
Chapter 1883

Chapter 1883
Facing Tianzun, Lin Huang was indeed powerless.

However, he is not the kind of person who is desperate for face. Since he can't kill Tianzun, he will go around and steal the house.

Anyway, the evil race is his enemy everywhere.

He never thought of destroying the Ninth Vein directly... After all, this is the evil race, which is far stronger than the human race.

I am afraid that there are many solid foundations.

If he wanted to be completely destroyed, Lin Huang would probably have to confess directly, but it was still possible for Lin Huang to shake some foundations.

On the other hand, once this kind of thing is done, there is no turning back, and there is not much time left for Lin Huang.

After all, a strong person in the Great Sovereign Realm can quickly support them.

He simply cannot stay in one place for too long.

Otherwise, it will be another time to catch a turtle in the urn, although his method of hiding in the body of the evil race is very effective.

But he believed that the evil race could crack it quickly.


When the ninth meridian was attacked and killed, the foundation was shaken, and the Great Master fell.The Ninth Vein powerhouses who were going to the Bloodborne Battlefield also quickly received the message.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Tianzun, all the great seniors headed towards the ninth vein.

The departure of Lin Huang and the return of Tianzun and all the evil clans are just a matter of front and rear...

Afterwards, all the evil races followed the breath of Lin Huang and went straight to the eighth channel.

Tianzun's gradually quiet heart also boiled again.He is not afraid of Lin Huang causing trouble, he is afraid that Lin Huang will not show up.

Those who hide in the dark are the most terrifying.

That kind of dog that barks every day can easily be beaten to death.

The eighth vein is the burial place of Lin Huang!

In a scarlet mountain range of the evil race, a large mountain suddenly fell from the sky, which was similar to the attack that the Ninth Vein was attacked at the beginning.

In the next moment, Lin Huang flashed into the void and fell from the sky.

He is white-clothed with big sleeves, and holding the Shan Na Dao, he dominates the world and conquers all directions. When he makes a move, the overwhelming sea of ​​swords rushes towards the evil clan's territory in the mountains.

In the next moment, there was an angry roar from the evil clan, who was wary of the same clan.

At the same time, a great venerable rushed into the void, and raised his hand to kill Lin Huang with the secret method of the evil clan's life.

Lin Huang sneered, his figure flashed everywhere in the void like a light beam.

He changed all kinds of methods and kept raiding the Great Exalted Realm!
After that, he directly broke through the encirclement circle of the digital masters, and rushed directly to the hinterland of the evil clan's territory.

But this time, the defense of the latter was obviously much faster than that of Ninth Pulse!
When Lin Huang rushed into the hinterland, he was detained by a blood-colored formation covering the sky.At the same time, several Great Seniors came to kill them.

Lin Huang sneered, raised his hand and threw out another blood cell, exactly the same as when he was in the ninth pulse.

Before those great lords got close to Lin Huang, they felt the terrifying breath of death igniting in their hearts.

They stared wide-eyed, looking at the gradually shrinking blood cells, their complexions changed drastically, and then ran in reverse.


Everything is too late.

After shrinking rapidly, the blood cell suddenly exploded.

There was a loud bang.

Huge fireworks ignited in the entire Scarlet Mountain Range.

And Lin Huang also jumped out of the void directly, turning around and leaving here.


At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded from the exploding Ten Thousand Miles of Blood Mountain, and then... a bloody hand that covered the sky suddenly appeared from under the ground, and grabbed and squeezed towards the forest.

Lin Huang frowned, the bloody hand was so fast that he couldn't dodge it.

That must be the hermit powerhouse in this territory, probably not weaker than Tianzun...

Lin Huang's backhand dominates the world and fights out.

With that giant hand flicking his sleeves, he would directly annihilate Xiong Batian.


Lin Huang was directly hammered away by the bloody giant hand.

At the same time, Lin Huang slashed out again, tearing apart the void!
He didn't love fighting, so he turned and ran.

However, the blood-colored giant hand behind him is chasing after him...

Another bang.

The entire void was completely annihilated and turned into nothingness.

And when the void was annihilated, Lin Huang just tore the void... I don't know if he escaped or was annihilated along with the void.

The territory of the eighth vein.

It was a small island surrounded by a sea of ​​blood.

The island is not small, it is very big.

However, compared to the sea of ​​blood, it is indeed somewhat out of proportion.

At this moment, Tianzun and all the evil races frowned slightly.

Although Lin Huang's escape speed is not weak, if he really competes in speed, Tianzun will only be faster.

Therefore, they will inevitably reach the eighth vein first.

But they waited for a long time, but they didn't see Lin Huang appearing... and before they came, they were never attacked by Lin Huang.

Tianzun's expression began to become gloomy.

But just half of the gloomy, the face of the fifth elder behind him changed, and after briefly reporting the matter, he turned into a streamer and left the world.

Lin Huang attacked the fifth vein.

Not the eighth pulse.

The Fifth Great Venerable left, Tianzun didn't stop him, but he didn't follow the latter either.

At this moment, he already understood what Lin Huang was doing.

Since this is the case, it is impossible for him to follow Lin Huang's butt to kill him, and there will never be any results.

"Gurya, wow Siri..."

Huangfu Tianxia stood up again at this moment, chattering something, roughly for Tianzun's analysis, Lin Huang might attack the eighth vein next.

However, Tianzun shook his head.

He has already figured it out, instead of guessing which lineage Lin Huang will attack, it is better to lay out the entire lineage... Let the great masters of each lineage return.

In this way, it will be very difficult for Lin Huang to sneak attack on any branch.

Firstly, with the return of the great masters of all races, Lin Huang wants to fight and leave quickly, but it is already very difficult to achieve!
Secondly, each branch will be prepared in the future. If Lin Huang dares to come to challenge, he is throwing himself into the trap.


As long as he can trap Lin Huang for a very short period of time and send a message in time, he can arrive in an instant and kill Lin Huang.

In Tianzun's eyes, Tianzun felt that this was a foolproof approach.

Seeing that Tianzun interrupted his suggestion, Huangfu Tianxia silently retreated behind, with a smile in his eyes.

God is fair. He gave the evil race a powerful natal talent, but took away their brains.

Tianzun turned around and began to order all the evil clans to go back to their homes, waiting for Lin Huang to catch a turtle in an urn.

Even the former three veins who didn't come with him, he still sent news to them.

When a group of strong men left, Tianzun stood proudly in the void, with a look of cold arrogance in his eyes, a small human race, really thought he could turn the world upside down?
As long as Moyue Tianzun's retreat is over, even if you hide in the body of my Xieyue God Clan, you will still have nothing to hide.

At that time, it will be the time when you have no way to go to heaven, no way to be invincible!

cough cough.

In the bloody vast sea, Lin Huang floated on it, coughing constantly.

Just now, he was already very cautious.

Hit and go, that's his strategy.However, the reaction speed of the fifth pulse still exceeded his expectation.

Even though he finally stepped into the crack of the void, when the void was annihilated by the bloody giant hand, he was severely injured, hurting Dao Yun.

It is not an easy task to recover.

Stealing two families in a row, within Lin Huang's estimation...he didn't even think about leveling the Nine Meridians in a row.The Xiezu is not a fool, nor is he a lunatic.

However, Lin Huang estimated before that he would be able to switch to the Three Meridians.

Now that there is an accident here in the fifth vein, it is impossible to do the same thing as before... it is impossible.

However, Lin Huang didn't think that dealing with Jiumai would end here!

(End of this chapter)

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