
Chapter 1868

Chapter 1868
Under the sky, the evil spirit was still chewing.

He looked just a little ferocious, but he wasn't that powerful.

However, such an evil spirit ran after Yeluhu.

Before, Yeluhuyan's overwhelming attacks were all swallowed by the evil ghost one by one. He seemed to be immune to all attacks.

Just eat.

The evil people in all directions were also shocked.

What kind of creature is this, it is so powerful that it can run after demigods.

And Yeluhuyan was even more embarrassed and depressed. The Great Phoenix Buddha was obviously dead, so why did his summoned creatures continue to fight.

This is incredible.

However, now is not the time for Ye Luhuyan to think about these things.

He didn't know what to do when he saw the evil ghost running towards him chewing on his giant mouth.He is a demigod... When has he been so helpless.


In the next moment, the evil spirit appeared in front of Yeluhuyan, opened his mouth and bit down.

Yeluhuyan immediately raised his hand... Then he reacted and directly tore the void to escape.

The evil ghost twisted its neck, turned its head to look at Ye Luhuyan in the distance, and rushed over quickly again.

At this moment, the battle in the void is a bit strange.

It's not like a battle in the demigod realm at all, it's more like a mortal meeting a man-eating tiger.

The hearts of all the evil races in the sixth meridian are suspended at this moment.

They had never seen the Sixth Great Venerable in such a state of embarrassment.

Moreover, now that Ye Luhuyan's condition is still declining, this result is even more unimaginable to them.

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang was still staring at the evil spirit, and the feeling of familiarity was still lingering in his heart.

But he broke his head, and he couldn't think of the origin of the evil spirit.

Suddenly, a roar sounded in the void.

I saw Naye Luhuyan being chased and killed several times, and the anger in his heart was completely ignited.He looked at the dull and ferocious ghost, and his body suddenly liquefied.

Then, the liquefied body turned into a bloody light.


The evil ghost swooped down, but did not swallow the bloody moonlight.

In those snow-white eyes, he turned left and right for the first time, and seemed to be a little puzzled, his rations were right in front of him, why couldn't he eat any more.

In the void, blood-colored rays of light flowed, sweeping across the world like a red glow.

Afterwards, the rolling red clouds began to shrink and condense, and along with the process of condensing, streams of ancient auras were born from the sky.

All of a sudden, the evil clans in all directions were in commotion.

They felt an extremely powerful coercion descending from the sky, which made them have an urge to kneel down.

Even those powerful cultivators of the Great Exalted Realm felt that they were bathed in the radiance of the gods, and couldn't help but worship them.

And the evil ghost in the void raised its head...

He looked at the gradually condensed bloody light and scratched his head, very puzzled.However, black smoke billowed from the wounds all over his body.

It is filled with the evil breath of hell.

Perhaps, the evil spirit didn't understand anything, but he sensed danger.

And above the void, Tianzun frowned slightly as he looked at the scene below... It seemed that he was very curious about Yeluhuyan who had turned into a bloody light.


With the concentration of bloody light, the four parties watched the battle against the evil race, and finally knelt down on the ground unable to bear the pressure.

Among them, many experts from the Great Saint Realm were included.

For a while, those evil races who could still stand were also thinking about what kind of power this was, which could make them feel fear when they were fighting against the coercion.

Lin Huang didn't pay attention to these things, his gaze was always on the evil spirit from beginning to end.

I saw that the evil spirit seemed to feel a great threat, his figure became more and more straight, and his snow-white eyes turned, as if he was sensing danger.

But at this moment, his pitch-black palm was unknowingly resting on the blood-stained spear piercing through his chest.




Suddenly, the void vibrated, as if it couldn't bear the pressure of the bloody light.

And that condensed bloody light gradually took shape.

A blood moon!
In an instant, the evil clans in all directions were shocked.

The art of turning the moon.

Is this imitating the Xie Yue of the Xie Yue God Clan?

Why did he do such a trick?

Even the Celestial Venerable above the sky is extremely puzzled... This is the art of turning the moon, which is not a method that demigods can control.

It is a gift from the gods that can only be obtained after the title of Tianzun.

Because, the cultivation of the Moon Transformation Technique... requires the breath of fresh blood left by the Blood Ancestor.

Even if it is the Lord of the Nine Meridians, it is impossible to obtain the blood breath of the Blood Ancestor.

Unless, Yeluhuyan is the reincarnation of a god.

Or, he had great luck and obtained the blood breath of the lost blood ancestor.

The latter is obviously unlikely.

Only the former... the reincarnation of the fallen gods of the evil race.

Thinking of this, Tianzun frowned instantly.

A future god?

Before he could continue to think, Yeluhuyan, who had melted into the moon in the void, emitted flickering moonlight, shining on the world, covering the entire mountains, rivers and continents in blood.

The moonlight flickered, and the coercive tides and waves were overwhelming.

There was a great venerable who couldn't bear the coercion, and actually knelt down to worship.

Lin Huang glanced across the blood moon in the sky, but his eyes still stayed on the evil ghost.

He still didn't know who the evil spirit was.

Why make him feel close.

At this moment, the evil spirit also sensed the danger. He looked up at the moonlight, twisted his neck, and the dark light around him became more and more intense.

In the next instant, the blood moon volleyed in the sky, killing the evil spirit.

The evil ghost opened its mouth, wanting to bite off the blood moon.


With a loud bang, the blood moon passed directly through the evil spirit's head.

In an instant, a huge hole appeared in the head of the evil spirit.

And the blood moon once again condensed into space.

The evil ghost turned around slowly, and continued to look at the blood moon, its snow-white eyes kept turning, as if it was a little more curious.

How to get the mouth of the duck to fly.

Seeing that the blood moon couldn't do a single blow, it shook violently again, emitting rounds of moonlight to accumulate energy all over its body.

In an instant, Xue Yue charged at the evil ghost again.

The evil spirit became more brave this time. He rushed towards the blood moon with extreme speed, but he still opened his mouth to swallow that round of blood moon.


There is a collision sound in the void.

Lin Huang stood up suddenly, only to see that round of blood moon cut off the evil spirit's head.

The evil ghost took advantage of the situation, grabbed his head, and then hung his head around his waist.

He has no brains.

But it still seems to have perception.

He turned around and looked at the blood moon in the void again.

The moonlight was torrential, but it was full of ancient murderous aura.

Suddenly, the blood moon split and turned into nine paths in the void, surrounding the evil spirits in the middle.

Afterwards, the nine blood moons used different trajectories and postures to kill the evil ghost one after another!

On the eighth peak, Lin Huang frowned!
On the seventh peak, Shura also suddenly walked out of the tent that day.

I don't know why, Lin Huang has a strong urge to save the evil spirit, even if he and Tian Shura are exposed, he will not hesitate!

(End of this chapter)

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