
Chapter 1882 Stealing Tactics

Chapter 1882 Stealing Tactics
Lin Huang stood in the void, but he didn't wait for Huangfu's reply from the world.

This gave him an extremely bad premonition.

If it is said that Huangfu Tianxia has been scheming against him, this is impossible, because it is very difficult for him to bring himself to the Fusang God Realm, and he has no way of planning to send himself the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven into the Heavenly Dao Palace.

Therefore, everything should be a temporary idea.

And in the eyes of Huangfu Tianxia, ​​there are huge benefits... At least from the perspective of Huangfu Tianxia.

Lin Huang tapped his head with his fingers, and was not in a hurry to track down Huangfu Tianxia, ​​but the latter didn't give him a reasonable explanation, no matter what.

Immediately, Lin Huang wore the flesh of the evil stone man and wandered in the void.

It is not easy for Tianzun to find him.Unless you expose yourself, or... the guidance of Huangfu Tianxia.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang became even more puzzled.

After all, without the exercises cultivated by the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body, it would be extremely difficult for Huangfu Tianxia to use the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body to infer the cultivation rules of the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body in reverse.

Moreover, only the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body combined with the Star Treasure Technique can truly exert its power.

Lin Huang shook his head, sure enough, this senior brother just likes to mess around... But...

Lin Huang frowned slightly.

Perhaps, behind the world of Huangfu, there is a mysterious existence.After all, under the circumstances of the year 1000, Huangfu Tianxia was still very young, and it was very difficult for him to choose a path in the dark by himself.

Moreover, Huangfu Tianxia seems to know a lot about things outside of the Sky Continent.

Although he was in the evil race before, and he was able to know many mysteries that did not exist in the Firmament Continent through those exiled slaves, but... he still knows too much.

Lin Huang suddenly sighed and smiled. There are tens of thousands of roads in this world, and everyone's road is one road. How much can he see and how much can he control?
It's nothing more than sticking to your heart and walking your own path.

Lin Huang walked in the vast void, and didn't think too much about what Huangfu Tianxia wanted to do.I was just thinking about whether to leave now, or risk death to hunt the evil race.

Hunting the evil race is not easy.

After all, Tianzun is Tianzun, not something Lin Huang can contend with today.And the latter's consciousness monitors the entire void, and he will be discovered as soon as he makes a move.

His chances are few.

It was also difficult for Tian Xiuluo to respond from the sidelines, but he still didn't want to stop there.

Huangfu Tianxia suddenly stabbed him in the back, which made him a little embarrassed.


Suddenly, Lin Huang frowned slightly.

Maybe...he had another choice.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Afterwards, the stone man of the evil clan moved forward quickly and began to search for traces of the forest waste.

But following along... it seems that something is wrong.

Even if Tianzun's consciousness can cover the entire Fusang God Realm, but... the effective range is not large. After a certain distance from where Tianzun is, it will be very difficult for the latter to perceive the existence of Linhuang.

Those evil clans who followed Tianzun are now sharpening their knives, but they searched for a long time, but they didn't find any trace of Lin Huang.

After Tianzun felt that his spiritual consciousness was blocked for a moment, he didn't find any abnormalities again.

This made the evil race feel a little embarrassed.

Also very helpless.

After all, they knew well that if Lin Huang made up his mind not to show up, it would be difficult to kill Lin Huang unless he killed a thousand people by mistake.

And judging from the current state, this giant Optimus Pillar of the human race has made up his mind to hide and be a shrinking turtle...

In the darkness of the void, Tianzun's expression became more and more gloomy. He had never felt this way before, as if he had punched cotton.

However, he had no better means, so he could only wait quietly.

Here, Tianzun is still waiting for Lin Huang's appearance.

On the other hand, Lin Huang completely left the area near the Bloodborne Battlefield.

When the stone man reappeared, he had already appeared at the boundary of Blood Moon Lake.

Blood Moon Lake... is the territory of the Ninth Vein of the Evil Clan!
When the stone man appeared, without further ado, a mountain fell from the sky and was thrown down, which immediately caused a huge roar.

Some weak evil races were directly crushed to death.

In an instant, a strong man from the ninth vein of the evil race rushed into the void, roaring and killing the stone man.

They don't understand.

And it is very unclear.

Why... a strong man came suddenly, without any prelude, and the moment he appeared, it was an overwhelming attack.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary Dazun.

Under the coercion of the latter, those great holy realms in the ninth vein, it is difficult to even lift into the air.And a few elders who had just stepped into the Great Exalted Realm, just faced the stone man, and were beheaded within a few encounters!

The strength of the latter is extraordinary, as soon as it appeared, it began to slaughter crazily.

Even the guardian formation of the entire ninth vein hadn't had time to open, and when it was about to open, several strong men who supported the operation of the core of the formation had already been killed!

It didn't take long for the massacre, and the stone man exploded directly. Lin Huang was dressed in white, holding a moment knife, and crisscrossed the territory of the ninth vein.

There is quite a feeling of fresh clothes, angry horses, mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

He almost forgot that when doing this kind of thing, he must be able to show his holiness in the world, how could he walk in brocade clothes at night.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Lin Huang entered the hinterland of the Ninth Vessel. Standing proudly in the sky, wearing the Sun and Moon Splendid Dragon Banner, he looked down on the evil race.

Half a quarter of an hour is enough for the evil race to react.

After all, it is not difficult for one thought to span thousands of miles in the realm of the Great Master.

And... among the Nine Veins of the Evil Clan, there are not no old antiques.

When Lin Huang stepped into the hinterland of the Ninth Vessel, he was greeted by dozens of powerful men in the realm of the Great Senior. They formed a large formation in the void, and wanted to take the lead of the future offenders.

However, there is no strong man in the demigod realm.

Even so, after Lin Huang stepped into the hinterland, he didn't stay, but directly tore the void and left.

Before Lin Huang left, he dropped a blood ball.

The great master of the ninth vein in the void chased and killed Lin Huang while being puzzled.


In the next moment, the blood ball formed by the breath of the blood moon dropped by Lin Huang exploded loudly after being crazily compressed until it was compressed into an invisible blood spot.

Blood-red rays covered half of the sky, and the sea of ​​blood-colored clouds roared like a volcanic eruption, instantly engulfing the entire Ninth Meridian.

Before those great masters who chased and killed Lin Huang had the time to be horrified, they were enveloped by the terrifying explosion, and felt that the sky was overturned.





The ninth meridian was exploding crazily, and Lin Huang's figure appeared outside. Then, without hiding his breath, he held the Shan Na knife and slashed towards the territory of the eighth meridian...

Since you want to chase me down, then I will steal your hometown!

(End of this chapter)

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