
Chapter 1860 Worshiping the Moon and Cold Light

Dark sky.

like a face...

And the place where the blood-red light was born was the ancient scorpion.

Above the sky, the blood-stained eyes are full of ghostly aura, giving people a feeling of evil, mystery, blood, and psychedelics.

The blood-stained light stained the void, causing countless evil races to sink in the illusion.

On that day, Shu Yingjue felt the terrifying power of order...

Then, divine power swept out from the scorpion above the void, to detain Tian Shu Yingjue and let him sink under the scorpion.

The next moment, Shu Yingjue was extremely decisive that day, he stabbed himself in his eyes, and then turned into a ray of light, killing the moon worshiping cold light.

That Baiyue Hanguang snorted coldly, and as his body moved, a few more eyes suddenly appeared above the sky.

This time, in his eyes, a real chain of order was born, heading towards Tian Shu Yingjue.

Even if the latter stabbed himself in both eyes, he could not escape the attack of the blood-stained eyes.

Soon, he was detained by the chains of order, trapped in a world.

Baiyue Hanguang looked calm and did not despise Tian Shu Yingjue at all. He moved the seal with both hands and began to shrink the chain of order.

The terrifying power of order began to intrude into Tian Shu Yingjue's body crazily, to suppress his natal supernatural powers.

On that day, Shu Yingjue also struggled hard. His eyes were weeping with blood, and he was in a state of embarrassment. He looked a bit sad.


Suddenly, Shu Yingjue roared that day and broke one of the chains of order.

He is brave and invincible, with a sense of invincibility.

This made Baiyue Hanguang frown slightly, and then his body changed suddenly, and mirrors appeared around him.

The next moment, in the entire void, the order chains of the blood-stained eyes were mapped out countless paths.

In this way, even if Tian Shuying can never break the chain of order, he can never hold on for too long.

After a long time, when the natal supernatural power in his body is suppressed by order, it will be the time when he is completely dead.

In the center of the order cage, Tian Shu Yingjue also felt this.

Instead, he stopped struggling!

seems to have given up.

However... along with his calm, there are tyrannical forces in his body trying to break through.

It feels very wrong to worship the moon and cold light.

In the next instant, Baiyue Hanguang appeared in front of Tian Shu Yingjue, and shot towards the latter with one move.


A loud bang.

Baiyue Hanguang's subordinate Tian Shu Yingjue completely turned into powder.

The latter is simply vulnerable.

However, that Moon Worshiping Cold Light's expression changed, suddenly tearing apart the void, and was about to leave the current place.

However, a look of obvious pain appeared on his face.

He bowed his head.

I saw a giant pillar appeared in the chest.

He was attacked.

Was attacked by Tian Shu Yingjue...

And what was shot and killed before turned out to be only the remains of the latter.

Baiyue Hanguang did not expect that the latter could unknowingly escape the suppression of the chain of order and deceive himself!

is a thief.

He roared angrily, a tentacle suddenly appeared on his back, and attacked Tian Shuyingjue behind him.

A bang.

Shu Yingjue reacted extremely fast that day, and directly blocked Baiyue Hanguang's surprise attack with the weapon in his hand.

However, the latter still flew out backwards.

After all, there is still a realm gap between him and Baiyue Hanguang.

Afterwards, Baiyue Hanguang turned back, the wound on his body began to heal, and Baiyue Hanguang's expression gradually returned to calm.

However, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

He admitted that Shu Yingjue was indeed the arrogance of the Evil Moon God Clan.

But he doesn't think the latter has the strength to challenge him.

After all, he was once the first arrogant of the previous generation, and he is now a demigod powerhouse.

Even in the face of the Heavenly Venerate above the void, he may have the power to fight.

But now, it seems that he is still a bit laborious to suppress a day Shu Yingjue.

In the void, Baiyue Hanguang has completely moved his will to kill... The latter's decisive battle seems to be unusable for the first vein.

Then go die.

Baiyue Hanguang suddenly raised his head, his eyes red.

The two rays of blood instantly merged into the haze of heaven and earth.

Then, the blood-stained eyes above the sky began to flow blood... just like a river bursting its dyke...

For a time, the entire battlefield was quickly wrapped in blood.

Shu Yingjue seemed to feel a great threat that day and began to charge away from the battlefield.


In an instant, Tian Shu Yingjue was bounced back by the wall of blood.

He frowned, and the enchantment wrapped in blood was as thin as a cicada's wings, but it seemed to have a terrifying might.

This made Tian Shu Yingjue feel a great threat.

And when he raised his palm, only to find that half of the palm had melted...

The blood wall has the ability to instantly swallow its own power, and it is extremely terrifying.

Then, the blood-stained eyes in the sky condensed red light again, forming a substantive killing technique, and attacked Tian Shu Yingjue.

Tianshu Yingjue was helpless and was forced to move around in the blood cage.

But it didn't take long for him to be hit.

Because the blood cage was constantly being compressed, and the enemy he faced was the demigod who had been proud of the first day.

The gap between the realms is difficult to make up for with magical techniques.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang used his black and white eyes to separate against the invading power of the blood-stained eyes, while paying attention to the battle in the void.

He frowned slightly, puzzled.

If the gap between the realm of the two sides is so great, Tian Shuying should have died long ago.If it wasn't so much worse, Tian Shuying should never be so embarrassed.

Although the blood-stained eyes are strong, it will not make Tian Shu Yingjue so embarrassed.

And Baiyue Hanguang in the void seems to see this clearly, so he is not close to Tianshu Yingjue, he is waiting...

Wait until Tian Shu Yingjue can't support the moment under the killing power of the blood-stained eyes.

In the blood-colored cage, Tian Shu Yingjue also frowned.

He seemed to understand Baiyue Hanguang saw through his thoughts, so he became a little irritable.

And Baiyue Hanguang smiled.

It seems that Tian Shuying must have prepared a big gift package for himself, but now it is already empty.


Just now.

Baiyue Hanguang's complexion changed greatly, the whole figure turned from solid to empty, and then collapsed.

However, with a bang.

Baiyue Hanguang was a step too late, and his head was suddenly chopped off.In the head that fell, the eyes were extremely surprised.

Because he saw another self.


There was another loud noise, and the black screen inlaid with blood-stained eyes also burst suddenly. Tian Shu Yingjue escaped from the predicament in an instant, and killed towards the light and shadow of Baiyue Hanguang.

When the blood-stained eyes were broken, countless evil races in the battlefield also woke up.

Then, they were shocked.

What happened just now...

As if having a dream.

What's going on now...

Why did Baiyue Hanguang's head fall from the sky?Why are Tian Shu Yingjue and Baiyue Hanguang chasing and killing a headless light and shadow at the same time?

In the void, there are actually two moon-worshiping cold lights.This is……

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned and recognized the origin of the second Moon Worship Hanguang:
——The natural talent of the evil race from Tianshu Yingjue, Futian!

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