
Chapter 1876 Blind Pursuit

At the forefront of the void, Tianzun frowned.

His eyes were still full of anger.

Or a kind of anger that has nowhere to vent...

Because after chasing him for a long time, he found that Lin Huang had disappeared.

Did not capture the slightest breath of the latter at all.

However, no matter how fast that Lin Huang was, it was impossible for him to be faster than him. He was chasing after tearing through the void all the way.

This made him a little puzzled.

How did a seriously injured human race escape from his eyes?
Suddenly, Tianzun turned around.

He looked at the evil races who were originally behind him...

If there is no trace of Lin Huang, then there is only one answer.Lin Huang is hiding in the bodies of these evil races.

The latter seems to have a secret technique that can cover up his aura.

Tianzun's whole body vibrates, deterring all the evil races.

Afterwards, his gaze was like a knife, and he glanced at one evil race after another, and his spirit invaded the body of each evil race even more terrifyingly.

However, it has been fruitless for a long time.

But Tianzun doesn't seem to be in a hurry, he is confident that Lin Huang must be hiding among the evil clans, he is a strong demigod, how could he not be found.

The toad forest in the distance is also unusually calm.

Now, he can only calm down.

After all, if there is a slight change, Tianzun will be the first to notice it. Why not take a gamble and see if Tianzun can penetrate the interference of the evil clan's secret technique and find himself.

Not long after, Tianzun appeared in front of Lin Huang.

He lowered his head, his eyes seemed to have magical power, making Lin Huang lose his mind.

Afterwards, Lin Huang felt like lightning flashed all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, Tianzun walked towards another evil clan...

Toad Linhuang was still extremely calm, without showing any signs of wrongdoing.

Gradually, Tianzun finished scanning everyone!

He is very disappointed!

No forest shortage was found.

It seems that Lin Huang is indeed no longer in the body of these fellows.

Do not……

not like this.

His secret technique was really terrifying, and he was able to escape his detection.

Tianzun turned his back to the evil clans, his expression was gloomy, his fists were loosened and then clenched, as if he was thinking about something.

The entire atmosphere of the void has become extremely oppressive.

Many Great Seniors frowned.

At this moment, they already understood what Tianzun thought...

If you can't find out who Lin Huang is hiding in, maybe...killing them all is the best way.

However, it is obvious that Tianzun is also somewhat hesitant.

After all, those who can come to the Bloodborne battlefield are those who are of good status or powerful.

Doing so is undoubtedly self-defeating.

But if the forest shortage is not found, I am afraid that the damage to the result will be even greater.

Therefore, Tianzun is still hesitating and weighing.

Then he turned around again, his eyes swept across the first nine great lords in the void...

These great venerables cannot be killed, after all, they are the masters of the Nine Meridians, killing them will cause great turmoil.

But for the rest, there is nothing to die for.

And Dazun Jimai also looked at Tianzun, understood what Tianzun was thinking, and also sensed Tianzun's order.

Tianzun may not be able to do such a thing by himself, so they will take the knife for it.

Thinking of this, those great venerables were filled with incomparable anger. …

After all, most of the evil races here are their comrades.

For the sake of a forest wasteland, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go... This is too bloody.

But that forest...

Indeed must die.

The aura around the leaders of the great elders began to become dignified.

However, at this moment, Huangfu Tianxia walked straight up to Tianzun, grumbling.

The general idea is that don't fall into Lin Huang's tricks, this is a way of self-destructing the city wall.

Tianzun frowned suddenly.

He hesitated more and more in his heart.


If Lin Huang is really not here, wouldn't he be self-destructing the city wall if he did this, and this would also be Lin Huang's greatest humiliation to himself.

Tianzun raised his head and stared at Huangfu Tianxia with anger in his eyes.

This anger was not towards Lin Huang, but towards the Great Phoenix Buddha in front of him.

What he needs is not to tell him what to do, but to tell him how to solve it...


Huangfu Tianxia nodded, and between his palms interlaced, a stick of incense appeared in front of him, and the ash of the incense drifted against the wind, as if pointing the direction.

Huangfu Tianxia also opened his mouth to explain, telling that this is the secret method of the human race, using heaven and earth as a matchmaker to track down gods and demons.

Tianzun frowned.

There are indeed so many kinds of human secrets, it is unimaginable.

Toad Lin Huang's eyes really widened, this Huangfu Tianxia can really fool around!

But this is pretty good, it depends on what Huangfu wants to do in the world...

For a moment, the evil clan's chasing army started again, heading towards the direction pointed by Xiang Ash.

Behind, Lin Huang tapped his knees with his fingers and fell into deep thought.

Logically speaking, if he never showed up, then the trust of Huangfu Tianxia would be lowered.

But if he appeared, this group of evil races would be too terrifying, and he might not be able to run away.

Or... less tacit understanding, and sell Huangfu Tianxia?

In the void surrounded by clouds and fog.

Huangfu Tianxia walked in the front, holding a long incense stick, guiding the direction for all the evil clans.

Tianzun followed Huangfu Tianxia, ​​covering all directions with his spiritual consciousness.


In an instant, Tianzun turned into a shooting star and charged towards the direction pointed by the incense ash.


Ahead, there was a sudden violent collision.

And the entire evil clan army also rushed out at the moment Tianzun rushed out.But... when they arrived, only Tianzun was left in place, holding Lin Huang's arm in his hand.

But he has lost the breath of Lin Huang again.

In the army, the toad couldn't help coughing twice, it seemed that the rapid flight just now affected the injury.

Lin Huang didn't expect that Tianzun's recovery speed exceeded his expectations.

If I had to slow down a little bit just now, I was afraid that my life would be gone.

Looking at his gradually growing arms, Lin Huang shook his head... It's impossible to go on like this, a Celestial Lord is enough to make him unable to handle it.

Plus these powerhouses of the evil race.

As long as you expose yourself, you will undoubtedly die.

I have to find a way to break it into zero!
Toad Lin Huang coughed twice, and fell silent for the time being...

And in the process just now, Tian Shura quietly ate the two great saints again.But for the Great Senior, Tian Shura still didn't dare to do anything, the movement was too loud.

Appeared in half an hour.

The army still hasn't found Lin Huang's location...

But after the guidance just now, Tianzun also believed that Huangfu Tianxia's approach was effective, but Lin Huang's secret technique was too magical and extremely difficult to detect.


Just as Tianzun frowned, a violent explosion suddenly appeared from behind.

The terrifying power directly killed dozens of great sages around him, and affected all the great sages as well.

Tianzun turned his head suddenly, and the anger that had been slightly relieved in his eyes suddenly came up again!
It was a fried toad.

Tianzun's heart became more and more angry... He understood again that Lin Huang was really hiding in the rear army just now.

And now... after killing dozens of Great Sages suddenly, I'm afraid that he would be the first to realize it before running away.



It shouldn't be running away.

Tianzun immediately realized reverse thinking... At this moment, Lin Huang must still be here, hiding in a certain body.

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