
Chapter 1887 Tuoba Inheritance

A loud bang.

Under the blessing of the ruthless way of heaven, Zhu Tianchangjue cut off Tianzun's palm in an instant, and left a terrifying scar on Tianzun's chest.

Tianzun was furious.

As he roared angrily, the world was blood red, as if the sky had changed.

He stomped down, surrounded by the power of rules to restrain the void, making it impossible for Lin Huang to escape.

But now, Lin Huang didn't think about escaping.

He moved around, feeling the pressure of the mountain, the Shan Na knife in his hand began to whimper, Lin Huang closed his eyes...

When he closed his eyes, the whole blood-red world suddenly became pitch black.

Night shrouded the earth.

A sense of depression swept across the sky.

Around the forest wasteland, the power of the rules that came from Dao Dao Dao broke, and it seemed that he had encountered a terrible creature.

Lin Huang raised the knife, looked up at Tianzun again, smiled and said:
they said……

To achieve the position of emperor and god depends on the strength of the heart.

I think they are right.

Everything in the world, as big as the heart can hold, is as strong as it is.

But they are wrong.

Because they told me half the answer, but not all, so it's wrong.

However, another person told me half the answer.

He said that warriors... need faith!
As soon as Lin Huang's words fell, Shan Mo Dao suddenly appeared...

In the next moment, the void is gone.

The rules wither.

Even Tianzun became dazed for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he found that his face was full of tears.

He was suddenly shocked.

He doesn't understand!


Why is this?

The power of grief!
A little human emperor actually made himself feel the deep sorrow.

Sorrows of the night!
And at the moment of loss of consciousness, he stepped on Lin Huang's foot, and it had already been turned into powder.

He suddenly roared and roared, using the supreme power to disperse the darkness in the void. He raised his hand, and a world-shaking blood gun appeared in his hand.

In the next moment, Tianzun charged towards Lin Huang.

His speed was so fast that Lin Huang couldn't even react in time.

However, Lin Huang did not respond.

He just opened his mouth slowly, "You broke the night and brought the dawn. I will show you... the sword of dawn!"

Before Lin Huang could finish his sentence, he had already spoken his words.

A big sun suddenly shot into the sky.

Do not……

That's not the big day.

It was a snow-white sword.

Carrying monstrous power, it looks like a sword of a god, full of light and brilliant heavenly power.

The Sword of Dawn fell from the sky and pierced directly into Tianzun's chest...

Tianzun howled in pain.

He jumped into the void continuously, his speed was extremely fast.But he didn't expect that the sword of dawn could stab him with precision.

Around the wound, the power of the Sword of Dawn was like a flame, and it began to annihilate the filth and the body of Tianzun.

At this moment, Tianzun actually had the illusion of being defeated by Lin Huang.


He quickly adjusted himself, angrily bearing the pain and pulling out the Sword of Dawn, his whole body turned into a sea of ​​blood, rolling towards the forest wasteland.

Lin Huang frowned, and flew out backwards.

However, in the next moment, he was attacked suddenly, and was punched from behind into a sea of ​​blood. …

Lin Huang turned his head from the sea of ​​blood, only to find that there was a mirror behind himself just now.It is the power in the mirror that makes him fall into the sea of ​​blood.

The moment he fell into the sea of ​​blood, Lin Huang's immortal body began to be crazily corroded.

Gradually, Lin Huang's skin began to soften in the sea of ​​blood.

The bloody water, as if possessing infinite magic power, began to dissolve Lin Huang's body crazily.

Tianzun, you want to directly assimilate and dissolve Lin Huang, and deprive Lin Huang of his power and Dao Yun.

Lin Huang sat cross-legged in the blood, and a snow-white halo suddenly appeared around his body.

The aperture emits thousands of divine lights, which is a big sun.

The sea of ​​blood was crazy, thousands of waves submerged Lin Huang, causing Lin Huang to sink in the sea of ​​blood, unable to struggle.


At this moment, the forest waste is like duckweed.

He sank in the sea of ​​blood, but he was immortal.

No matter how crazy the blood is, the sun around him will never be extinguished, and the blood will not be able to invade his physical body.

Do not……

Not long after, a crack appeared on the big day, and blood poured into Lin Huang's body continuously.

That's not the day when the sea of ​​blood broke through.

Instead, Lin Huang is actively absorbing the power of the sea of ​​blood!
He is crazy.

However, under such madness, Lin Huang's injuries were recovering quickly, and his demeanor gradually became evil.

Gradually, between Lin Huang's seals, a pocket version of Tian Shura reappeared in the palm of his hand.

That's not the real Heavenly Shura.

It is the figure derived from Lin Huang's martial arts.

Lin Huang controls the Great Sun, draws in the sea of ​​blood, and uses the power of Tian Shura to swallow the blood and water...

Immediately afterwards, Tian Shura was expanding rapidly.

Inflated to the point that it can't be like the sky Shura.

The sea of ​​blood is endless... The power of thousands of rules, like the tentacles of underwater creatures, constantly beats down the big sun around Lin Huang.

However, they were still unable to destroy the Great Sun.

Tian Shura was also ignored.

Tian Shura is getting bigger and bigger, ten feet... one hundred feet... one thousand feet...

He stood up from the sea of ​​blood, the blood was surging, and he looked down arrogantly.

The next moment, Lin Huang pointed at the brow of Bloody Sky Shura.


A loud bang.

Tian Shura, which was derived from martial arts, exploded.

The entire sea of ​​blood splashed out, and the bloody water couldn't disperse into a river!
"This big's called Heaven and Earth Chaoyang!"

Lin Huang opened his eyes, looked at the water drops all over the sky, and spoke calmly.

The next moment, he put his hands together!
"Woolen cloth!"





Between heaven and earth, there is an ancient sound of Buddha lamenting!

The power of benevolent vows manifests the sky, and with great ambitions, it begins to transform the blood beads in the void.

Immediately afterwards, there was a golden light shining on the sky and the earth.

In the next moment, a Buddha body appeared in the void.



One hundred!


Hundreds and thousands.


The bodies of thousands of Buddhas manifested in the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth... They chanted the voice of compassion from the Buddha, cleansing the sun and the moon, and making the great venerables from all directions bow down devoutly.

Under the monstrous Buddhist scriptures, the blood droplets floating in the void began to be saved drop by drop.


After only half a quarter of an hour's transformation, thousands of blood beads in the void suddenly converged towards the center, but after turning their heads for a few breaths, they condensed into Tianzun again.

After all, it is Tianzun, even if Lin Huang has great means, it is extremely difficult to kill him.


Tianzun was already furious at this time.

He is honored as a god, and there is a natural gap between him and Lin Huang.He didn't allow himself to fall into a disadvantage in front of a small Dazun.

And with Tianzun's long howl, the blood demon possessed him in anger.

Then, the peak of the sea of ​​blood appeared.

In another instant, countless mirrors appeared in the void.

Buddha looks in the mirror... Compassion to compassion!
Tianzun roared and rushed towards Lin Huang.

In the void, Lin Huang raised his head calmly.

"I rarely use his moves... because I feel that his inheritance will carry cause and effect, and cause!"

"But... if I use it, you will surely die!"

A smile appeared on Lin Huang's face.

That smile is bright.




Just for a moment, the same expression, the same smile, turned into an incomparably ferocious one.



"Buddha... is the demon of the past!"

In an instant... all the Buddhas in the void became demons with one thought!

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