
Chapter 1857 Worship the Moon 8 Gods

On the altar, the battle raged endlessly.

Under the attack of the demigod powerhouse, Namohu Boundless, like a giant pillar, actually took over the latter's attacks one by one.

Even if he had cracks all over his body.

However, he still gave people the feeling of being invincible and insurmountable.

The evil races on the entire battlefield were completely stunned.

The next day was arrogant and terrifying!
It can even suppress a demigod.

And the demigod was also a little flustered.

He kept using his hole cards, but he didn't expect that the latter's defense was so terrifying, making him feel invincible.

"Cough cough..."

Suddenly, Namohu coughed immeasurably.

Blood spit out from his mouth, like a blood-colored river hanging into the sky.

This pleased the demigod.

It seems that this Mohu Boundless looks invincible and has a terrifying defense, but inside his body, it is not as strong as he appears.

As long as he makes another move, he must win.


The demigod challenger had not finished being happy when he heard Mohu Wuliang snort coldly.With a wave of his arm like the backbone of heaven and earth, the Bronze Mountain Range suddenly turned into an ancient giant python, pressing down towards the latter.

The demigod looked shocked, and suddenly flew out of this world.


A loud bang.

The Bronze Mountains suddenly suppressed the demigods and detained them.

In the next instant, a bronze mountain range trembled, and it seemed that the demigod was about to kill from it.

However, at this moment, Mohu Wuliang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He moved his body, and the sound of his joints shifting was like the sound of thunder.

The next moment, he madly hammered towards the giant bronze mountains.




Between heaven and earth, the sound of fists is like thunder.

I saw Mohu Wuliang attacked the bronze mountains with one punch and one punch, and the powerful divine power penetrated in and attacked the demigods inside.

Mohu Boundless is like a madman, hammering wildly.

It didn't stop until half an hour later.

Afterwards, Namohu stretched his body immeasurably, shrinking a lot.With one volley, he flew in the direction of the third meridian.

During this period, he made a move of his arm and recalled the Bronze Mountain Range.

until now...

All the evil tribes just saw the situation inside.

I saw that the figure of the demigod had long since disappeared...

All that was left was a skin sac, which seemed to have flowing liquid, but no bones.

The latter, under Mohu's boundless terrorist attack, was actually shattered by the demigod's body, turned into a pool of blood, and then wrapped in a skin bag.

For a while, the entire evil clan was stunned in place.

Such a great magical power is simply terrifying.

As expected of the second arrogance of the evil clan, to kill a demigod so easily, he must also have the appearance of a god.

Violent cheers erupted from the third vein as they knelt and beat their chests to welcome the return of their hero.

As for the direction of the second meridian, Shen Yan Dazang's gaze was always on Mohu Wuliang's body, and the fighting intent in his eyes was soaring to the sky.

It seems that he does not accept the name of two or three.

And that Mohu Wuliang also turned his head and glanced at Yan Dazang, and left without the slightest expression behind him.

It seems that Shen Yan Dazang is not in his eyes.

Since then, the challenge of the third vein is over.

A demigod walked out of an ending that ended the challenge journey the fastest, and fell at the feet of No. 11 guardians.

At this moment, Namohu Boundless suddenly stopped.

He frowned and looked in the direction of the first peak.

Shen Yan Dazang of the second peak also looked in the direction of the first vein.

At the top of the mountain range, there is a young man with a height of [-] zhang... This kind of height, in the evil clan, can only be regarded as ordinary, not very tall.

That evil youth has eight arms.

There is a long knife on each arm.

Only at the moment when he appeared in the blood light, the eight arms behind him slowly disappeared and became two.

After he turned his head and glanced at Mohu Wuliang and Shenyan Dazang, he looked at the altar indifferently... Waiting for the challenger of the first lineage.

And the eyes of the entire battlefield were attracted by the young man who suddenly appeared in the first vein.

Standing on the top of the mountains, among the evil races, he is known as incomparably handsome. According to the human race, he is rich and godlike like jade!

He stood there like the favored son of the Blood Moon, overshadowing all the evil races.

The next day, Jiao Mohu Boundless frowned, killing intent bursting out of his eyes.

On the third day, the arrogant god Yan Dazang's fighting spirit was reduced a lot, which obviously annoyed Mo Hu immeasurably, and he was not so annoyed.

The first-line challenger has yet to play.

That young man has not yet manifested supernatural powers.

However, the entire Bloodborne battlefield was full of cheers, especially the cheers of a group of evil mother races!

Evil clan, first day pride!

Praise the Moon God!

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned as he looked at the sudden appearance of the first Tianjiao worshiping the Eight Gods of the Moon.

murderous look.

He felt the overwhelming murderous aura.

It is comparable to Tian Shura's shocking murderous aura.


The realm of the latter is not the Great Sacred Realm, but the Great Venerable Realm!
"One star is bright, and the stars are dim!"

Lin Huang sighed inwardly. He didn't know when this evil clan was proud of the first three days and when they would fight, so he applauded.


A bloody light and shadow stepped onto the altar.

The first challenger!
Following the latter's appearance, the entire evil clan was in an uproar.


That challenger turned out to be just a Great Venerable, not a demigod.

This is incredible!
I am afraid that in the challenger selection process of the first stage, all the powerhouses who participated in it deliberately avoided the first line.

Because what they have to face in the end is the number one lord of the evil race.

In a sense, it is the leader of the evil clan's Great Venerable Under Heaven.

What's more, even though he is called the first Great Venerable, I am afraid that his realm has already stepped into the demigod realm, and I am afraid that even ordinary demigods will not dare to take his edge.

Otherwise, why would the challenger of the second and third veins be demigods.

Only the challenger of the first lineage is a great master!
This great challenger, I am afraid that he will be let out.

Maybe he was very happy before, thinking that he had picked up a bargain, and he was expected to challenge the No. [-] Supreme Being and become the leader of the Nine Veins.

And now... I'm afraid I can't even cry.

I didn't look at the demigod challenger of the second and third veins, and was beaten by the two great geniuses.

And what he has to face... is the first arrogance of the evil race!

Praise the Moon God! !
On the top of the first peak, the Eight Gods who worship the moon and see the challenger come to the stage, also smiled slightly, and then raised his hand.

In an instant, a guardian rushed to the altar and killed the challenger.


On the eighth peak, Lin Huang scolded incomprehensibly.

Obviously worshiping the moon and the eight gods by himself, he can directly kill the challenger, and he has to save a little face for the challenger, and send a few of the same clan to die.


Not long after, there were already eight guardians who fell at the feet of the first-line challengers.

When the ninth guardian was ready to play, Baiyue Yashen lightly raised his hand and directly pressed the latter down.

For a time, all the evil races were excited and stared straight at the latter.

The first arrogance of the evil clan, I have to personally take action...

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