
Chapter 1855 Shen Yan Da Zang

According to the heavenly rules of the evil race, once a grand lord of a certain lineage is killed by a challenger and replaced by a new generation of grand lords, everything under his command will belong to the new generation of grand lords.

But even if it is Tianru, the tribes of the evil tribe are not a group of stones, they have thoughts.

Facing the new generation of Seventh Dazun, they obviously didn't want to bend down.

after all……

Why did the latter become the seventh great one.

Just rely on strength?

Therefore, those great venerables of the seventh vein did not pay homage to Tian Shura.

And above the void, Tian Shura looked down at the Great Master below, his expression getting colder.In the next moment, he turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

In an instant, the great venerable on the seventh peak retreated rapidly, soaring above the void, and confronting Tian Shura.

On the other hand, Tian Xiuluo stood on the top of the seventh peak, staring up at the several great venerables indifferently.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the void.

I saw a grand venerable who was still imposing just now suddenly exploded, and his death was extremely strange.

The expressions of the other great venerables suddenly changed, full of disbelief.

They couldn't believe that in this instant, a great senior was murdered secretly, such a terrifying strength.

On the top of the mountain, Tian Xiuluo slowly drew out the Shan Na knife, looked up at the several great venerables, his eyes became more and more murderous.

But within a breath, those great elders who were born rebellious all fell to the top of the seventh peak and knelt down on one knee.

If you don't bend over, you will die!

Tian Shura put the knife into its sheath, and went straight to the main tent of the seventh vein.There is the site of his seventh great statue.

But at this moment, the evil race on the entire Bloodborne battlefield just now reacted from the shock just now.

The Seventh Great Venerable has changed hands!
In the century-old battle of great masters, the first great master among the nine veins fell.

All of a sudden, the entire evil race was boiling, especially the side belonging to the challenger, it was boiling.

Only the evil race who left behind the seventh vein felt dejected.

On the eighth peak, Rama Cangtu also walked out of the tent, he was smiling and incomparably happy.

This evil race is interesting.

Nine Meridians Great Master, the human race already occupies one of them.

The great master of the eighth vein may also become the possession of the human race.

Such a way of traveling at night in brocade clothes is not so physical.

Afterwards, Lin Huang found the mother evil clan from before, and said via voice transmission: "Find someone to replace the seventh great master of the new lineage!"

The Muxie Clan in Tianya's organization suddenly widened their eyes, unable to understand the meaning of Lin Huang's words for a while.

Immediately he reacted, "That bastard that looks like a human is the leader?"

Rama Cangtu suddenly turned his head and stared at the mother evil clan fiercely.

"Okay, my subordinates will arrange it immediately!"

The mother evil clan went on the road very quickly, and nodded in agreement.


For the Evil Clan, the change of master of the Great Master of the Seventh Vein is an earth-shaking event.

However, this matter was quickly overshadowed by the upcoming challenge.

Now, there are four challenges left.

second pulse.

third pulse.

first pulse.

sixth pulse.

The battles in these veins are probably not easy.

Because, the great master of the evil race who dared to challenge the first three veins, I am afraid that he is not an ordinary person.Perhaps, their strength has approached that of demigods.

Even the demigod realm.

Watching such a battle would be rewarding for Lin Huang.

After all, he is now the seventh great venerable. With such a noble status, it is natural that he will have to deal with these great venerables and demigods in the future.

It is necessary to understand the powers and horrors of some demigods.

Then began the battle of the second pulse.

The challenger was a skinny, monkey-like existence.

However, when he stepped onto the altar, dozens of cracks suddenly appeared on the entire altar...

For a moment, the entire evil race stared wide-eyed.

The existence that the altar cannot fully carry.

Above the great lord, in the demigod realm!

Even if all the evil races have expectations in their hearts, those who dare to challenge the second lineage will probably need the strength of the demigod realm.

But when the demigod state really appeared, it still surprised them.

And that demigod like a blood monkey is also very arrogant, without the slightest idea of ​​hiding his strength.

Thinking about it is holding the idea of ​​pushing all the way.

Obviously, the evil race of the second vein also fell silent when they saw that the latter was the demigod queen.

But all of this cannot stop the way of the challenge.

The guardians of the second line began to step on the altar.

As expected by the evil race, the half-sacred blood monkey pushed all the way, even if the level was the same, he raised his hand and killed the guardian in seconds.

He has too powerful supernatural powers, can push the same situation, and has an invincible posture.

Even if Tianjiao is here, it is difficult to shake the latter.




The demigod blood monkey is too strong, and the second vein can't stop his advancing body at all.


Just when all the evil races were thinking like this, and even began to look forward to the battle between the demigod blood monkey and the second grand lord, something happened.

No.30 The seven guardians stepped onto the altar.

He volleyed and punched the half-length blood monkey.

Both sides take three steps back!

For a moment, the entire evil race was stunned.

You know, the demigod-blooded monkeys used to crush those guardians directly with a single punch.

And this guardian, unexpectedly took the latter's punch abruptly, and did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Afterwards, the entire Bloodborne battlefield erupted into cheers. They shouted a name, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

Lin Huang frowned, and translated the name from Xiezu's mouth...

Shenyan Dazang!

Ranked third on the Evil Race Tianjiao list.

One-body realm went straight to the peak of the Great Saint Realm, and half of one foot stepped into the Great Venerable Realm.He has never been defeated in his life, and has killed the enemy hundreds of times in adversity!
Accompanied by the cheers of the entire battlefield, Shenyan Dazang fought fiercely with the demigod blood monkey.

The two sides come and go, or fight and enter the sky like flowing stars.Or stand proudly in the void, grasping the secret of supernatural powers, ready to attack and kill the opponent.

In just a few breaths, both sides have shattered the void into nothingness.

Afterwards, they rushed out of nothingness, their monstrous natal talents covered the sky and the sun, and they collided and fought each other.

For a moment, all the evil races stretched their necks.

They really want to know who is stronger or weaker when the third pride of the evil race meets a demigod who is suppressed in the Great Sacred Realm.

Is it Tianjiao Wushuang, or a demigod as stable as an old dog!

On the eighth peak, Rama Cangtu frowned... Even Lin Huang did not expect that the demigod blood monkey would be crushed and beaten by Shenyan Dazang.

Tianjiao, as expected of Tianjiao!

In the void, the half-blooded monkey roared furiously. Terrible qi and blood erupted from his whole body, like a vast torrent sweeping across the world. He wanted to use his trump card to suppress and kill this mighty arrogance.

However, Shenyan Dazang looked down at the demigod blood monkey condescendingly, and let out a cold snort from his throat.

Afterwards, he pinched the Seal Jue and summoned a powerful figure.

The figure was in a mist, and it was not clear.

Even though that figure was ethereal, it covered the sky across the sky. He slowly stretched out a hand and descended from the sky... That hand was full of bloody flames, filled with the ancient aura of gods...

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