
Chapter 1886 War Evil Clan

Chapter 1886 War Evil Clan

Hearing Lin Huang's words, Huangfu was taken aback.

Then he frowned deeply.

Start to catch the opportunity to become a god?

So fast?
Looking at the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor in the Heavenly Dao Palace in his body, Huangfu Tianxia shook his head... It seems that this is to cut off his own retreat, put him to death and reborn.

Above the void of heaven, the round of snow-white sun also burst into light.

"What does the senior want to say?"

Huangfu Tianxia asked.


After thinking about it for a while, Xuebai Dayi immediately shook his head, "His journey has only just begun!"

Huangfu Tianxia raised his eyebrows, he didn't ask any more questions, but instead looked in the direction of the sixth vein.

Capturing the opportunity to become a a great thing.

However, where is the opportunity to become a god?


In the void of heaven and earth.

After Lin Huang arranged everything, he turned into a thunderbolt and headed towards the eighth channel.


In just a dozen or so breaths, under the blue sky, a blood-colored blade pierced through the void, and opened an abyss in the territory of the eighth vein.

In the next moment, a bloody barrier appeared in the entire territory of the eighth vein, directly sealing Lin Huang within.

Jiumai has been waiting for Lin Huang for a long time.

This little human thief finally came here to seek his own death.

Lin Huang glanced around indifferently, without any nonsense, holding the Shan Na knife, he went to kill those great masters in the eighth vein.

The Eighth Dazun took the lead to protect the eighth meridian.

There was a loud noise, and under the covers of both sides, the Eighth Great Venerable flew back backwards.But Lin Huang killed the other digital masters.

As for the other dignitaries, they were already prepared, and before Lin Huang approached, the overwhelming attacks came crashing down.

The world is snowing!

Between the sky and the earth, snowflakes are flying, and there are murderous intentions hidden in the sky.

Lin Huang was walking forward in the heavy snow, his white clothes were fluttering, his figure was staring at him, his gestures were not some great skill of life and death.

It's killing God with a single blow.

Although the long-lost martial art is not as powerful as Xiongbatianxia... But now, Lin Huang seems to have realized that the so-called martial arts is not strong or not, sometimes it is not in the technique, but in the heart.

Lin Huang slaughtered forward, and the god of heaven cut out, beheading the head of a great venerable.

In an instant, several other great seniors came to Lin Huang's body.

He raised his knife and could have retreated calmly.But Lin Huang did not advance but retreated, using his immortal body to forcefully attack the Great Senior.

The next moment, Lin Huang flew out backwards, with several cracks on his body.

At the same time, the head of a Great Senior died under Lin Huang's A Bidao three times.

Lin Huang didn't care about the scars in his body, but smiled on his face.

long time.

It has been a long time.

It's been a long time since he fought so decisively... Once upon a time, he would only do so when he was cornered against a powerful opponent.

After his strength increased a bit, he was a little bit reluctant to die.

Therefore, Lin Huang Mingwu...his growth rate seemed to be fast, but it slowed down.

A series of evil powers shook into the body, causing damage to the chest and abdomen, but on the contrary, it inspired Lin Huang's blood and determination.

Kill the enemy, what do you do with your own life!
Being traumatized, Lin Huang did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards the digital master in front of him with a knife...


Suddenly, the dragon chant came out from the body, and an illusory peerless blue dragon appeared, swallowing a great master in one gulp.

Not even waiting for the Great Senior to break out of the dragon.

Lin Huang pierced through Canglong with a single stab, and killed the Great Master in Canglong's body.

At the same time, Lin Huang was attacked by other great masters again, and his immortal body was shattered.

Lin Huang patted the shattered body, and in the shattered cracks, the snow-white flame of Nirvana ignited.

In the next moment, Lin Huang turned into lightning again and came out to kill.

Above the sky, the thunder roared, and the world-slaying seven masters shone on the world, descending from the sky, besieging and killing the Great Master.


Under the void, a shocking scolding suddenly sounded.

I saw a figure suddenly covering half of the sky, pressing down on the forest desert cover with a palm.


With just one breath, he can cross mountains and rivers and arrive suddenly.

He is not afraid of Lin Huang appearing.

I'm afraid that Lin Huang will become a shrinking turtle.

He is overjoyed!
Today is the day of Lin Huang's death...

In a very short period of time, he already knew the big secret... According to legend, Lin Huang is the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian, and he may also be the successor of Emperor Jintian.

In any case, he bears the Dharma Body of the Emperor of Heaven!

This is the most precious physique of the human race, which has the power to shock the heavens and all races.

In the tens of thousands of years since the fall of the Emperor Jin, all the heavens and all races have been looking for the cultivation technique of the Emperor's Dharma Body.

Today, the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body reappears.

It may be a great opportunity for the evil clan, or it may be a great opportunity for him.

With Huangfu in the world, maybe the evil race can cultivate the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Emperor.

Even if he doesn't long as he dedicates the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body to the Chitian God Clan as a reward, he might be able to become a god immediately.

At that time, his status in the evil clan will not be the same, and he will no longer be tempted by the gods of the evil moon god clan.

So... Lin Huang must die today!
And he is about to rise to the top.

In the void below, Lin Huang didn't know that Tianzun had so many inner dramas.

Looking at the giant palm that fell from the sky and the pressure of death that made him feel, Lin Huang calmed down instead.

He closed his eyes, as if feeling this death.

long time...

There is no such feeling of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds anymore.

"Don't be obsessed with the opportunity to become a god. I am a warrior, and I should take fighting as my soul!"

Lin Huang reminded himself, warned himself.


He suddenly drew his knife.

——Hero dominates the world!
Between the heaven and the earth, a world-shaking blood river rolled out, and the blood river ran over the void, turning the void into nothingness.

It stayed in front of Tianzun's giant palm, impacting wave after wave.

Slowed the progress of the giant palm.

Completely blocked.

With a loud bang, the river of blood transformed by Hegemony exploded, and along with it, the giant palm of Tianzun was cut off.

Above the void, Tianzun frowned furiously, looking at the bleeding palm, his killing intent surged.

Excluding the previous numbness, he didn't expect that this little human thief could really hurt him.

After the knife was passed, Lin Huang suddenly stepped back.

He didn't turn his head, but he already sensed that several Heavenly Venerates were coming to kill him. His expression was calm, and his sleeves were rolled up:

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying... Wu Gou is frosty and snowy..."

"The silver saddle shines on the white horse, like a shooting star!"


Under the sky, the mighty energy condensed.A series of white-clothed swordsmen appeared, and they walked with their swords, killing Tianzun in front of them.

Boom boom boom.

Those white-clothed swordsmen didn't last long before they exploded and annihilated.

However, that's enough.

Their appearance blocked the momentary offensive of the Great Senior from behind.

At this very moment, Lin Huang drew out his saber, "Gods and demons are monuments!"

There was a thunder from heaven and earth, and an image of gods and demons descended from the sky, instantly suppressing and killing the three great venerables.

During the interval between Lin Huang's dealing with the Great Senior, Tian Zun had already appeared in front of Lin Huang, only a foot away from him.

He stared at Lin Huang coldly, his eyes full of jokes.

Lin Huang was very serious, and the injured Canglong rushed towards Tianzun again.

Tianzun Wu commanded and directly grabbed Canglong, and pulled hard... It didn't break Canglong, but it made Canglong's bones fall off.

At this moment, Canglong wailed.

But... just as the Canglong appeared, Lin Huang had already fallen into the ruthless heaven, and he dropped a move from the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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