
Chapter 1867 Demons

Chapter 1867 Demons
In the void, the Yeluhu who had returned showed his holiness, and he opened his mouth to scold Huangfu Tianxia.

To demonstrate their supreme authority and strength.

On the altar, Huangfu Tianxia raised his head and looked at Yeluhuyan indifferently.Afterwards, an extremely strong fighting spirit erupted from the whole body.

Not timid at all.

The evil clans in all directions also raised their spirits.

They thought before that this Yeluhu Yancaigou was accidentally suppressed by the Great Phoenix Buddha.

Unexpectedly, he could return in blood and forcibly step into the demigod realm.

It depends on how strong the Great Phoenix Buddha is.

If he was the former Tianshu Yingjue, he might have the ability to fight against the demigod.

if not...

After all, there is only death.

Before the Sifang Evil Clan had more guesses, Huangfu stepped forward...

The altar below shattered.

Huangfu Tianxia suddenly appeared in front of Yeluhuyan, and punched him out.


Ye Luhuyan also punched, his expression was cold and he was not afraid at all.

In the next instant, Huangfu Tianxia suddenly flew out.

But Yeluhu didn't move at all.

In the next moment, Yeluhuyan chased Huangfu all over the world.

Because he forcibly stepped into the demigod realm, he couldn't hold on for too long.

And he wants to kill this jumping clown as soon as possible to maintain his dignity.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang shook his head slightly.

This Yeluhuyan, really wants to disappoint him.

As long as Huangfu avoids the world and does not fight, it won't be long before Yeluhuyan's own realm declines, and he will undoubtedly die.


There was a sudden loud noise in the void.

I saw Huangfu Tiantian punched out again, confronting Yeluhuyan.

Suddenly, both sides flew upside down at the same time.

Ye Luhuyan quickly stabilized his figure, while Huangfu Tianxia smashed several hills in a row before he stabilized himself.

In the end, Yeluhuyan was slightly better.

However, Lin Huang raised his eyes, it seems... Huangfu Tianxia still wanted to show his hands in front of him in order to protect his dignity as a senior brother, so he chose to confront Ye Luhuyan head-on.

And that Yeluhuyan in the void became more and more violent. He never expected that the latter would dare to provoke him and challenge a demigod with a mere great dignity.


Yeluhu let out an angry roar, and the color of the world changed accordingly, and he moved towards Huangfu's world with monstrous power.

Afterwards, Yeluhuyan manifested his supernatural powers, and his body disappeared, replaced by blood lines in the void.

The blood line shuttled through the sky, cutting towards Huangfu's world.

Huangfu frowned, and his whole body turned into blood.


When the blood touched the blood line, it was puffing out smoke.

Lin Huang frowned...

Feeling the horror of the bloodline in the void, he actually possesses the power of ancient supernatural powers, which seems to be a special ability after stepping into the demigod realm.

Afterwards, the blood threads all over the sky began to soften, weaving intertwined like needles and threads, and imprisoned the ball of blood that Huangfu Tianxia had turned into.

In the void, a ball of wool appeared.


The ball of wool vibrated, and the blood inside wanted to come out, but it was still bound by the ball of wool.

Naye Luhu let out a cold snort, stepped on the void, walked towards the bloodline ball, and raised his hand to pinch it.

Under the demigod's supernatural power, even a great senior dares to be presumptuous.

Shu Yingjue was really strong that day.

But wasn't he still defeated by Bai Yue Han Guang?

A group of stupid fellows, do you really think that a demigod can be challenged by the Grand Master?I'm afraid they don't even know that the demigods will be born with divine powers!
On the eighth peak, Lin Huang had already stood up.

At this moment, the ball of wool didn't seem to have much lethality, but Lin Huang was utterly terrifying.

It can cut and detain all powers, and contains the laws of heaven and earth.

Huangfu's world has turned into a pool of blood, and he may not be able to escape from it...

The Sifang Evil Clan was also a little dazed.


Is this the end?

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor in the void.

I saw that the wall of the void was torn open by a tremendous force, and then... a pitch-black evil ghost crawled out of the crack.

Naye Luhu frowned and turned his head.

He looked at the ball of wool in his hand with astonishment in his eyes. He didn't expect that this guy could penetrate the power of the seal, forcibly perform the blood summoning spirit technique, and summon an evil ghost to appear.

However, can he save himself with just one evil ghost?

Yeluhuyan exerted force with all five fingers, and with a bang, the ball of wool in his hand exploded and turned into powder.

Afterwards, he smiled and turned his head to look at the evil ghost crawling out of the crack.

Your master is dead, and you should be gone too.


Unexpectedly, the evil ghost whimpered and roared, and then went towards Yeluhuyan like a ghost. It opened its huge mouth and bit Yeluhuyan.

Yeluhu sneered, raised his hand and punched the evil ghost.


Suddenly, Ye Luhuyan screamed in pain.

All the evil races were horrified.

All they saw was that the evil spirit opened its mouth and directly bit off Ye Luhu Yan's fist.

At this moment, the evil spirit was still chewing, eating with relish.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned suddenly.

He looked at the evil ghost, and then his eyes were fixed...

The figure of that evil spirit!

Give him a sense of familiarity.

But I can't say it.

The evil ghost was wrapped in iron chains, with wounds on his body, and a bloody spear stuck in his chest.

Lin Huang tapped his head with his fingers, carefully recalling the origin of the latter, he seemed to have seen it somewhere, but couldn't remember it.

But this is definitely not a simple evil spirit.

He must have a shocking background, but in the end he perishes and lives in hell.

Lin Huang had never seen this evil ghost in the world of hungry ghosts in Huangfu.

In the void, Yeluhu was extremely angry. His other palm turned over, and there were dense silk threads like thousands of torrents, killing the evil ghost.

The Great Phoenix Buddha is only dead, and with an evil spirit summoned just before his death, he wants to make waves?
court death!

Crack bang bang bang...

However, everything is always so unpredictable.

The pitch-black evil ghost opened its mouth, chewed up and swallowed Yeluhuyan's demigod law bit by bit, and stunned the evil people around.

What kind of species is this summoned that even devours the law of demigods?
Crack bang bang bang!
The evil spirit kept grinding its teeth, trying to eat Yeluhuyan's other arm.

At this moment, Yeluhu was a little panicked.

He retreated quickly, with a sea of ​​blood all over his body, and drowned towards the evil spirit, followed by overwhelming killing techniques.

And that evil ghost, in the torrent of blood, also stood upright at this moment with that crooked figure.

He raised his head for the first time, with a pair of snow-white eyes, he looked up at the enemy in front of him.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang looked at those snow-white eyes, and his mind suddenly buzzed!
that evil spirit.

As if seen before.

But he knew that he had never seen it before!
However, he has an extremely familiar feeling... That sense of familiarity is not weaker than the relationship between him and Bai Xiaopang!

(End of this chapter)

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