
Chapter 1888

Between heaven and earth.

The Buddha a moment ago has become a demon a moment later.

The body of the Buddha is withered and broken, stained with evil spirits.

Fierce and disdainful.

The clasped hands were separated, the right hand clenched into a fist, and at the same time, he rushed towards Tianzun.

For a moment, tens of thousands of demon fists moved towards Tianzun at the same time.

Tianzun was furious, and countless mirrors appeared around him to break the situation.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

The mirror is shattered.

Blood stained the sky!
Tianzun didn't even have time to scream, so he exploded!

Below, Lin Huang's big sleeves rolled up, and began to annihilate the shattered life dao of Tianzun.

For a moment, Wan Fang was horrified.


That is a Celestial Venerable, who can see the existence of the threshold of the gods.He was punched and killed by a human race of the Great Exalted Realm.


That human race fled like a dog in embarrassment.

Why is this?

What are they still doing, but Lin Huang has thousands of hands in the past, and the demon has already started a massacre on the eighth vein.

Tianzun was killed, and the confidence of those great venerables also fell to the bottom.

As for the eighth vein powerhouse under the Great Senior, they were even more frightened out of their wits.

In the realm of great lords, rebel against the semi-sages.

The human race is really hateful!
The strongest was slaughtered, and the defensive and attacking mentality of the eighth vein collapsed in an instant, and the strong with great dignity took the lead in fleeing.


There is no chance.

Thousands of demons in the past raised their heads and roared, forming a dark purgatory cage in the void. Being in the cage is like being in an endless hell.

No life!

Lin Huang held the Shan Na knife in his hand, and slaughtered wantonly in the purgatory cage.

At this moment, even if Dazun came to fight, he would easily suppress and kill him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the top management of the eighth vein was almost wiped out by Lin Huang.

The Eighth Great Senior looked at Lin Huang whose white shirt was stained with blood, his eyes were dumbfounded.

Before that, he finally became the eighth great master.

Now, he fell short again.

How much effort has been put in by the entire Mingjiao secret line for the position of the eighth great master.

How come this leader is like a rebel.

You've slaughtered the eighth meridian, why are you still pretending?What's the point of putting it on?
You have slaughtered the Heavenly Venerable, so I have to die too.

I can't justify my death!

Lin Huang lifted the knife, stepped on the corpse under his feet, and glanced at the latter, "Let Qin Xuance withdraw everyone, the evil race... will become my place of killing and enlightenment!"


The Eighth Great Venerable was stunned for a long time before replying in response.

But Lin Huang has gone far.

he is not a god...

Unable to maintain the past for how long.

Therefore, you have to take advantage of the time and hurry to the next branch.

But... he just walked halfway, he couldn't hold on anymore, a mouthful of blood rushed out, and the whole person fell from mid-air.

Although he suppressed and killed Tianzun, the strength of the latter is quite tyrannical.

It is impossible to say that there is no injury.

Moreover, not only was he injured, but he was seriously injured.

Falling headlong into the bloody mountains, Lin Huang coughed a few times, then shook his head:
"I seem to be dying again!"

However, at the moment his heart is very happy. …

It's even more enjoyable than letting Tian Shura steal the seventh great venerable in a sneaky way. It's not impossible to kill the demigod celestial being.

However, a fight, the opportunity to practice enlightenment before, did not appear.

This made Lin Huang somewhat disappointed.

Afterwards, Lin Huang shook his head and smiled again.

If the opportunity to become a god is so easy to catch, then the god may not be very good.

In the blood-colored wild jungle, Lin Huang shuttled rapidly.

Since he intends to put himself to death and survive, he will not hide in the body of the evil race. In this way, his traces will inevitably be exposed soon.

Moreover, it is not only as simple as exposure.

After all, he beheaded Tianzun...

Among the evil race, I am afraid that it will cause shocking turmoil.

The eighth vein is destroyed.

Tianzun was beheaded.

No matter what, it will alarm the high level of the evil race.And the one who led the team to catch him couldn't be an ordinary grand lord, but must also be a demigod-level celestial venerable.

Fortunately, the gods of the evil race should not directly attack.

After all, he was just a great senior, and the gods didn't even bother to make a move.

As Lin Huang ran wildly, the fire of Nirvana was ignited all over his body, and he began to restore his physical body.He never shuttled through the jungle, but headed towards the ancient big city outside the wild mountains.

He is going to live after death, so he must constantly push himself into desperation.

The so-called guerrilla hiding did not serve his purpose.

If you want to catch the opportunity of the gods, you can only fight and fight until you succeed in catching the opportunity of the gods, or... you die.

In just a dozen or so breaths, Lin Huang rushed out of the wild jungle.Looking at the outline of the ancient city in the distance, he turned around and left.

There are no strong men in that city.

What can stimulate his desire to fight must be the Great Exalted Realm.

It seems that they still have to go to the Jiumai base camp, or go straight to the royal court of the evil clan.

Then Lin Huang went straight to the ninth vein.

I believe you have not slowed down, I will grind it again.

However... Halfway through Lin Huang's walk, the figure suddenly stopped, and turned to look at the upper right of the void.

There, there is a blood-colored cloud in the shape of a bright moon.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and suddenly the saber was drawn out of its sheath, directly killing the blood cloud.


The blade cut across the blood cloud, and made a sound in the void, but it directly smashed into the air.

Then, a ray of light fell on Lin Huang's body.It seemed to have infinite magic power, it fixed Lin Huang's figure, and began to pull away his soul.


Lin Huang roared angrily, the strength in his body exploded and he broke free from the restraints, and raised his hand to wipe out the light around him.

He looked up.

I saw a blood moon floating in front of me. On the blood moon, sitting cross-legged, was an ancient figure. He was hundreds of feet tall and dressed in coarse linen, full of arrogance.

Lin Huang frowned, and then made a move to dominate the world, testing the depth of the comer.

Suddenly, the strong man above the blood moon opened his eyes, and sharp and mysterious rules expanded from his eyes.

The hero who dominates the world suddenly annihilates in the void.

Lin Huang frowned... Tianzun!
Another Heavenly Venerable.

Moreover, it gave Lin Huang a stronger feeling than the previous Tianzun.

After all, the way of playing is different.

The totem of the Evil Moon God Clan is the blood moon in the sky, but this person can sit on a blood moon and appear, which is enough to show his strength and status in the Evil Clan.

However, the appearance of a stronger person did not scare Lin Huang, but made his blood boil even more.

Maybe he can make himself have no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth.

Can make oneself feel the breath of death.

Lin Huang's hair was disheveled and his white clothes were stained with blood. He held the Shannan knife and laughed heartily and killed Tianzun.


The Heavenly Venerable above the blood moon spoke, and after the words fell, he raised his hand and pressed down!

In an instant, 81 blood-colored rule god chains appeared in the sky and earth, bound towards the forest desert.

Klang clang clang!

Lin Huang shattered the chains of rules that had been killed with a knife.

In the distance, Tian Tianzun was not angry at all when he saw this, but nodded... Then, he jumped down from the blood moon and killed Lin Huang!

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