
Chapter 1877 The Hesitating Heavenly Venerable

Chapter 1877 The Hesitating Heavenly Venerable

In the dim void, Tianzun looked at the evil races around him and fell into deep thought again.

If it is said that he was almost misled by Lin Huang the previous time, but fortunately the Great Phoenix Buddha only reminded him that he did not do such a thing of self-destructing the city wall.

But this time!
He was extremely certain that Lin Huang was in the body of one of them.

With the latter's hidden secret technique, it is difficult for him to find out!
There is only one way to do it.

Tianzun turned his back to the evil clans and thought again.

He still hesitated.

After all, as Tianzun himself, he is an existence above the Nine Meridians.But the strength of Jiumai cannot be underestimated.

The masters of the nine veins are all expected to become the existence of Tianzun.

Doing so will lead to Jiumai's hatred in the future, and for me, the gain outweighs the loss.

However, he couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

And this is also a great shame for the Lord of the Nine Meridians.

Thinking of this, Tianzun has made a decision.

He turned his head and glanced at the six Heavenly Venerates present, and slowly raised his palm, signaling to hand over all the evil races.

In the void, the leader of the six veins was also quite hesitant.

They really hated Lin Huang, which made the Xie Yue God Clan feel ashamed.But Tianzun's approach will greatly damage their strength.

Although the strength has been reduced.

But he was still not reconciled, why would he implicate all his comrades because Lin Huang was alone.


If one day, they need to challenge the position of the Celestial Venerable, perhaps they will also need the help of the Celestial Venerable in front of them.

And such a temptation is something they cannot refuse.


At this moment, the Great Phoenix Buddha spoke again.

For this Great Phoenix Buddha who has just emerged today, but has shown great value, Tianzun is extremely fancy.

After all, the latter can now control the human race secret law.

If he can be the first to learn the secret art of the human race, then it will be a solid foundation for his position among the gods.

Perhaps, you can also use this to find the way to become a god.

Therefore, Tianzun is still very optimistic about the Great Phoenix Buddha.

The Great Phoenix Buddha only walked up to the Heavenly Venerable, and immediately mumbling for a while, the scalp of Tian Shura who was beside him felt numb.

Huangfu is really rebellious by nature.

Lin Huang began to doubt again, whether Huangfu Tianxia is the real evil race.

This bastard actually suggested that Tianzun should attack the Sky Continent at this moment, thus forcing Lin Huang to show up.

But Tian Zun actually started to think about it.

It seems that doing this is a point that excites him...

after all.

Lin Huang has a secret method to hide, but his own strength is not strong.And someone like him can become the leader of Mingjiao and the giant pillar of the human race.

Then if the evil race present invaded the Sky Continent, the entire Sky Human Race would have no chance of resisting at all.

At that time, there is no fear that Lin Huang will not show up.

Suddenly, Tianzun patted his head and shook his head slowly.

It's not that they don't know the existence of the Sky Human Race.

But it's not without reason that I haven't done it all the time!

This is the way of survival of the evil race. If the human race in the sky is destroyed, then the human race in the ten thousand realms will definitely destroy the evil moon god race.

And if the Blazing Heaven God Clan is not ready to go to war, then the Xie Yue God Clan will become the abandoned sons of the Blazing Sky God Clan.

Even if the Chitian God Clan is ready, the Evil Moon God Clan may become the front cannon fodder.

and so……

For so many years, the Xieyue God Clan has only followed the orders of the Chitian God Clan and targeted the Human Race.But never force the transition.

Back then, those sin slaves who were exiled were just to give an explanation to the Chitian God Clan, and they would not really make the Ten Thousand Realm Human Race really angry.

If they do this today, then the Evil Moon God Clan will be doomed forever.

Thinking of this, Tianzun also felt a strong sense of sadness in his heart.Everything is due to the fact that the Xieyue God Clan is too weak. If they were a little stronger, they would not be in such a timid state as they are now.

Seeing Tianzun shaking his head, Tian Shura at the side also felt relieved.

If this group of lunatics really did this... He didn't expect Di Tianshu, a demigod, to show up to stop him. He was afraid that Mingjiao could only stand at the forefront in the Sky Continent.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's heart also woke up.

You can't stimulate the evil race too hard, otherwise it will make them lose their minds, and it will definitely be a disaster for Sky Continent.

But when one's own strength is expected to suppress the gods, it is another situation.

After all, it was Huangfu who was so badass in the world.

After thinking about the overall situation, Tianzun also calmed down a lot... In order to kill a forest waste, maybe it is worthwhile for all the great seniors here to die.

But I understand this matter myself, but I don't necessarily understand the things in front of me.

At that time, it will more or less cause Jiumai to rebound.

After all, the evil race still wants to be strong. It is unwise to do a thing of self-destruction of the city wall for the sake of a forest waste.

Immediately, Tianzun patted the shoulder of the Great Phoenix Buddha, and murmured a few words in his ear.

cough cough...

Huangfu Tianxia cleared his throat, and his figure became straighter, with a posture of showing off his might:
"Lin Huang... You are also the leader of the Ming Cult after all, so you are worthy to stand proudly under the sky like this?"

"The face of the human race, are you unwilling to pick it up?"

"Acting so secretly, like a dirty ants, is also worthy of being a giant pillar of Mount Tai..."

"Don't you hate me as a big brother? I'm right here. If you have the ability, come and take my life. I'll give you a single-handed chance to see the talent and strength you're proud of. How similar are you to me?" Once upon a time!"

"If you have half of the blood of the human race in your heart, you should stand up and fight against our Xieyue God Clan. Don't lose the unyielding prestige of the human race for thousands of years!"

Huangfu wandered around the sky, looking at every evil race, he was impassioned and spit, but to Lin Huang's ears, his cursing words were always somewhat mentally retarded and refined.

"I'll give you ten chances to breathe. If you don't do it before, we will all attack Sky Continent from the head of Tianzun. When the time comes, the human race will be killed and Ming Cult will be destroyed, and you will be the culprit!"

Huangfu Tianxia began to threaten Lin Huang.

But Tian Xiuluo at the side didn't believe a word, if it was true, Tianzun would not let Huangfu Tianxia act like a monkey.


Tianzun's anger towards himself seems to have weakened a little.

This is not a good thing, he still likes Tianzun to order himself to kill all these evil races.

In the world of Huangfu, who is such a dog, every time it is critical, he can always come out to disturb the situation.

Otherwise, the six-vein monarch has already begun to slaughter.

Now Tianzun wants to provoke himself to appear, so Terror is not going to kill these fellows...

This made Tian Shura shake his head in his heart.

No, I have to find a way, today's affairs can't end like this!
(End of this chapter)

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