
Chapter 1878 4 scattered

Chapter 1878
Lin Huang didn't want it to end like this, but Huangfu Tianxia in front of him was still acting like a clown, it seemed that he must make Lin Huang angry, so that he could show himself.

Lin Huang felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have hidden in Tian Shura's body after blowing up the toad evil clan just now.

If he makes another move, Tian Shura will be exposed.

Today, Tian Shura is the seventh great venerable, as long as he goes back to integrate the seventh vein, he will have a pivotal position in the evil clan.

With the addition of the cold light of worshiping the moon in the first channel, the weight of the statement among the evil clan is probably even greater.

However, he was still a little reconciled.

There are so many great lords here, not from the human race, what a pity.

Moreover, he has already notified Qin Xuance to shake someone to get dressed. If he came here without a body to stay overnight, wouldn't he be ashamed as the leader of the Ming Cult?

For a while, Lin Huang felt a little troubled.

And Huangfu Tianxia and Tianzun in the distance are also a little embarrassed.

Huangfu talked all over the world for a long time, but Lin Huang was not moved at all, he didn't even bother to talk.

And Tianzun at the side originally hoped to use this to force out the forest waste, so that he would have a chance to step down.

But if Lin Huang doesn't come out now, it's possible that he still wants to kill these comrades.

But no matter what, this matter cannot be left alone.

Such a big humiliation, how can I swallow it.

For a while, Lin Huang, Huangfu Tianxia, ​​and Tianzun were all in trouble.

"Junior brother, you can't do this...the situation has to be broken, it's not a problem to continue the stalemate!"

In Lin Huang's mind, the sound transmission of Huangfu Tianxia sounded.

"Wouldn't it be nice to give it to you?"

Lin Huang shook his head, "Fortunately, you are still an old immortal who has lived for thousands of years... Use your secret method to find me at random, as long as you say that there is Lin Huang hidden in him, he will hide Lin Huang in his body! This is not true. OK?"

"You think I'm stupid?"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, although he can indeed do this now, but what about after the denunciation?

Does Lin Huang appear or not?

In any case, the evil race he identified must die.

If Lin Huang didn't emerge from the evil clan's body, he would be killed in the body, and it would be impossible for Lin Huang to reappear in the evil clan's body in the future, otherwise Huangfu would be exposed.

He had thought about such a thing a long time ago, so it was impossible to do it.

"Then spread out!"

Lin Huang said, "Now Tianzun also needs a step down. He was sure that I was in this group of evil races...but now he is reluctant to slaughter, so give him a step up!"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, as long as it solves his current predicament, that's it... Maybe he can even look at you high!"

Forest Road.

Huangfu Tianxia frowned...

What Lin Huang said seems to make sense?
In the next moment, Huangfu's world suddenly exploded, he rushed towards Tian Shura, and roared angrily: "Linhuang thief, die!"

As he said that, he slashed at Tian Shura with a knife.

call out……

At the same time, a ray of light appeared in front of Lin Huang, and then charged towards the distant clouds at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, Tianzun went towards that beam of light.

And Tianzun who was present also followed closely behind, chasing and killing Lin Huang who had fled.

At this moment, all the evil races are doing unspoken things.

After all, everyone knows that Tianzun will not slaughter, and he will not find Lin Huang... This is the only way to give everyone a step down.

Unexpectedly, this Great Phoenix Buddha is not only powerful, but also capable of doing things.

The Tianzun at the front is very satisfied!
However, his eyes also became cloudy.

Because Lin Huang was still hiding in the body of a certain evil race.

A group of evil races pretended to be chasing after half a quarter of an hour, and finally stopped. He raised his palm and turned around, signaling all the evil races to disperse and chase Lin Huang.

Tian Shura immediately obeyed the order and left here together with all the evil clans.

At the same time, Huangfu Tianxia was ordered by Tianzun to look for Lin Huang.

and this……

Just what Lin Huang wanted.

Once all the evil races are dispersed, it's time to defeat each of them.

With the addition of Tian Shura, he can slaughter the underlings without any restraint.For low-level great masters, there is still the possibility of instant kills.

And if there is some tacit understanding between Huangfu and the world, they will definitely come to him. At that time... killing the Great Senior is not an easy matter.

Tian Shura shuttled through the jungle like a secluded forest, but he didn't make a move immediately.

Many things are not as simple as they seem on the surface!
He was very cautious, completely forgetting his identity as a human race, and integrated into the evil race like a dog, chasing and killing Lin Huang with all his strength.

"Little brother... don't act rashly!"

Half an hour later, Huangfu Tianxia's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Huang's ears.

Lin Huang turned his head and saw that the latter was moving towards him intentionally or unintentionally.

"You fought with Tian Shura before, don't come here!"

Lin Huang reminded Huangfu Tianxia, ​​"If Tianzun finds out, if he is smarter, he can overthrow everything in an instant and kill us!"

"...I need you to remind me that the power of the demigod is very terrifying. I'm afraid the area we are in is covered by his divine consciousness!"

"What are you talking about looking around, it's just peeping in the dark!"

Huangfu Tiantian came here to remind Lin Huang, and he didn't come close, but only transmitted sound from a long distance.

Lin Huang nodded, and spread out. Although he was still under the control of Tianzun's divine sense, he...had plenty of opportunities.

"Do you have a goal?"

Huangfu heard from the world via sound transmission.


Lin Huang frowned and turned his head, what goal do you want?Don't you kill them when you see them?
Huangfu Tianxia also frowned, "Is this guy always so reckless?"

"Don't underestimate the strength of a Tianzun!"

Huangfu Tianxia reminded Lin Huang.

"The road is made by myself..."

Lin Huang waved his hands with a smile, "Help me interfere with Tianzun's consciousness for a moment, and let me get out of Tianshura's body!"

"Are you really going to do it?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned.

"Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, senior brother, be more passionate, do you want to do it!"

"Then do it... But when you die, remember that you die first, and I like to die at the rear!"

Huangfu said to the world, and then pinched the formula with two fingers in his sleeve robe!

Suddenly, a mysterious breath broke through the void.

There was a turmoil in the consciousness of the whole world...

At this very moment, Lin Huang rushed out of Tian Shura's body, hunting towards a great saint!

He was extremely fast, like a thunderbolt, only between the lightning and the flint, the great saint moved his muscles and bones strangely, and even twisted his neck.

Afterwards, the hundred-foot-tall, stone-man-like evil clan rushed towards the distance, continuing to search for the trace of Lin Huang.

And in the dark place of the void, Tianzun also frowned slightly, the turmoil just now... It seems that the space turbulence appeared nearby, and it actually disturbed him.

(End of this chapter)

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