
Chapter 1909

Chapter 1909

Hearing Lin Huang's doubts, Emperor Tantai Qing shook his head.

"Before you, there was no living Myriad Dao Chengjie, no real Myriad Realm Born!"

Said, Tantai Qingdi raised his hand.

In his palm, rays of light appeared, and each ray of light was like a road, and then the road became a boundary, and a world of heavens and myriad worlds was constructed in the palm of Tantai Qingdi.

"The so-called birth from all worlds is just a possibility conceived by a group of extinct people of the human race in order to get rid of this tidal fate!"

Tantai Qingdi waved his sleeves, turned his back to Lin Huang, with a melancholy expression, "It's those people who died out who dedicated their own way, pieced together, and formed the life of ten thousand worlds!"

Lin Huang frowned, "Why...since it is the Dao of Nirvana, what's the point of constructing the life of Nirvana in all worlds? He can't shake the heavens and all worlds!"

"It's not impossible, it's just too difficult!"

Tantai Qingdi shook his head, "As long as they come back from the Dao, the extinct Myriad Realms may become a living Myriad Realms!"

"At that time, when all Dao join forces, it will be possible to compete with the heavens and worlds. Let the entire human race take charge of the new heavens and worlds, so as to avoid the catastrophe of the tide!"

Lin Huang frowned tightly.

"So... you have been working hard for it? The Dao of the predecessors also participated in the construction of the Myriad Realms?"

Lin Huang asked.

Tantai Qingdi was silent and did not answer Lin Huang's words, but Lin Huang already understood.

If the latter hadn't personally participated in it, it would be impossible for him to know so many secrets.

For a moment, Lin Huang was horrified...

He tentatively said, "Senior... come from the Ancestral Land of Chaos? Will he return with the students from the Ten Thousand Realms?"

Tantai Qingdi remained silent and did not answer Lin Huang's words.

"Dare to ask senior... who am I?"

Lin Huang cupped his fists and opened his mouth.

Tantai Qingdi turned his head and looked at Lin Huang, "It doesn't matter who you are... what matters is the path you walk!"

"Now that you have taken the first step, I hope you can keep going!"

"When someone gives birth to a living Myriad Realm, then the extinct Myriad Realm is not so important. And... when a person is born into Myriad Realm, its power is far beyond that of a patchwork of Nirvana Myriad Realm! "

"And your achievements are immeasurable! But when a young tiger is young, you should restrain your wings and fight against wolves. Use time as a stone and sharpen your edge. When you show your fangs, the whole world will tremble for it! "

Tantai Qingdi said something that made Lin Huang somewhat puzzled.

Lin Huang frowned, and it was his turn to fall silent.

I didn't do anything, I just wanted to empower the Dao, so why is this the birth of the myriad worlds?
This Tantai Qingdi, could he be fooling himself?

Did he want to take away his home?

Lin Huang couldn't help taking two steps back.

"Every real strong person has his own arrogance and strength of character, and he will not covet you. If he really covets you, it will be difficult for such a person to reach the top. Since I am the Tantai Qingdi, I will not be against you. You have a strange mind!"

Tantai Qingdi didn't look at Lin Huang at all, but he clearly knew Lin Huang's thoughts.

Lin Huang smiled awkwardly, he couldn't see through Tantai Qingdi's heart.

Can't be completely reassured.

"Senior, please give me some advice!"

Lin Huang began to gather the wool of Tantai Qingdi.

"A person who once died, how can he guide the future generations. You don't need others to guide you, you only need self-awakening!"

Tantai Qingdi tactfully rejected Lin Huang.

"Senior invited me in, is it just to talk about this?"

Lin Huang spoke.

Tantai Qingdi turned his head and stared at Lin Huang, "Forget it...what is longevity, what is immortality, what is immortality...the world in your body is just a dross thing!"

"The birth of ten thousand realms, even if it is formed by the condensing of ten thousand dao Chengjie, it still needs the most basic avenue as a medium connection... Have you ever thought that if you condense the sea of ​​ten thousand dao in your body and gather ten thousand dao, what else do you lack? ?”

Tantai Qingdi opened his mouth.

"Lack of guidance from the seniors!"

Lin Huang hit the snake with a stick.

Tantai Qingdi flicked his sleeves, "Let's go... It's meaningless to talk to you, maybe it's even more counterproductive. It's just a moment of regret!"

"Senior... I'm an ordinary person, and I don't understand your mysterious words. I just want to ask, who am I?"

Lin Huang showed signs of being a rascal.

"When you think you should know who you are, you will know who you are!"

Tantai Qingdi shook his head, and sent Lin Huang out of the Heavenly Dao Palace with a flick of his sleeves.

Lin Huang was in a trance, then returned to the void, looked at Huangfu Tianxia in front of him, and frowned slightly, "Senior brother, where did you dig out this living fossil?"

"none of your business!"

Huangfu Tianxia rejected Lin Huang.Then it came out with a hint, and a mark sank into Lin Huang's eyebrows.

"This is the Wuhun Profound Truth of the Six Paths of Reincarnation... Tantai Qingdi said, let you exchange it with the Nine Secrets of the Evil Clan!"

Huangfu said to the world.

"Emperor Tantai Qing should just say, give me the mystery of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. As for the Nine Secrets of the Evil Clan...he should not like it!"

"Junior brother, you need to bear the karma to owe favors to others. The stronger you are, the greater the karma you will bear!"

Huangfu Tianxia was a little angry.


Lin Huang said calmly.

"Eldest brother, you still have to work hard on your own cultivation... Tantai Qingdi, you are destined not to be able to keep it. Hurry up as much as you can!"

Lin Huang began to persuade Huangfu Tianxia, ​​"As for the Xie Clan and Blazing God Clan, if you still want to go your own way, go for it! But you have to hurry up... I can't hold back Tian Shura now, when he has One day you feel that you are strong enough, and you will have no chance to find an opportunity to go to the Blazing God Clan!"

"Can't I still betray you?"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"Believe me, Emperor Tantai Qing will not let you do this!"

As he said that, Lin Huang's expression became serious, "Although, I believe in Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen. But you have to be careful yourself, don't become the puppet of Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen. Rely on them, after all, Not as strong as yourself!"

"Yo, have you started preaching to your elder brother?"

Huangfu said sourly.

"You can't even ask for the Evil Race anymore, if you don't, then leave quickly!"

Huangfu Tianxia was a little impatient.

"The plan can't keep up with the changes. Since there is hope to directly ban the evil race, why make such a big commotion... Maybe..."

Lin Huang frowned, then laughed.

Immediately, Lin Huang rolled up his sleeves and left directly, "The Nine Secrets of the Evil Clan, Tian Shura will naturally finish learning one day, and then you can go find him yourself, whether you can get it or not depends on your ability!"

"Little bunny!"

Huangfu Tianxia looked at Lin Huang's leaving back and snorted coldly.

"Tantai... You said too much just now, but you are only born in two worlds. Telling him now will make his conquest heart dust. He is a person who carefully hides his edge, although doing so will make him go away." It is farther away, but throughout the ages, any peerless giant has grown up from killing!"

Huangfu Tianxia looked serious, and talked with Tantai Qingdi in Tiandao Palace.

"Eternal planning is all in one person. The interruption of the tidal catastrophe is related to the lives of millions of immortals of the human race. Shouldn't we be cautious?"

Tantai Qingdi opened his mouth.

"He is just an ordinary person, so why should he be responsible for the world?"

Huangfu Tianxia frowned.

"Then tell me, you and I are just ordinary people, why should we take on this responsibility? Me in the fourth tidal era, you in the fifth tidal era... What are you living for and what are you dying for?"

"And don't forget, who came up with the concept of Myriad Worlds Born first!"

(End of this chapter)

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