared in the blood mirror has disappeared.

Because, with one punch, he wiped out himself in the mirror, and the entire mirror surface.

He is brave and invincible.

One punch broke Tian Shura's divine power of destiny.


There was a line of blood on his chest.

The blood line suddenly enlarged, and then the bloody body of Wuyue Lingchu turned into two pieces, and the monstrous blood sprinkled all over the sky.

In the next moment... the blood that was splattered turned into several Obscure Moon Spirit Chus again.

His body was chopped off, but he was not killed.

Tian Shura looked indifferent, held the Shan Na knife, and began to slash and kill the Obscure Moon Lingchu who had been transformed into blood.

Between the heaven and the earth, the knives danced wildly in an instant.

Thousands of Obscure Moon Spirit Chu were constantly hacked and killed.

Blood splattered the sky.

The stump fell.

However, the slashed Obscure Moon Lingchu still did not die, and the blood that was slashed turned into Obscure Moon Lingchu again.

He seems to have an immortal body, capable of continuous splitting.

However, every time he splits, his strength will drop a bit.

As for Tian Shura, he was very patient.

He turned his head and watched those Obscure Moon Lingchus who had been hacked by him reappeared in their incarnations, with a cold look on their brows, and between raising the knife and falling, the blood moon domain reappeared in the sky and the earth.

The domain sealed off the void, turning it into a cage for Obscure Moon Lingchu.

Tian Shura turned into a ray of light, shuttled through the cage, and crazily suppressed and killed Misty Moon Lingchu.

He didn't believe that Misty Moon Lingchu could split infinitely.

Boom boom boom.


The void has become a battlefield for Tian Shura's massacre.

Misty Moon Lingchu originally wanted to split himself up and use a group attack to suppress and kill Tian Shura.

But this just gave Tian Shura an opportunity to take advantage of.

Tian Xiuluo held the moment knife, surrounded by blood and broken limbs.

He crushed and killed Obscure Moon Lingchu again and again, causing the latter's realm to fall all the way.

In the end, Tian Shura was too lazy to use Shan Na Dao again. He stood proudly in the void, opened his huge mouth, and roared like a demon.

After the roar, the terrifying sound wave turned into a tyrannical tearing force, swallowing the bodies of those Mu Yue Lingchus into their stomachs.

Tian Shura wants to directly refine Obscure Moon Lingchu.

So what if you can split infinitely?
I directly cut off your supernatural power background and turned it into a nutrient for Tian Shura's growth.


Under the altar, the evil clans in all directions were silent.

They looked at the full-fledged Tian Shura in the void, their faces full of disbelief.


They can't believe it.

Although the Battle of the Centuries-old Great Master is an opportunity for the strong of the evil race, but through the ages, there are very few who can really challenge successfully.

But today, the Seventh Grand Master of the Evil Moon God Clan was directly swallowed by the challenger.

He lost.

Moreover, it failed so quickly.

can not imagine.

In the Blood Moon Realm above the altar, Tian Shura hadn't swallowed all the Obscure Moon Lingchu, his abdomen began to swell.

There was the sound of punching and hammering, resounding from Tian Shura's abdomen.

Immediately, the evil clan in the seventh vein spoke up, shouting that the seventh great master is not dead.

Tian Shura snorted coldly, ignoring Wuyue Lingchu's attack at all.Because... his body is an endless hell.

Moreover, there are not only his own methods in his body, but also Lin Huang's methods.

Tian Shura roared again, his huge mouth was like an abyss, emitting extremely terrifying tearing force.

All of the Obscure Moon Spirits were swallowed into Tian Shura's abdomen in a short time.

Inside Tian Shura's body, there was a clanging sound like thunder.

There was an earth-shattering battle in it.

Tian Xiuluo's brows were extremely domineering, he sat cross-legged on the altar in the air, and began to sink into his mind, fighting with the Obscure Moon Spirit Chu in his body.




In Tian Shura's body, the battle is endless, and the result is unknown.

On the Bloodborne battlefield, all the evil races stretched their necks curiously, wanting to see the outcome of the battle.

But... it's useless.

The two sides fought in Tian Shura's body, they couldn't see it at all.

Together with Tianzun who revealed his figure in the void, they frowned slightly.There was a strange light in his eyes, but he still couldn't see through Tian Shura's body.

This made him give Tian Shura another high look. really is the reincarnation of the gods of the Xie Yue God Clan, with power that even he can't peek at.

In the entire field, the most nervous ones were the evil race of the seventh vein.

Now, it is already the fifth challenge... The great masters in the previous four rounds are all safe and sound, so we can't set a precedent here in the seventh vein.

The seventh vein, can't afford to lose this face.


All the results will not change because of the prayers of any evil race.

Suddenly, Tian Shura on the altar stood up, directly raised the Shan Na knife, pierced it from his abdomen, and pierced it from his back.

Immediately, Tian Shura's abdomen became quiet.


Tian Shura shook his head, pulled out the Shan Na knife, wiped the blood on it, and the wound on his abdomen began to heal slowly.

Below, countless evil races were stunned.

Why did it stop?

"Woo, Gulia, Song Wuxili!"

Above the nine heavens, a mysterious voice sounded.

All the evil clans looked away, and found that Tianzun was speaking... Tianzun's eyes fell on Tianshura, and he flicked his fingers.

A bright red brand suddenly appeared between Tian Shura's brows.

In an instant, the entire evil race boiled up.

Nine veins.

The seventh great pattern!

This is……

The newly-promoted seventh grand lord! !

All of a sudden, countless evil races were shocked, and it really succeeded.

How many times have there been battles between the great masters of the century, and finally a challenger succeeded, fighting in blood, holding the power to rule the world.

The seventh meridian, the seventh Great Venerable!

But the entire seventh meridian is like being struck by lightning.

They can't believe it.

The Obscure Moon Spirit died in such an unknown manner, died in the body of the challenger, and was directly annihilated by a single blow.

They have no experience in changing masters!
On the altar, Tian Shura stepped up and appeared in the sky above the seventh peak.

With a ferocious face and domineering brows, he looked down at the seventh-vein evil race below, and with a cold snort, the monstrous coercion fell down.

The evil clan below the realm of the Great Sage was immediately shocked to their knees on the ground by the coercion.

Tian Shura spoke simply as an evil race, his voice was full of violence, "Those who don't respect me, die!"

In the seventh vein, some strong men in the Great Sacred Realm started to kneel down in a daze to meet their new king.

As the first Great Sacred Realm knelt down, the other Great Sacred Realm evil races also knelt down smoothly.

However, the Great Master of the entire Seventh Peak stared at Tian Shura in the void motionlessly, standing straight, and looked like some traitors...

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