
Chapter 1875 Chasing and Killing

On the Bloodborne battlefield, there was already a mess.

Therefore, the living Xie Clan are frantically looking for the figure of Lin Huang, the leader of the human race.

This damn dog thief actually provoked the Xie Yue God Clan like this.


But Lin Huang had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, he is still reminiscing about the battle just now...

In fact, he just tried to disassemble the star to return it to its original power, but Lin Huang didn't expect it either.

When the starlight was disassembled to extract its original power, it turned out to be so terrifying.

It was even scarier than the small world where he blew up the Xuantian Protoss before.

This is a surprise.

However, the power of the star treasure technique needs him to gather... This time, nine star treasure techniques were exploded, and the power of 43 stars was connected in the middle, and he had to cultivate them one by one.

However, no matter how you say it, it is a profit.

At least, this time Tian Shura can have a full stomach.

However, we still have to find a way to transform the evil blood power of the evil race, otherwise when Tian Shura returns again, the balance will be lost.

On the battlefield of Blood Origin, led by Tianzun, all the evil races were mobilized and began to chase and kill Lin Huang.

Dare to make such a mistake on the territory of the Xieyue God Clan, it will be crushed, and the Sky Continent must be completely wiped out.

All of a sudden, all the evil races participated in the pursuit of Lin Huang.

The seventh and eighth veins are no exception.

And the Eighth Great Venerable also took a breath, but those eyes always had a bit of a mischievous look.

Not like a good evil race.

The Great Senior at the side also had his eyes on him, but the Eighth Great Senior explained for a while, saying that because of the explosion just now, the Eighth Great Senior was directly injured, allowing him to take the opportunity to destroy the human soul in his body.

Now, I am the real Eighth Great Lord.

The Great Senior next to him was skeptical, but this is not important, the important thing is to kill Lin Huang first.

Rama Han of the Eighth Peak also led the Rama Family to chase after him. Just now he felt a familiar aura from the Eighth Great Lord.

He knew that the Eighth Great Venerable had returned.

Then, it is time for the Rama family to go through life and death and make up for their mistakes.

Made up, the Rama family went one step further.

It doesn't make up for it, but it doesn't really matter. After all, it was because of my own reminder that the eighth respected the new control of the physical body.

But the posture still needs to be sufficient.

On the seventh peak, Tian Xiuluo's sleeves fluttered, and all the evil clans under his command also chased and killed Lin Huang in the direction where he disappeared before.

Although, Tian Xiuluo is not really hard to convince the crowd at the moment, but the hatred that Lin Huang has attracted is too great.

There is no need for a command at all.

However, Tian Shura did not leave immediately.

He walked on the devastated land after the explosion, with a calm expression, as if he was feeling the breath of the war just now, and seemed to want to use this to find the direction of the forest waste.

In fact, he was frantically devouring the power of the evil race.

Just now a starlight bloomed, and I don’t know how many evil races died, this is the time when he was gobbling it up.

Huangfu Tianxia also participated in the pursuit of Lin Huang.

And he followed Tianzun closely, but before he left, he glanced at Tian Shura on the seventh peak, and couldn't help but curse in his heart. …

Still, the junior brother is ruthless enough, it seems that he wants to take these evil races who participated in the battle of the hundred-year-old master to a pot.


The situation is bleak.

The sky is low.

This is a great shame to the Evil Moon God Clan.

The Battle of the Hundred Years Great Master, what a grand event that everyone was looking forward to, but at the last moment, it was destroyed by a dog thief of the human race.

Still slaughtering the evil race, making God respectful and wounded.

This time, the Xieyue God Clan will definitely make Lin Huang have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.

They are frantically chasing forest waste.


They chased all the way, but they didn't find any trace of Lin Huang.

If Tianzun hadn't been moving forward, those evil clans behind would probably have dispersed long ago, looking for traces of Lin Huang in all directions.

But they believe in Tianzun.

After all, it was Tianzun, even if Lin Huang seriously injured him, the strength of the latter was still far from being comparable to Tianzun.

However, Huangfu Tianxia turned his head, wondering whose skin Lin Huang was wearing again at this time.

Previously, when Lin Huang received Tianzun's punch, he must have been seriously injured. Even with the power of Nirvana by his side, it would be impossible for him to recover so quickly.

And after chasing him for so long, I haven't seen him yet.

There is only one truth!
Among the evil clan's chasing army, there was a figure that looked like a toad, spitting blood while running wildly to kill Lin Huang.

It seems that he was seriously injured by Lin Huang earlier.

But this is Lin Huang vomiting blood!

Huangfu Tianxia guessed right, even if he seriously injured Tianzun with a starlight, he didn't have any more back-ups.

Now, to face the Heavenly Venerable, he had no choice but to die.

Can only do it again.

I have learned the law of the evil clan's natal life, and the Tianzun can't tell the difference even after pretending to be disguised. Even if he understands the clue at this moment, he can't find himself.

The big toad ran and appeared beside a female evil clan.

Mu Xiezu turned her head to look, and immediately flew out angrily, what kind of toad wants to eat the swan meat of Lao Tzu.

"I can't make too much noise. Use the secret method of the Ming Cult to summon Qin Xuance and ask him to send Situ Huang to the grave. There is big meat here. If it's too late, we won't be able to catch up!"

The phantom of Lin Huang appeared directly in the mind of the evil mother.The latter was none other than Mingjiao's subordinate at Seventh Peak.

The mother evil clan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded, and quietly withdrew from the hunting group while running wildly.

And Toad Lin Huang was also following the large army, but his eyes glanced at the great elders present inadvertently.

Tianzun made a move, which made it difficult for the monarchs of several lines to sit and watch the show.

Apart from the top three masters, the other six masters all participated in this hunt.

If you can stew these guys in one pot, you will make a lot of money.

But this is an extremely difficult thing.

At this moment, Tian Xiuluo was still at the end of the crane, quietly harvesting the lives of some great saints.

But even with Lin Huang and Tian Shura, it is difficult to instantly kill a top nine great masters... It is even more difficult to wear their skins.

I just don't know if Huangfu Tianxia clearly understands, if the three parties work together, it may be much easier!

Afterwards, Lin Huang shook his head suddenly, since he already understood the natal law of the evil race, why did he only let Situ Huangfen come alone.

While thinking about it, Lin Huang pulled back the mother evil clan, "Let Jun Qingcheng also come to the evil clan, Jun Moxiao and Lin Cangxue sit in the world, don't move without authorization! The rest who have broken through the realm of the emperor, let Qin Xuance decides whether to come! First, ensure that the Sky Continent is safe, and then plot against the evil race!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Huang threw the mother Xiezu out again.

That mother evil clan looked bewildered, wouldn't it be over if you just transmitted the sound directly, what do you have to do by arresting me?


Chase and kill the army with a sudden stop!

The Tianzun at the front couldn't find Lin Huang's breath, so he stopped...

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