
Chapter 1861 The Art of Futian

Among the nine natal supernatural powers of the evil clan, not all the destiny supernatural powers are readily available.

And today's Nine Meridians of the Evil Clan do not really correspond to the nine natal talents.

Among them, the two most rare natal talents are the blood-stained eye and Futian.

The blood-stained eye, to put it simply, is the will to give birth to the blood ancestor, causing all living beings to perish, possessing an incomparably terrifying divine power.

And the art of returning to heaven.

Lin Huang had seen it before, when he was on Sky Continent.

Now, he saw it again.

To put it simply, Futian is copying.

He can copy the opponent's moves, martial arts...

If you can cultivate to the deepest point, you can even copy the Dao and Fate.

Going deeper, I'm afraid even life and death, lifespan, luck, etc. can be copied.

But when he cultivated to the peak state, according to Rama Cangtu's memory, he could directly copy the enemy.

Obviously... Shu Yingjue hadn't reached this level that day.

But it was achieved.

Because he copied the cold light of worshiping the moon.

However, after all, it was still a little bit worse, only the shape of Baiyue Hanguang was copied, and the charm was still a lot worse.

But even so, it was enough to shock all the evil races present.

Because, that is the art of Futian.

In the entire Xieyue God Clan, there are very few people who can possess this natal supernatural power.

Because, in the ancient years, Futian's lineage was extremely powerful, and the other eight lines were so powerful that even the blood-stained eyes did not dare to compete with it.

In the end, the Futian lineage was attacked by the other eight lines, and almost all of them were slaughtered.

From then on, Futian's lineage didn't show up very much.

Now, I finally saw someone from Futian's lineage again, and saw the legendary tyrannical supernatural power.

You must know that among the nine divine powers of destiny, the blood-stained eyes are already terrifying, because the eyes are the embodiment of will, and they have the aftermath of the blood ancestor.

But it was unable to defeat Futian.

Because Futian can copy the blood-stained eye.

In the void, after one of his heads had been cut off, the Moon Worshiping Light quickly grew back. He was far away from Tian Shu Yingjue and the fake Moon Worshiping Light, and his figure gradually became a reality.

He also didn't expect that this challenger would have the power to surpass the sky.

For a moment, Baiyue Hanguang was moved to kill.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned slightly.He glanced at Tianzun above the sky without any trace, and felt a little struggling in his heart.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Huangfu Tianxia in the corner of the Bloodborne battlefield also glanced at Tianzun.

Afterwards, the two looked at Baiyue Hanguang and Tianshu Yingjue in unison.

One with blood-stained eyes.

One possesses the power of heaven and earth.

These are two big fat sheep...

Even a corpse is incomparably precious, allowing the two of them to study the art of life.

Lin Huang turned his head, glanced at the direction of the Seventh Peak, turned around and walked out of the tent.

Not long after, a shadow quietly left on the seventh peak.And Huangfu Tianxia on the Bloodborne battlefield also moved closer to the altar.


"How's that?"

When the two touched each other, they asked.

"Children only do multiple-choice questions, of course they need both... Especially Futian's technique, it is definitely an existence against the sky!"

Huangfu Tianxia said, "It's just that everyone is watching, so it's not easy to attack. There is also a Heavenly Venerable watching from above!"

"First of all, are you strong enough to fight those two?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Of course not, that's equivalent to two demigods, you can!"


Lin Huang shook his head.

"Then let's get excited with a hammer!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, "Junior brother, you can't do it! Isn't it possible to retreat completely from the hands of a demigod? Isn't it invincible at the Emperor's realm? That day Shu Yingjue was only at the Great Venerable's realm, so you can't deal with it?"

"There is hope for a full battle, but this is the evil race!"

Lin Huang turned his head seriously.

"Why not, why don't we try to jointly dominate the world?"

"You can?"

Lin Huang was shocked.

"What's wrong with this? If Qin Changsheng doesn't teach me, I still don't know how to learn? Thousands of years, isn't it enough for me to crack Xiongtianxia?"

Huangfu said to the world.

"No, you can't use the power to dominate the world!"

Lin Huang refused.

"Then what do you say?"

Huangfu Tianxia's brain became tired after a single movement.

"Who do you think will win the battle between Baiyue Hanguang and Tianshu Yingjue?"

Lin Huang looked at the two sides who were fighting inextricably in the void and said.

"Although Tianshu Yingjue has the ability to regain the sky, Baiyue Hanguang is suppressed by realm after all, and he was the number one arrogance of the year. Clean up your mentality, Tianshu Yingjue's winning rate will be lower!"

Huangfu Tianxia analyzed.

"You said, if he died, his skin..."

"Don't think about it, there is still a Tianzun staring at him. He will definitely take away Tianshu Yingjue's body and try to explore the technique of Futian. If Tianzun doesn't make a move, he will be snatched away by the first vein!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"Then let's take a gamble!"

Forest Road.

"What are you betting on? Betting on Tianshu Yingjue's victory? It's useless, you also can't get the body of Baiyue Hanguang, he is the number one king today!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"Do not……"

Lin Huang shook his head resolutely.

"I'm betting that Tian Shuying will win, and I'm also betting that Tian Shuying will never dare to face other Eight Meridians alone!"

"What do you mean?"

Huangfu Tianxia asked, and then he slapped his head and realized, "You mean, even if Tianshu wins, it will be very difficult for him to survive, because the Eight Meridians will not allow someone who has the art of Futian There is a threat!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"If Tian Shuying wins, and he wants to live, there is only one way!"

Huangfu Tianxia continued.


Lin Huang nodded, "But one thing is uncertain, if Tian Shu Yingjue really killed Baiyue Hanguang, would he leave behind the duplicate body to kill himself and Baiyue Hanguang, or would Duoshe be the real one?" Worship the cold light of the moon, and then kill yourself and the cloned body!"

"One thing is for sure!"

Huangfu Tianxia said, "As long as Tianshuying wins, and he doesn't want to face the siege of the Eight Meridians alone, he will definitely let other evil clans see that Baiyue Hanguang killed himself!"

"So, as long as we seize the opportunity of Tianshu Yingjue's fake death, we can follow him and enter Baiyue Hanguang's body!"

Forest Road.

"Okay, let me deduce their battle trajectory! You use the shadow to lead me away, to the point of their final battle!"

Huangfu Tianxia spoke.

"I have black and white eyes, so I can deduce it more accurately!"

"Get out, I'm a big brother, listen to me, work!"

Huangfu Tianxia felt that he should be a wise man and should not be a reckless man who can only work hard.

Without saying a word, Lin Huang sat up cross-legged, with black and white eyes, and began to deduce the trajectory of the battle between the two sides on the battlefield.

Huangfu had no choice but to drag Lin Huang forward based on the possible destinations reported by Lin Huang...

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