
Chapter 1858 Invincible first day pride

Above the altar, the Great Senior looked at the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon in the sky, his expression slightly condensed.

Worship the eight gods of the moon.

Ninth Guardian.

He's finally going to get out.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang looked into the distance and frowned slightly, looking forward to the next battle.

After all, it is the first arrogance of the evil race, no matter what, there should be something.


In the next instant, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon stepped onto the altar with one foot.

He didn't rush to take action, it seems that this is the fault of all Tianjiao.

He stood in front of the wind, looking at the Great Senior in front of him, his eyes were indifferent, and there was a taste of looking down.

What did you say...

Lin Huang was too lazy to listen.

It was nothing more than the words that Shen Yan had previously hidden.

Perhaps this is the kindness of Tianjiao, who can't bear to let their opponents die too fast, let them finally breathe a few breaths of fresh air.


The Great Venerable challenger on the opposite side remained unmoved.

In the face of the first Tianjiao, with such a performance, the other evil races couldn't help but talk about it... I'm afraid they have given up their struggle.

after all.

In front of the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon, the ordinary Great Venerable, I am afraid that he will not have any resistance.

All the evil races are looking forward to this battle.

But feel sorry.

Because, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon is about to make a move, and because once the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon makes a move, the Great Venerable will die.

After talking for a long time about worshiping the moon and the eight gods, he found that the Great Senior on the opposite side was unmoved.

There was a trace of anger in his heart.

He was born in the first meridian, and was in charge of the first meridian of the nine meridians in the world.And he is the first pride of the entire Evil Moon God Clan.

He condescended to downgrade his honor and threw an olive branch to the latter, but he didn't accept it?

Simply presumptuous!
Even the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon had no patience, but he was nothing more than a Great Venerable. Since he was unwilling to join the First Lineage, he would become an undead in the hands of the First Lineage.

In the next instant, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon held a slender long knife and slashed through the void, heading towards the great challenger.

In an instant, the great challenger moved.

His body is weird, like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, he ignored the sword attack of the Eight Gods of the Moon and appeared in front of the Eight Gods of the Moon.

The challenger's arm was like a knife, and he stabbed directly at the Eight Gods of Worshiping the Moon.

The Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon snorted coldly, and then waved the sword with both hands, and a long river of sword energy suddenly appeared in front of him, rushing away towards the challenger.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The river of sword energy actually exploded directly.

And in the dust of the explosion, the great challenger walked out of the long river and punched the chest of the Eight Gods.

The Eight Gods of Baiyue blocked the latter's fist with a knife.

But he was eventually driven back hundreds of miles.

However, in a few breaths, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon killed him, but what he saw was the stunned eyes of all the evil races.

Just astonishment!

It is incredible that the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon were actually repelled.

He is the first pride of the evil race.

You must know that Shen Yan Dazang and Mo Hu Wuliang can kill demigods, and these two are far worse than themselves.

And his enemy is just a Great Venerable.

Such a result indeed made all the evil clans have enough reason to be surprised.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang recalled the previous battle, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Today's battle is getting more and more interesting.

In the void, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon were furious, staring at the Great Senior challenger ahead with murderous intent.

He is the first arrogant of the evil clan, and he is an invincible legend.

He would not allow a Great Senior to make himself so embarrassed.

Suddenly, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon roared angrily.

With the roar of the sky, the monstrous blood energy condensed, forming a blood-colored ocean around him.

Then, the blood-colored ocean turned into the Blood Moon Domain.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Eight Gods of Worshiping Moon suddenly swelled several times, and six other arms gradually appeared behind him, opening like a fan.

And with the appearance of the Eight Arms, the entire void actually appeared in chains of order, imprisoning one side of the space.

The ancient magical powers emerged from the chain of order, guarding the Eight Gods of the Moon, making the latter the complete controller of this space.


Some evil people exclaimed, their eyes showed surprise and fanaticism, and they marveled at the scene in the void.

Because that was the unique skill in the legend of worshipping the moon and the eight gods on the first day.

The order of the gods born from the blood moon realm!

At this moment, Lin Huang is frowning fiercely... It seems that the law of the evil clan's life can also mutate into other powerful beings.

Such magical powers made him feel a real power of rules.

At this moment, the evil race of the first vein has already begun to cheer.

Because that was the first day of pride.

Because that was the first day's arrogance.

Such strength can challenge the demigods.

A mere lord turned into blood in an instant.

The next moment, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon made a move, and his eight arms danced across the sky, with the image of a demon god in troubled times, and each arm was a great magical power.

The eight great supernatural powers came out together, and the terrifying power swept the sky and drowned the great challenger.

Everything is a foregone conclusion!

The great challenger has no life.



In an instant!
A ray of blood light lasing into the sky.

The figure of the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon suddenly solidified in the void.

Everything came too fast, and the evil race of the first vein was still cheering.

The evil races are still amazed.

However, there were also a few evil powerhouses and Lin Huang frowning.

I saw that at the end of the bloody light, a figure slowly emerged, looking back at the Moon Worshiping Eight Gods below.


A loud bang.

After the body of the Moon Worshiping Eight Gods solidified, it suddenly burst.

In an instant, the Blood Moon Domain collapsed like a mountain peak.

A huge amount of dust swept across the sky, unbelievable.



Pride first day.

Worship the eight gods of the moon.

Is it defeated?

Such a terrifying thought popped up in the hearts of almost all the evil races.

Immediately shook his head in denial, this is impossible.

That is worshiping the eight gods of the moon.

He should be the invincible existence of the Great Venerable Realm.

The entire Bloodborne Battlefield suddenly became extremely terrifying and extremely silent.

Dead silence.

All the evil races widened their eyes, waiting for the dust to settle, looking at the rising figure of the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon.



The dust has settled, and in the entire void, there is no more worship to the Eight Gods of the Moon.

He completely exploded.

He was directly turned into a powder by that great challenger.

one move.

Must be the most powerful move.

But still only one trick.

On the first day of the evil clan, they worshiped the Eight Gods of the Moon, and they were in the realm of great respect.It was unexpectedly killed by the same Great Senior in one move.


This is impossible!

It is absolutely impossible.

But the great challenger in the void has already withdrawn his sword.

This battle is over.

Worship the moon and the eight gods, lose!

Totally dead! !

For a while, the evil races shifted their gazes to the challenger with difficulty, and their eyes were complicated.

Who is he?
Who is he?
Only then did the evil race remember the name of this challenger...

Heaven should be soothing!

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