
Chapter 1862 Picking Peaches

Above the void, the battle rumbled endlessly.

As Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia said, although Tianshu Yingjue possessed the method of reversing the sky, he was still a realm short of worshiping the moon and cold light.

This realm is the natural chasm.

Therefore, after gaining the upper hand in the early stage, Tianshu Yingjue's situation was reversed step by step.

Even if he could copy a Moon Worshiping Cold Light, it was not the real Moon Worshiping Cold Light after all, and there was still a big gap.

And Baiyue Hanguang, after adjusting his mentality, also showed the real power of demigod and the posture of once the world's number one arrogance.

He has a calm figure, relaxed and relaxed, with every movement of his hands and feet, he has the skills of life and death at his fingertips, and he keeps killing Tianshu Yingjue.

Although Tianshu Yingjue was getting more and more difficult to deal with, he was not defeated immediately.

Relying on Futian's technique, attacking the latter with the method of worshiping the moon and cold light again and again, making the moon worshiping cold light feel very difficult.

"This... doesn't feel like Tian Shuying can win!"

Huangfu Tianxia said.

"It does not matter……"

While deducing the trajectory of the battle between the two sides, Lin Huang said, "In fact, we just need to wait for an opportunity, no matter who it is targeting or who created it!"

Huangfu Tianxia nodded, and continued to wander secretly with Lin Huang.

On the Bloodborne battlefield, countless evil races watched the great battle in the void, their necks stiffened.They stared wide-eyed, not feeling the slightest dazed.

This is the battle of the top powerhouses, and it also determines who the first Dazun is.

The result is very promising.

And the speed of the two sides in the void has gradually become a little slower... After all, although the two sides have not fought for a long time, in a duel between the strong, they may only be able to use hundreds of moves in an instant, which consumes a lot of energy.

Tianshu Yingjue was already at a disadvantage.

At this moment, the blood-stained eyes reappeared in the sky, which disturbed Tianshu Yingjue, causing his technique of restoring the sky to make frequent mistakes, and he lost his previous divine power.

Finally, the two sides rushed towards each other with overwhelming momentum and supreme power.

"It's now!"

Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes and pointed in one direction.

This time, he didn't need Huangfu Tianxia to lead him there, but he rushed to the battlefield with Huangfu Tianxia.

A loud bang.

The entire mountains, rivers and voids were shaken, and the years of the evil race world stagnated.

What followed was monstrous smoke and dust and terrifying aftermath.

The power of this aftermath made many experts who were also in the Great Exalted Realm frown at it, and tried to resist it one after another.

It was just the aftermath, but it actually made them feel the shroud of the will of death.

"As for people, I can't see them. The power of the blood-stained eyes is contained in the power of the aftermath!"

Huangfu Tianxia, ​​who entered the battlefield, spoke.

"What a waste!"

Lin Huang scolded Huangfu Tianxia unceremoniously, after all he would not let go of any chance to ride on Huangfu Tianxia's head.

At this moment, Lin Huang's black and white eyes were shining brightly, piercing through the fog and aftermath, and looked at the battlefield again.

I saw that in the smoke and dust all over the sky, the two sides were still fighting.

Tianshu Yingjue forcibly copied another Baiyue Hanguang, and asked the two fake ones to suppress the real Baiyue Hanguang.

However, Baiyue Hanguang was extremely fierce, and he forcibly used his own strength to contend against several strong men.

Because of the occlusion of the mist, Baiyue Hanguang seemed to let go of his hands and feet, using a life and death technique that had never been shown before.

And Tianshu Yingjue also showed such a hole card.


It seems that Tianshu Yingjueqi is still missing a move.

The current him, before the smoke and dust of the battle rises, is enough to suppress the moon worship cold light.Perhaps this is the source of his confidence.

However, he also seriously underestimated the moon worship cold light.

"What's the situation now!"

Huangfu Tianxia chased after him, and he could barely see some of the battle between the two sides, because it was unreal.

It is even more invisible outside...Because no matter whether it is Baiyue Hanguang or Tianshu Yingjue, they don't want their trump cards to be known by other evil races, so there is a natural barrier around the fog to prevent prying eyes.

"It's nothing, Tian Shu Yingjue still miscalculated Baiyue Hanguang's strength... He set up a cage, but trapped himself in it!"

Lin Huang spoke.

"Didn't we bet wrong?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned.

"What do you think?"

Lin Huang looked back at Huangfu Tianxia.

"I don't think so!"

Huangfu Tianxia understood Lin Huang's meaning.

"Remember, don't use the supernatural powers of the human race, only use the evil race's. Heavenly Venerable is bound to be very sensitive!"

Lin Huang reminded.

"You should still worry about yourself, I have long been a member of the evil clan!"

Huangfu's laughter echoed in Lin Huang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Immediately, Tian Xiuluo turned into a shadow, leading Huangfu all over the world to approach Baiyue Hanguang and Tian Shu Yingjue.

At this moment, the war between the two sides has entered the final decisive battle.

Tian Shu Yingjue was scarred and scarred in a short period of time, but he did not admit defeat at all, his eyes were like a wolf, staring at the cold light of Baiyue.

The cold light of worshiping the moon is like a fierce tiger, condescending.

Afterwards, the two sides fought again, and rushed towards each other in a desperate posture.



Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia opened their mouths at the same time, and they directly turned into two beams of ghostly light, killing both sides of the battle.

In an instant.

Tian Shu Yingjue's body was torn apart by the cold light of Bai Yue...

And Baiyue Hanguang had a huge hole in his chest, and blood flowed like a river.

In the next moment, Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia shot at the same time, killing Baiyue Hanguang.


When the two sides approached, Baiyue Hanguang immediately reacted, he retreated rapidly, waved his palms, and killed Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia with one palm.The other palm is to cover the mist, so that all the evil races in the blood field can see the enemies who are attacking with their own eyes.

If you dare to interfere with the order of the Grand Master's battle, the Iron Law will die!

"Those who offend our human race will be punishable even if they are far away!"

Huangfu Tiantian opened his mouth, full of blood and killing intent, he shot at the same time... directly flipped out that Shura Dao was carrying the supernatural power of the evil race, and killed towards Baiyue Hanguang.

Lin Huang doesn't feel passionate, but feels that Huangfu Tianxia is like a fool who has lived for more than 1000 years!However, Tian Shura was not slow to move, he raised his hand to support the blood moon domain, and then superimposed Tian Shura's Infernal Hell and the Obscuring Moon, and then the blood demon possessed him in anger, and beat towards the cold light of Bai Yue.


Before and after, but in an instant.

The smoke is still there.

Lin Huang and Huangfu Tianxia completely suppressed Dao Yun who worshiped the cold light of the moon.

In the next instant, Huangfu Tianxia entered Baiyue Hanguang's body, using his own life to maintain Baiyue Hanguang's existence.

But Lin Huang turned his head and went to kill Tian Shuying.

However, when Lin Huang turned his head, he flew upside down. He was directly repelled by a powerful force, and a huge hole appeared in his chest.

It turned out that Tian Shu Yingjue had already reorganized his body and killed Tian Shura.

"Junior Brother, you are such a scumbag!"

Huangfu Tianxia ridiculed, and then controlled the unfamiliar body of Baiyue Hanguang to prevent Tianshu from responding.

With a loud bang, Baiyue Hanguang was directly repelled...

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