
Chapter 1859 Worshiping the Moon Fallen

Heaven should be soothing.

Another unknown name.

Before that, only when he became a challenger, he had self-reported his name.

But now...

This name is like the Nine Heavens Thunder, which exploded in the minds of every evil race.

Who is he?
Are they also descendants of gods?

Or the reincarnation of a god?
He was able to kill the Evil Moon God Clan's first arrogant worshipper of the Eight Gods of the Moon in one move.

That is worshiping the eight gods of the moon.

Also in the realm of great respect, worshiping the moon and the eight gods should be an invincible existence.

However, he actually died.

How is this possible.

You must know that before, Shenyan Dazang and Mohu Wuliang were the existences of killing gods.

And worship the moon and the eight gods, it must be the same.

But he happened to be defeated by Tian Shu Yingjue.

The latter also looks very young!

Could it be that this is the real genius.

For a while, all the evil races could not accept it.

The first meridian was like a dead silence, they never imagined that the Eight Gods of the Moon would be defeated.

But this is the result.

Killed by a great master of the same realm.

In the second vein, that Shen Yan Dazang was also stunned for a long time, and then a smile appeared on his face.

As a Tianjiao, he naturally regarded the worship of the moon and the eight gods as a potential opponent.

Now that the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon dies, he is the second pride of the Evil Moon God Clan.

On the other side, Mohu Wuliang of the third meridian frowned, and in those drooping eyes, it seemed that he felt sorry for the worship of the Eight Gods of the Moon.

He has not yet fought the latter.

In the Evil Moon God Clan's arrogance list, the Eight Gods Worshiping the Moon is called the Invincible Front, and he is the Invincible Shield.

Who is better?

Now, as soon as the Eight Gods of Worshiping the Moon die, he no longer knows the outcome.

Afterwards, Mohu Wuliang turned his gaze to Tian Shu Yingjue on the altar, perhaps... this one is the real first Tianjiao.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang also had a smile on his face.

He doesn't care about this, the evil clan has a arrogance... good thing!
It's a pity that he was slow to react before, otherwise he would be wearing the skin of a third-line demigod challenger, and after he died and resurrected, he would continue to challenge Namohu Boundless.

Immediately, Lin Huang also set his eyes on Shu Yingjue that day.

The latter was so perfect that he deceived him too.

With such strength and mind, he will not die in the hands of the first great lord today, and he will become the pillar of the evil clan in the future.

The death of the eight gods of worshiping the moon caused different reactions from all parties.

On the altar, Shu Yingjue still looked the same that day.

It seems that killing a moon worshiper is not something to be proud of for him.

He stood still on the altar, waiting for the next guardian.

His journey of challenge has only just begun.

Worshiping the Moon and the Eight Gods is just the ninth guardian.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise on the first peak.

Then, a terrifying aura swept out instantly...

The entire void was covered by a dark storm.

All the evil races turned their heads and saw a black shadow on the first peak.

The black shadow stood above the sky, looking down at Tian Shu Yingjue below, and then headed towards the altar.

The challenge of Tianshuyingjue has just begun.

But it's over.

After defeating the Eight Gods of Worshiping the Moon, perhaps among the guardians of the first vein, no one can stop him.

Why die in vain.

So, that shadow appeared.

When the black shadow appeared, it was the first to nod slightly to the Heavenly Venerate above the void.Then just landed on the altar!

For a while, the evil clan opened their eyes again.

Needless to say, I also know who this shadow is.

The No. [-] Supreme Being of the Evil Race... Worshiping the Moon and Cold Light!
"Demi god……"

Lin Huang looked at the shadow and murmured.

Then there is relief...

To be the No. [-] Supreme Being of the evil race, he should be in the demigod realm.

Otherwise, he would not be able to firmly hold his position.

Compared with several Tianjiao, Baiyue Hanguang is obviously more mature, and he has not spoken nonsense with Tianshu.

When he raised his finger, he directly opened the Blood Moon Domain.

The entire void and all directions were shrouded in the cold light of the blood moon.


The altar under Tianshu Yingjue's feet shattered directly.

- The power of the demigods!
It directly shattered the power of imprisonment of the altar.

However, between the two, there is no suppressive force in itself.

In contrast... Tian Shuying definitely only has the Great Senior Realm, and facing the first Great Senior in the Half-God Realm, his strength is still a lot worse.

However, Shu Yingjue didn't hesitate at all that day.

He can kill the first arrogant in the same realm with the Great Senior Realm, why can't he challenge the first Great Senior in the Demigod Realm.

In the next moment, Tian Shu Yingjue roared and charged towards Baiyue Hanguang.


Between heaven and earth, an explosion sounded.

In the next instant, the two sides retreated three thousand miles.

In the next moment, the two sides fought back to the battlefield and collided.

The first confrontation made the evil race on the entire Blood Origin battlefield incomparably amazed.

That is Baiyue Hanguang, the number one lord of the evil clan, with the strength of a demigod.Unexpectedly, Tian Shu Yingjue was able to evenly share with him.

What a monster this is.

Challenge the demigods with great respect without falling behind.

And that demigod... is not an ordinary demigod.

Because, he was the first arrogant of the previous generation of the Evil Moon God Clan.Otherwise, he will not be able to become the first great honor.

And even so, Shu Yingjue was still able to keep up that day.

Just terrifyingly terrifying.

Boom boom boom.

In the void, the two sides fought endlessly, just like two demon gods fighting each other, the void shattered and the mountains and rivers trembled.

Even the Heavenly Venerate above the void had to flick his sleeves to wipe out the aftermath of the battle that swept through.

Soon, the two sides separated again, and the chambers fought against the sky above.

That Baiyue Hanguang looked serious and frowned slightly.

He knew that he still underestimated this Great Senior, not only can he kill the first arrogance of the evil clan who are also Great Senior Realm.He can also challenge himself, the arrogance of the previous generation of the evil clan in the demigod realm.

However, after all, he worshipped the moon and cold light.

Suddenly, Baiyue Hanguang raised a finger.

In an instant, the entire void was covered with a terrifying shadow, as if it had been changed.

And above the sky that became pitch-black, a ray of blood suddenly appeared.

That beam of light was heading towards the sky.


The latter flew and dodged, but the place where he stood before turned into nothingness.

cough cough...

Tian Shu Yingjue finally coughed twice and spit out blood from his mouth.

It turned out that even if he dodged, his body was still cracked by the shock.He frowned and his expression became more serious.

He felt the breath of death.

And the evil race on the entire Blood Origin battlefield is now in a state of chaos and confusion, like walking with corpses.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned, and his eyes flashed with black and white light, blocking the invasion of the blood-colored light born from the dark sky.

He instantly understood...

The Evil Race's first natal supernatural power.

——Blood Eyes!

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